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UK Newswire Archive

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Protest demos in every major Italian city

24-07-2001 18:56

Thousands if not tens of thousands of people are marching through Bologna and every major city in Italy.

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Etna - the symbol of the movements fury and determination

24-07-2001 18:23

As we are slowly recovering from the events in Genoa and
already heading our sights towards Washington and other major
summits, take a look at whats happening on the island of Sicily.
The Volcano Etna is about to explode.

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Call for a mass mobilization for Genoa Oct. 20-21, 2001

24-07-2001 16:32

Call for a mobilization for the 20th and 21st of October, 2001

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Report on demonstrations in Dublin at embassy

24-07-2001 15:47

Report on demonstrations in Dublin at embassy
A short rerport with pictures of the demonstrations in Dublin outside the Italian embassy

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24-07-2001 15:08

make your own mind up...

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Violence in Genoa: the target and the turning point

24-07-2001 14:53

Genoa is a turning point for the movement against globalized capitalism. The tactics and overall style of our very loose coalition of forces have reached their limits after huge sucesses, and now if we really want to stop the capitalist take-over and produce a social revolution, we must find a new political relation to the inevitable presence of violence.

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Hey, running is healthy!

24-07-2001 13:57

Irony against the conscious anti-anarchist propaganda...

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Full series of Genoa articles from Adam Porter and Mike Gillard

24-07-2001 13:42

A series of articles are available at our site, with pictures. By the way we aren't Maoists, its an ironic Belgian name...

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Göteborg supports the brutalized in Genua!

24-07-2001 13:07

I was in Göteborg during the EU summit. I saw what the police (the state) does to those who resist. My heart aches as I see the pictures of blood smeared walls of Genua and realize that it is time to weake up and realize what we are up against.

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Criminalization of the Black Bloc - State wins the match!

24-07-2001 11:24

Agents of the government tried to disrupt the movement by difamating one of the most combative parts of the global resistance... that's it. It´s time to take a stand. We won´t let you destroy our grassroots work (that´s for the police who's reading this article).

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Portland, Oregon stands in solidarity with Genoa

24-07-2001 06:21

Portland, Oregon (USA) stood in solidarity with Genoa on July 23.

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fuck the g8 we will be back '

24-07-2001 00:47

fuck the g8 we will be back next year

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Smear campaign against Black Bloc

23-07-2001 23:55

Usual liberaL and leftist smears against anarchists

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URGENT SUPPORT. Injured Brits denied consular access, 90 others charged

23-07-2001 23:31

Nicola and Richard were arrested while they slept, obviously they recieved injuries unwarranted during arrest of sleeping people. They have been charged with the same offences as ninety other people. There is a claim of NINETY people in the same building ALL having similar weapons

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More complete sequence of Carlo Giuliani shooting images.

23-07-2001 22:19

Originally a powerpoint file, converted to *.pdf by a German Indymedia user. Sequence of photos (with apologies & thanks to photographer and Reuters photographter Dylan Martinez) supports the contention that the shooting of Carlo Giuliani does not meet the legal criteria to qualify as justifiable homicide. Best to download the file and view it later if you are using Acrobat reader. Please circulate this file. Also available at as a powerpoint presentation.

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terrorist squad hassle son of genoa deportee

23-07-2001 21:28

frightening story of terrorist police in UK hassling relative of one of the 6 trident ploughshres people deported on arrival at genoa.

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please help

23-07-2001 19:41

help needed to get info on detained britons held after saturdays raid.

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23-07-2001 19:24

report and thoughts on Berlusconi and the nature of Fascism. Call for makeing the story clear.

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Italian Consulate in Edinburgh, Scotland, vandalised

23-07-2001 18:41

A brief report on an action at the Italian Consulate in Edinburgh

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Edinburgh, a personal 'Mouth Off!' report

23-07-2001 18:31

A personal report on 'Mouth Off!'- two days of discussions, talks and films along with thoughts on Genoa and the future.
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