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subvertising in manchester

16-03-2006 19:28

some subverts

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“imagine your penis being sliced by razor blades”

16-03-2006 18:32

“is this a war on terror or a war on human rights?”

“imagine your penis being sliced by razor blades”

“the dictionary definition of Guantanamo is spelt H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y”

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Fresh NATO cannon fodder: English, Dutch & Canadian Death Sentences

16-03-2006 16:10

Not a word in the complicit 'massmedia' about the present uranium radiation holocaust of millions of human beings. Nothing is heard while NATO is replacing thousands of US troops, mercenaries and heavy arms in illegally invaded Afghanistan, for the planned and likewise illegal inhuman US attack on Iran.

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Dismay across Merseyside as Cheap CD’s Disappear and Police Waste Resources Prot

16-03-2006 15:52

There was a worry amongst many in Liverpool that knocked off CD’s and DVD’s would no longer be available as police boasted of their crack down on pirates.

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East Enders set up Whitechapel Community library - campaign news

16-03-2006 15:43

The Whitechapel Community Library has been set up by a group of independent voluntary organisations - not receiving any funding from any public source of any kind – to continue to facilitate public access to and use of the books and materials that used to be in the now-closed Tower Hamlets Council-controlled Whitechapel Library. The site is soon to be taken over by another body, not a library. The Tower Hamlets Council has been accused today of destroying the library resources in the area. A new community, alternative, library is being set up and will be opened to the community in the very near future

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more detailed shepton mallet report

16-03-2006 14:54

the night of the eviction - all is quiet
shepton mallet evicted yesterday, but not without a fight

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Cruelty Free Tasting Evening

16-03-2006 14:18

Do you want to improve your health, the environment and reduce animal cruelty? Come along on 7th April to find about becoming vegan. For only £1 there will be free vegan tasters, an informative talk and cookery demo, info stalls, and goodies to buy.

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SOAS student fights to clear his name

16-03-2006 14:12

Nasser Amin Update

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RINF - The US Gulag Prison System - The Shame Of The Nation And Crime Against

16-03-2006 13:42

No, not the one you think, outrageous as it is. I’m referring to the US prison system that’s with no exaggeration about as shockingly abusive as the gulag abroad. It qualifies for that label by its size alone - more than 2.1 million as of June, 2004 and growing larger by about 900 new inmates every week. Blacks (mostly poor and disadvantaged) especially are affected. While they make up just 12.3% of the population, they account for half the prison population, and their numbers there have grown fivefold in the last 25 years. Hispanics (also poor) account for another 15%.

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Kirklees Unity Day of Action April 2nd 2006

16-03-2006 13:20

Kirklees Unity Day of Action April 2nd 2006

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news from on the ground in ecuador

16-03-2006 13:19

The following has been sent by a friend in Ecuador...

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Big Party / Bigger cause

16-03-2006 12:57

The campign to free Judith and Mariah is gaining momentum.
Last week we succesfully stopped Judith's deportaion to Uganda. It's not ofter you get a chance ot party hard for a good cause, and the occupied social centre has got it all...

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TONIGHT: Public Meeting in support of British residents detained in Guantanamo

16-03-2006 11:28

Tonight (Thursday) at 7pm, there will be a chance to hear directly from the families (& children) of 3 British detainees held at Guantanamo Bay.

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Korean Farmers Attacked for US Base Expansion

16-03-2006 07:04

For over four years, Daechuri and the nearby community of Doduri have defiantly resisted the siezure of their homes and fields for the expansion of an United States Army base. They are currently under siege. Greatly outnumbered and losing people and resources, only international public outrage can stop this atrocity from occuring.

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Protest against Jericho prison raid - 14-03-06

16-03-2006 04:09

Unauthorised demonstration outside Downing Street, London, against Israeli attack on Jericho prison in Palestine.

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Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Zwebner 'UCSY

16-03-2006 04:03

That might also explain why Michael Zwebner did not take the opportunity of the Hurricane to promote his and his 'business' partner, Palestinian con man and Al Qaeda Islamic terrorist charities connected suspect Mohamed Hadid's,'s 'airwater machine'. Perhaps he felt using you or Israeli President Moshe Katsav again to promote his worthless 'UCSY' shares might get old.Originally I imagined it was because New Orleans was too close to his scam in Miami but then again he sent 120 or so fictitious 'airwater machines' to Texas somewhere in one press release.

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16-03-2006 02:03

Latest update on the situation in Ecuador.

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shamnesty gig review, Edinburgh

16-03-2006 00:41

This is 30% news, 70% vitriol, can't decide whether to post.

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The Tax State in the Globalization Trap

15-03-2006 23:22

The middle class cannot do what corporations do. Corporations pay little corporation tax in Germany; their share amoutrs to 2.6% of all taxes. For decades, corporations received more in subsidies than they paid in profit taxes in Germany. Corporate enrichment leads to state deficits.

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If you're not angry, you're not paying attention.

15-03-2006 23:00

This weekend there will be massive demonstrations all over the world against the occupation of Iraq and the theatening noises being made against Iran. Many people doubt the effectiveness of such 'A to B' marches and lobbying, instead prefering direct confrontation with the companies that seek to profit from war and direct action aimed at putting a spanner in the works....
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