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SHAC National March & Rally - 1 month away!

11-06-2008 23:49

SHAC NATIONAL MARCH & RALLY: Saturday 12th July 2008

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Why is there so much Violence in Colombia?

11-06-2008 23:44

…nearly 4 million displaced…more than 2000 trade unionists killed in the last two decades…40,000 citizens killed overall since 1998…more than 15,000 disappeared…

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Serious Implications for Freedom of Speech as Activist Jailed for 4.5 years

11-06-2008 23:41

WARN Press Release: Serious Implications for Freedom of the Net and Civil Rights as Activist Jailed for 4 ½ Years

For immediate release: June 11th 2008

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Police Officially Using Facebook

11-06-2008 22:07

Now is the time for ALL activists to either get off facebook or to be very careful about the information they put up.

The Police are officially, openly, using facebook.

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Who are the SWP?

11-06-2008 21:25

The SWP (or Swappies as they are commonly known) are a secret branch of the security services designed to both manufacture consent and suppress dissent within the population. A small clique of high level operatives act under a number of guises to ensure that the government is able to maintain the status quo and ensure that popular movements are quickly rendered impotent.

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Gold forecast to hit $20,000 oz

11-06-2008 21:18

Criminal irresponsibility by the Economists and Government Authorities are stoking the fires of inflation

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Disarming the Markets

11-06-2008 20:00

This December 1997 essay by the editor of Le Monde diplomatique kindlede the global justice movement Attac.

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Stop the zionist festival in central London on June 29th!

11-06-2008 18:17

On Sunday the 29th of June thousands of pro-Israel supportters will hold a rally and festival in Trafalgar Square from 2pm to celebrate 60 years since the founding of Israel by the theft of Palestinian land and the forced expulsion of 700,000 Palestinians. See this : We must be there to stop them!

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65 hours a week ?!? not likely..

11-06-2008 18:15

Britain has secured a permanent right to opt out from the EU’s mandatory 48-hour working week

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Barbed Wire Britain call out: No to Fortress Europe!

11-06-2008 17:25

Demonstrate at 12 noon on Monday 16th June outside the London office of the European Commission at 8 Storey’s Gate, SW1P 3AT. See MAP overleaf [only on attachment: Storey's Gate runs North off Victoria St just before Parliament Square]. A letter of protest will be handed in. Bring placards, banners.

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Appeal from Soetwater refugee camp in Cape Town

11-06-2008 17:11

After their hunger strike was called off yesterday afternoon, the Soetwater Refugee Leadership Committee (RLC) met this morning and both the lower and upper camps have agreed to work together to end all intimidation in the Soetwater camp. They want all volunteers to be allowed back into the camp in order to restore camp stability. They would like to make it clear that they speak with one united voice when they call on the government to open negotiations with their elected body, in order to swiftly find a solution to the Soetwater crisis.

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Yet more pictures from Smash Edo demo!

11-06-2008 16:45

Start of the carnival in on the level..
Just some photos, including one of the man with the baby who the police pushed over..

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Capital, Culture, Power: Criminalisation and Resistance

11-06-2008 16:33

Capital, Culture, Power: Criminalisation and Resistance
2-4 July, 2008

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Nottingham Refugee Week 2008- 14th – 22nd June

11-06-2008 16:29

Hi All
Refugee Week programme docs (in various forms) are attached.
The week actually starts on Friday 13th June with a public meeting, food and live music at the SUMAC Centre on the evening of Friday 13th.
The official launch of the week takes place on Saturday 14th June: See Flyer for other events

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On the nomination of Barack Obama as the Democratic Party's Presidential

11-06-2008 16:28

Statement by Cynthia McKinney, Power to the People Candidate for U.S.
President, on the nomination of Barack Obama as the Democratic Party's
Presidential Candidate in 2008

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Barack O’Bilderberg: Picking the President

11-06-2008 15:26

Recently, there has been much discussion about Barack Obama having possibly
attended the recent Bilderberg conference in Virginia. This speculation arose
when Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton sneaked off for a secretive meeting
while in Virginia. As the AP reported, "Reporters traveling with Obama sensed
something might be happening between the pair when they arrived at Dulles
International Airport after an event in Northern Virginia and Obama was not
aboard the airplane. Asked at the time about the Illinois senator's
whereabouts, [Obama spokesman Robert] Gibbs smiled and declined to comment."

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Palestine Today 061108

11-06-2008 14:44

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Wednesday June 11th, 2008.

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Freedom Rider: Obama Obliterates Iran

11-06-2008 13:49

What Israel wants from the Americans, Israel gets - and in spades from Barack Obama. Along with Hillary Clinton and John McCain, Obama bent his knees to the breaking point in pleasing to please the annual conference of AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. AIPAC represents the rightwing politics of a small nation, but the fawning behavior of America's top politicians gave the impression of an Israeli empire, demanding tribute. Obama was generous with the U.S. treasury. "As president I will implement a Memorandum of Understanding that provides $30 billion in assistance to Israel over the next decade," he vowed, earning thirteen rounds of sustained applause.

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Novartis Global Week of Action Roundup

11-06-2008 13:28

Arnhem, Holland
Novartis is also one of HLS's largest customers, most notorious for the Xenotransplantation scandal back in 2000. The week of action; 26th - 30th May 2008; South Africa, Switzerland, Italy, USA, Holland, Ireland, UK, France, Venezuela & Chile.
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