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Tatchell's strange bedfellows

02-05-2007 12:42

Many Indymedia regulars will know that I have been a long term critic of Peter Tatchell, some have accused me of being a homophobe because I critises the beloved leader's claims that are not true, Peter has claimed I am Gay and my criticism is just a jealous hissy fit. Let the facts speak for themselves.

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NZ parents retain right to smack children?

02-05-2007 12:02

Spare the Rod
It is not a matter of marching, decent, good parents into court. It's a matter of leading by example. Violence does not win and smacking children is the root cause of domestice violence.

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Garden gnome parties on Mayday in Glasgow

02-05-2007 11:38

The Glasgow Mayday street party passed without any incident as police and partyistas behaved both politely, respectful and cooperatively towards each other.

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London Mayday march, 2007

02-05-2007 11:38

Short video rush of the Mayday protest in London.

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May Day Party Arrests Total Lack Of Solidarity

02-05-2007 10:42

1 person arrested, and 2 people where fined £80 for calling the police 'Bastards'. the lack of solidarity with those arrested, or detained by the police was sickening, with only one attempt at a 'de-arrest' and only by two people. most of the organizers took the side of the police, trying to force the crowed to give up our mates to the cops.
Those who act with the police, are the police!

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7/7 Survivors Call for Independent Public Inquiry

02-05-2007 10:18

As I write I'm watching the live, lunchtime report on Sky News covering the delivery of a letter on behalf of 7/7 survivors drafted by Oury Clark Solicitors, formally requesting that the government facilitates an independent public inquiry into the 7th July 2005 terrorist attacks on the London Underground.

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Mayday in London 2007.

02-05-2007 10:15

The video shows Mayday in London.

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Pictures from SQUAF open mic night

02-05-2007 10:06

Here are some pictures from the open mic night at the SQUAF cafe social centre at the old tramway pub on London Road, Sheffield

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Plane Stupid mark ten years of Blair

02-05-2007 10:02

Green activists today marked the tenth anniversary of Tony Blair coming to power by visiting his best friends in industry to highlight the revolving door between Labour and the aviation industry and his failure to tackle climate change. (1) A team of protestors from climate action group, Plane Stupid, (2) are blocking the ‘revolving door’ to BAA’s Heathrow HQ to oppose government and industry plans for airport expansion.

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Probe into razor blade hate mail

02-05-2007 09:50

A HATE-mail investigation has been launched after a letter containing a razor blade was posted to a candidate standing in tomorrow's Bolton Council elections.

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Mayday marching

02-05-2007 08:54

A re-assuring 2/300 people joined the autonomous bloc on the TUC March yesterday for a good natured and increasingly liquid stroll through London to Trafalgar Square. As ever police presence was high and way over the top but the march passed without incident and no arrests were made.

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Levellers' Day 19 May 2007

02-05-2007 08:50

Levellers' Day Poster
The 33rd annual Levellers' Day is being held this year on Saturday 19 May, in Warwick Hall and gardens, Burford, as usual. It is always an excellent day out, even if it rains, with inspirational speakers, food and a variety of musical entertainment. For more info, tel: 01865 727731.

See below for the press release.

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Lord Browne goes down

02-05-2007 08:40

Let me out of here
But not alone

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Political conjunctions and Blurring definitions

02-05-2007 03:13

A number of factors have recently formed a conjunction, which provided a new view of a popular ‘reality’. Whenever the flames of the terrorist ‘threat’ begin to wane convenient arrests are made that fan the embers back into flames of concern. Recent police raids in Sydney and Melbourne have resulted in the arrests of two Sri Lankan Tamils; “two men have appeared in the Melbourne Magistrates Court on terrorism related charges,” ran the intro from one media outlet while another ran with, “men face terrorism charges after raids.” I’m sure we all get the drift but it should be noted that assistant commissioner to the Federal Police, Frank Prendergast, went to lengths "to make it clear that these men weren't involved in any possible attacks on Australian soil.” Well then, what?

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Government watchdog launches official investigation into SOAS CEO

02-05-2007 02:00

Workshy Lady Judge: can only manage a two-day week
National Audit Office inquiry into Lady Judge’s business dealings

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Cuba.May Day

02-05-2007 01:41

Multitudinal parades took place in all Cuba for the International Workers Day’s. Workers, students, housewives and retired workers, massed in the main plazas to join Cuba’s struggle against terrorism...

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Occupied Iraq: Something about "Liberation"...

02-05-2007 01:16

Never has a "liberation" managed to generate so many death mercenaries and contractors being paid up to 5'000 dollars a day with the sole aim of exterminating...and "pacifying".
Never has a country been so openly plundered and pillaged right in front of everyone's eyes and to the utter silence of its spectators...

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War criminal Bush vetoes Iraq withdrawal Bill

01-05-2007 23:35

Press Conference
His veto of a Bill that would fund wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with $US100 billion was allegedly a rejection of attempts by Democrats who control the US Congress to force him into a shift in strategy in the unpopular war?

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Oaxaca Solidarity Film Night! CAMBERWELL SQUATTED CENTRE

01-05-2007 23:22

As part of our regular Wednesday Film Nights, we will be showing two films that focus on the recent struggles in Oaxaca, Mexico. Event is free. All welcome.
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