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Close down Dallas Court!, Fri 13 Oct 2006

09-10-2006 16:45

The next protest in the series of monthly protests at Dallas Court Reporting Centre, Salford Quays, will be held on Friday 13 October at 12-2pm. People, including women, chidren and victims of rape and torture, are kidnapped daily at Dallas Court and taken to detention centres. Many who escape kidnap also report being racially abused and insulted regularly by racist staff at Dallas Court. NWASDG and Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! (FRFI) urges everyone to attend and to support and publicise these protests against the oppression of asylum seekers by this racist Labour government.

Nearest Tram 'Broadway'.

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LUNATIC CHOICE for UN Secretary - or democracy : last chance?

09-10-2006 16:03

The process to "elect" a secretary for the UN has passed its first hurdle - the "15for with a single abstention" vote of the "big powers"-plus commitee, but the "rubberstamp" of the main assembly of the national reps that is allegedly expected COULD get stopped. EVEN "supporters" of the current S. Korean have said he is a "second preference - in actual fact his election might destroy the UN.

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London October 7th: International Day of Action on Migrant Rights

09-10-2006 15:37

Coming out of the shadows! - Migrants on the march for their rights in London

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London Calling

09-10-2006 15:34

More anti-authoritarian groups are needed to combat the social destruction by government and big business, and to encourage people to take back control of their lives and environment. How can such groups be promoted?

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09-10-2006 15:33

Tuesday 17 October at 7 pm, Wallace Lecture Theatre
Main Building, Cardiff University
Park Place (opp. Student Union)

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Police Hospitalise Photographer at Parliament Protest

09-10-2006 14:52

Reports have come in that police assaulted and injured Marc Vallee, an NUJ and BPPA photographer while he was photographing protests outside parliament today. He has been taken to hospital after reportedly having seizures and being unable to feel his legs.

See below:

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War is bad for your health

09-10-2006 14:47

Do you feel bombarded by conspiracy theories? Does the thought of an imminent war in Iran make you reach for the chocolate? The Media's war on terror is sabotaging your security in the name of war, but there is something you can do about it....

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RUGRATS launch at University of Reading

09-10-2006 14:42

Ever had the feeling that all politician’s are liars? Maybe when they tell you that thousands of pounds of debt just for getting an education is a good thing, or that it really was about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Ever thought that capitalism sucks, making the rich richer and screwing everyone else? Ever felt like staying in bed instead of going to work?

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The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict

09-10-2006 14:40

It's about time we began talking seriously about the part of Zionist Extremism on our current situation, and of the true history of the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

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Another corporate beast behind 'NHS Logistics' privatisation

09-10-2006 14:28

Novation - 'group purchaser' for health products
Most people will have heard about the selling off of a massive area of the NHS to the private 'German' distributor, DHL, who this month are poised to takeover (from NHS Logistics) the warehousing and supply of thousands of items used by NHS hospitals and GP surgeries across the country. What is less widely mentioned in the press, perhaps as it's not as obvious in terms of effect on front-line public sector jobs, is that a massive US procurement operation Novation is also behind the new contract. Brought in to save money we are told, this Texan based company is under investigation by the US justice department for overcharging federal healthcare programmes for goods!

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Around 60-80 people arrested at Sack Parliament - please confirm

09-10-2006 14:12

I've just heard that around 60 - 80 people arrested at Sack Parliament. Can someone confirm this?!

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Photos from Faslane nuclear weapons base

09-10-2006 14:11

Carol arrested
Photos of the 2 Welsh women arrested this morning at Faslane

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Sack Parliament Protest Reports

09-10-2006 13:18

Quick phone report from Sack Parliament Protest:

2pm: the whole area around parliament is flooded with police officers and vans.

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screening and presentation of the film ''i''

09-10-2006 12:27

We will be holding a free/donation screening of the Argentinian film 'i' at the Cowley Club in Brighton on Wednesday presented by the film makers. The film starts at 6pm and the address is 12 London Road (across the street from Somerfield).

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Welsh Granny Arrested at Scotish Nuclear Base

09-10-2006 12:25

De chained in front of Faslane base
Undercurrents are filming the Blockade of Faslane Trident base.

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Turbulence: Ideas for movement

09-10-2006 12:12

We’re currently putting together the first in a series of publications called Turbulence: Ideas for movement. In the first issue, we want to take the slogan “We Are Winning” – famously sprayed on a wall in Seattle during the 1999 WTO protests – and ask, “What, actually, would it mean to win?”. We plan to publish Turbulence to coincide with the counter-mobilisation against the G8 summit in Heiligendamm, Germany in June 2007

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How the FBI protected Al Qaeda’s 9/11 Hijacking Trainer

09-10-2006 11:54

The following text is an expanded version of Peter Dale Scott's Talk at Berkeley, September 24, 2006, entitled "9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out."

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sacking parliament - New Deal for MPs and Lords

09-10-2006 10:41

the New Deal for ex-MPs, a great opportunity!
Because parliamentarians will need help coming to terms with their changing circumstances New Deal advisors will be on hand at Sack Parliament to help them re-enter normal society and repair the communities they have hurt through their anti-social behaviour. We'll be on the rehab bloc, by the St Stephen's ('visitors') Entrance. Below is a letter sent to all MPs.

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Panorama and the Catholic Church - (Round III)

09-10-2006 10:33

A recent Panorama report 'Sex Crimes and the Vatican' incurred the complete condemnation of the Catholic press and Hierarchy in England and Wales. The alarming pattern of events which were revealed in the documentary were barely mentioned throughout the criticism which centred upon an anti-Catholic media agenda; real and imagined:
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