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Mass demonstration in front of Parliament this Tuesday evening!

27-10-2006 09:03

MPs will be voting on whether or not to pull all British troops out of Iraq this Tuesday we need a mass demonstration to persuade them to vote for complete withdrawel. Assemble in front of Parliament on Tuesday the 31st of Octoberfrom 5pm until 7pm. Bring banners. .

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Leeds/Yorkshire Climate Action group

27-10-2006 08:55

Meeting this Sunday Oct 29th 2pm-4pm

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What If...There Were No Countries?

27-10-2006 08:47

No Countries
By creating artificial national boundaries we have been forced to compete rather than co-operate, in everything including the battle to stop global warming. There is an obvious solution.

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Anti-fascist confusions

27-10-2006 05:55

Murder in Amsterdam: the death of Theo van Gogh and the limits of tolerance
Ian Buruma Atlantic Books, 256pp, £12.99
ISBN 1843543192

Power and the Idealists
Paul Berman Soft Skull Press, 320pp, £15.99
ISBN 1932360913

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On the abolition of money

27-10-2006 04:30

never-before translated text, written in 1987, concerning e-money, financial speculation, IMF etc

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Three jailed for racially-motivated bombing but who cares?

27-10-2006 03:17

Another explosives case that's lipped under the radar...

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Craig Murray: Legality, Morality and the War on Terror

26-10-2006 23:55

Video Craig Murray in Sheffield
Video of a talk by Craig Murray [former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan], Legality, Morality and the War on Terror, recorded at Sheffield Hallam University on 9th October 2006.

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9/11 Truth Meeting Manchester 2nd November

26-10-2006 23:32

A short introductory presentation by Andrew Johnson from the national campaign and then an organisational discussion for creating the Manchester 9/11 Truth Group and whatever else of government dissembling

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monday love! music and movies in portobello... update

26-10-2006 22:59

Many thanks to everyone who came down to the first event on Monday 23rd October and made it the great night it was. Apologies if you came after nine pm however, as we had to close early due to a (nearly a year old) ‘license issue’ which the police had suddenly raised with the MauMau’s owner. Luckily we could move the screening to a private venue nearby.

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Protests is Hungary

26-10-2006 22:31

Videos from Hungary

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Former CIA Official: Stop Belittling the Theories About September 11

26-10-2006 22:26

Bill Christison is a former senior official of the CIA. He was a National Intelligence Officer and the Director of the CIA's Office of Regional and Political Analysis before his retirement in 1979. Since then he has written numerous articles on U.S. foreign policies.

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CIA tried to silence EU on torture flights

26-10-2006 22:23

In other words, the US offered to follow International Law in one instance, if Germany would ignore the CIA's massive violations of International Law as general policy ..

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Norris Green Gun Thug

26-10-2006 19:18

In the first instance of it's kind police are threatened with death by gunshot and walk away

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Liam Byrne's Trip to Glasgow

26-10-2006 19:18

Home Office Minister Liam Byrne came to Glasgow today and received a warm welcome. Kind of.

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END OF THE ENDRUN? Exec sentence :24 years. . . .SO THAT WE DONT THINK ?

26-10-2006 18:50

- IT DOESNT TAKE A LEFTY TO SAY THAT THIS BIT OF NEWS HAS GOT BACKPEDALLED IN THE MAINSTREAM PRESS. . . . in as much as its talked about, even the "whistleblower" seems to want to blame these two people for everything - BUT THAT SEEMS TO AVOID LESSONS THE WORLD NEEDS.
( WITHOUT dismissing words as "commie", "liberal" or "lefty" - do the 2+ 2 =4 )

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The McDonaldization of Society ( or would I say McDonaldization of 'Neuro.....

26-10-2006 18:43

The McDonaldization of Society ( or would I say McDonaldization of
'NeuroDiversity', 'Difference', DisAbility.)......

I wonder if the creators of 'The-Borg', within StarTrek; The Next Generation based their ideas on 'The-Borg' (The-Collective), from the ideas of Ritzer and 'McDonalisation', or was it reallly that 'the-truth' is that these ideas came from the 'Ivory-Towers' within East Riding of Yorkshire Council..."Resistance is Futile"..... that's how I feel living 'with' this Oppressive lot here....

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American Non-Profit Seeks to Transform Global Human Rights Advocacy

26-10-2006 18:20

Think YouTube and MySpace meet the global fight for human rights. WITNESS' Human Rights Video Hub Pilot is the first step in an initiative to create a human rights-focused participatory media site.

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Liverpool Fingerprint Frenzy!

26-10-2006 17:29

The last two days has seen the Echo/Daily Post publish two stories about compulsory fingerprinting in Liverpool. These are a couple more steps down the line to creating an Orwellian nightmare in a city that already has more CCTV cameras per person than any other in the country, and where police have floated the idea of using military-style 'drones'.

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Rapture Politics in New Zealand

26-10-2006 16:36

Dispensationalist Chart
…from Fairfax New Zealand:

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Solidarity with the Intersex Community - online petition

26-10-2006 16:10

An online petition asking for Intersex people not to be patholigised by the medical profession.
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