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Civil Right to the City | Converge on Town Halls!

31-08-2008 16:43

Civil Rights, Right to the City and for a World without Cruelty

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Puppy Mills Shows Angers Today Against Maneka Gandhi PFA

31-08-2008 15:57

Regarding the demonstration against PFA by some influential traders and breeders of pets and pet shop owners who sell exotic animals like North American snakes etc
& they have no animal breeding rules to govern the breeding of animals for sale. (Only lately some meetings are being held to frame dog breeding rules. Thats in process now, no final rules have been devised.), While animal breeders are required to be licensed, there are no checks and there is no authority that is responsible for seeing the condition of the animals being bred,where they are kept, how often the animals are being bred and what happens to the animals when they are past breeding age said Ms. Sanya Ghosh here in Delhi. There is a lacuna in the law that allows pet shop proprietors to import species of wildlife , like exotic North America snakes, and sell them in India. Once in the country, they are not protected by the Wildlife Act or any Act for that matter except the Section 11 of the PCA Act, 1960 & It is unethical to breed and traffic in animals for the purpose of commerce, Such pet shop owners , who have enjoyed full freedom to conduct their trading in animals, enjoy the patronage of influential persons like the CM and her son. Instead she, the CM should have framed rules to govern the business of trading in animals Mandheer Maan of PFA Haryana said, he further told that thus it is ironic and foolish on the part of the pet shop owners to now present themselves as 'animal lovers' who try to promote 'compassion for animals' by selling pets.

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Grouse Shoots Sabbed in the Holme Valley

31-08-2008 15:03

West & South Yorkshire Hunt Sabs joined forces yesterday to stop grouse shoots in the Holme Valley, near Holmfirth.

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Caesar’s Vicar's Irish Govenor Have A Good Laught At The Irish And The Poles

31-08-2008 14:58


Why did the Irish reject Lisbon?

There is the small answer, the big answer and the in-between answer to this question

The small answer: The irish rejected Lisbon because the Rocco Buttigleoni, the Popes’ friend, was not given the job of EU Commissioner for Justice.

The Big Answer: The Irish rejected Lisbon because the Pope wants Europe to know that he really is Caesar’s Messiah’s Vicar on earth (I think he has given up his rank in the next world!) and that secular society, especially its Russian and Chinese form, being recalcitrant to his advices, are getting on Caesar’s nerves.

The In-between Answer: The Irish rejection of Lisbon was orchestrated to operate in tandem with the Poles unilaterally installing missiles aimed at Russia’s neck (justified by the planned agitation in Georgia) and Tibet’s Buddhist-Inspired provocation of China.

To understand how these answers fit into a single time-span that operates as a constant force in the world, one must be both a Catholic and a Pope. But laymen can get a glimpse of the Pope’s shenanigans by recalling some well-worn Papal methods of engagement. These, also, have a long-term as well as a short-term perspective.

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Activists Demo Council Over Ilkley Grouse Shoot Plans

31-08-2008 14:53

On Friday, 15 activists held a visual and noisey demo outside Bradford Council’s Head Office, Jacob’s Well, because of their plans to allow grouse shooting to return to Ilkley Moor.

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Direct action in Germany: 18th-30th August

31-08-2008 12:56

Protest against neo-nazi demonstration, fascist car burned, barricades...
Arson attack against the car of a neonazi
Protest against neo-nazi demonstration, fascist car burned, barricades...
Arson attack against Telekom
Arson attacks against neo-nazi cars and color against neo-nazi shops
Arson attack against a police station

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Rossport Picket Account

31-08-2008 12:12

Report from yesterdays picket at Glengad where Gardai attacked protesters at Shell's Compound

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IPCC Cover-up Sevenoaks Shooting

31-08-2008 11:24

Harmless - Ann Sanderson
Friends of the young woman shot dead by police in sevenoaks question why she had to be killed amid complete silence from the Independent police complaints comission (IPCC)

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Save Titnore Woods!

31-08-2008 10:42

WHEN is a wood not a wood? When it has a road running right through it!

The "new" planning application for the West Durrington development in Worthing, West Sussex, is being sold to the Worthing public as a "response to public opinion" that will spare many of the Titnore trees.

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Referendum, U.N. intervention in Baluchistan sought

31-08-2008 10:38

A Bugti tribesman who was burnt alive by Pakistan's Military Intelligence.
The situation in Baluchistan, which was illegally annexed by Pakistan in March 1948 has gone from bad to worse. Pakistan army is burning alive Baluch tribesmen. The Baluch have also voiced concern over Pentagon leaders meeting Pakistan army chief General Ashfaq Kayani in Baluch territorial waters. They say Kayani, who is a Punjabi, has no business on Baluch lands and waters.

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'Alarming' rise in self-harming at detention centres

31-08-2008 08:37

In the first six months of this year there were 109 cases of self-harm requiring medical attention. Colnbrook detention centre in Berkshire had the highest number, with 32 incidents so far this year. The numbers on self-harm watch have also risen - with 722 cases in the first half of 2008, up from 678 in the last six months of 2007. The total population of the country's immigration detention centres is typically below 2,300.

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In 100's of cities around the world Chalk4Peace 2008 Sept13-21

31-08-2008 06:42

For All The Children To Come

"Our Streets Are OUR Media"
WE have TOTAL access -
"We CAN Make the difference"
THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 13th - 21st Chalk4Peace!
On the pavements and sidewalks of our towns and cities

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A Note from St. Paul, Minnesota

31-08-2008 02:46

Please visit for more information and to drop a note expressing your solidarity to the thousands of brave comrades who will be in the streets in the coming days...

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“Reuters” faked images of Georgian victims allegedly killed by Russian attacks

31-08-2008 01:40

August 30, 2008

How psychological warefare was used during the Caucasian War by western corporate media against Russia

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Labour government proposes huge increase in state surveillance

31-08-2008 00:24

In a further escalation of the attack on democratic rights, the Labour government is proposing a huge increase in state surveillance. It is implementing new measures under the pretext of the “war on terror” to intrude ever deeper into the private lives of people who are viewed as potential criminals rather than citizens.

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Riseup! Radio #8 - September Show

30-08-2008 22:37

Climate camp cops in need of raw food diet?

Cor blimey – this month’s rioting edition of riseup! radio will have you jamming in the streets and digging carrots out of roundabouts. It’s our most packed and smartest show ever- no summer holidays for us, we’re too busy sorting our shit out- so join us for the lowdown on the summer’s hottest DIY events, camps and schemes, to find out why cops do bad things, and hear about some serious debates coming up this autumn. Get inspired to get involved.

Listen: #8 The September Show

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corrupt police, fbi/cia

30-08-2008 20:01

see the evidence of the low and violent mindset of the fbi/cia,police, etc., in the report shown below (with link).

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Sarah Palin the Antigore

30-08-2008 18:07

Sarah Palin is the road to the extinction of life on earth forever.

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Anarchists Against the Wall Benefit - Bristol

30-08-2008 17:34

activists destroying a section of the wall
DIY folk punk duo Ghost Mice from Gainesville FL. play all acoustic at the Plough with Clayton Blizzard, Bones at the Bottom of the Barrel, and Dr. Spin with some of Anarco Folko. Any surplus will be donated to Anarchists Against the Wall.

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John McCain: A Matter Of Character

30-08-2008 17:05

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