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Israel, Lebanon, Palestinian Conflict: an Educational Solution

23-07-2006 05:09

Public Information Campaigns in Israel are vitally needed to educate the Israeli Public to (1) the illusory threat of a free and independent Palestine, indeed how this would benefit Israel, and (2) the stain left on the Jewish heritage and soul of Israel by such persistent aggression.

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Website with recent photos from Lebanon

23-07-2006 01:47
Showing results of the attack courtesy of the US taxpayer.

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IsraHell's fair game (part 2)

23-07-2006 01:31

IsraHell drops leaflets in Lebanon telling the people to leave...then KILLS them
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of the brave Lebanese people, massacred by U.S. backed IsraHell's war machine.

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Lockheed Bombs Expedited to Israel To Bomb the Little Ones of Lebanon

23-07-2006 00:23

Lockheed is today's father of Major Barbara. It is the world's biggest merchant of death, and is expediting delivery of its bunkerbuster bombs to burn the babies of the Mideast

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The New Totalitarianism

23-07-2006 00:18

A pretty comprehensive article on where we are now

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Joseph Thomas conviction immoral

22-07-2006 23:59


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photos and short report london lebanon demo 22/7

22-07-2006 23:02

usual suspects
7 - 30,000 protestors, depending on who you believe, marched from whitehall to hyde park today. then they went home

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A letter to Palestinian and Lebanese filmmakers from Israeli filmmakers

22-07-2006 22:28

A letter to Palestinian and Lebanese filmmakers to coincide with the opening of the Arab Film Biennial in Paris July 22nd

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Vigil for Jean Charles de Menezes

22-07-2006 22:26

Approximately 50 supporters gathered this morning at Stockwell Tube station to mark the first anniversary of the murder of Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes by the British security forces.

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London erupts in mass protest against Israeli crimes.

22-07-2006 20:11

Demonstrators assemble in the centre of London’s government district.
Around 10,000 people of conscience marched through central London today in fierce opposition to Israel’s mass slaughter of the Lebanese and Palestinian people and the British government’s complicity.

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Protestor arrested at Davis Cup Picket

22-07-2006 19:39

A protestor was arrested at the picket of the Israel-Britain Davis Cup tennis tournament in Eastbourne.

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Photos - Stop the War on Lebanon Demo - Manchester 22nd July

22-07-2006 19:10

Photos from Stop the War on Lebanon demo
Manchester 22nd July
March from the BBC to rally in Albert Square
2000 attended

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Chemical weapons in Lebanon

22-07-2006 19:00

Article from Wayne Madsen Report indicates chemical weapon use in Lebanon

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Sheffield demo against war in Lebanon

22-07-2006 18:44

Some photos from the rally and march in Sheffield held on Saturday 22nd July 2006 against the war in Lebanon.

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The real aims of the US-backed Israeli war against Lebanon

22-07-2006 18:05

As the onslaught against Lebanon enters its tenth day, Israeli troops are poised for a full-scale invasion that has been prepared by murderous aerial bombardment, and the far-reaching imperialist aims of the war have become all too clear.
With the full political, financial and military backing of the United States, the Zionist regime is attempting to transform Lebanon into an Israeli protectorate. This military operation is a continuation and escalation of the imperialist geo-political restructuring of the Middle East and Central Asia that began with the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and whose goal is the establishment of US domination of the entire region.
The immediate aim of this war—the elimination of Hezbollah as a military and political force within Lebanon—is directed against all mass resistance to Israeli and American domination of the country. The Bush administration and its allies in Jerusalem see this as an essential step toward: 1) the removal of the Syrian Baathist regime, and 2) the launching of a full-scale war against Iran.

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Call for witness (rikki) - anarchist bookfair 2005

22-07-2006 16:02

"i witnessed one completely unprovoked arrest"

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Newcastle Demo 22nd July Pics

22-07-2006 15:13

Pics from the Newcastle Demo

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Imperative Blair sees much influence next 5 days: LAST CHANCE

22-07-2006 14:52

This is what we need to avoid (Basra 23/MAR/03)
I've been combing the web for Blair's engagements next week (another job). He is to meet Bush and Rumsfeld on Friday & Saturday, presumably for green light to war agreement. IT IS IMPERATIVE he sees in person as much influence as possible THIS WEEK. ORGANISE IF YOU CAN.

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Update: Protests at Israel/Britain Davis Cup Game,Bournemouth

22-07-2006 13:30


Protest against Israel-Britain Davis Cup Game UPDATE...

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Sydney rally against Israeli aggression 22-7-06

22-07-2006 12:39

Sydney Rally
Keysar Trad, from the Islamic Friendship Association, told Green Left Weekly that more rallies, and bigger ones, would be needed if Israel didn't pull back from its invasion of Lebanon.
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