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In Remembrance of Rosa Luxemburg

04-03-2005 09:18

Porém, apesar de todos os seus erros, Rosa foi e permanece sendo uma águia. E não apenas os comunistas de todo o mundo irão velar pela sua memória, porém sua biografia e suas obras completas (a publicação das quais está sendo incomensuravelmente retardada pelos comunistas alemães que podem apenas ser em parte desculpados por conta das tremendas perdas que estão sofrendo em sua severa luta) servirão como úteis manuais para o treinamento de muitas gerações de comunistas em todo o mundo.

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US Developing New Pain Pulse Weapon For Crowd Control

04-03-2005 09:06

Coming soon to a riot near you...

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04-03-2005 06:40


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Amerikan Exploded ...(In Memory of Hunter S. Thompson)

04-03-2005 03:13

Reeling from the murder of a dear friend at Christmas, 1986, “I” dropped acid with friends from the college newspaper, and listened to an older guy (over 30) spout conspiracy theories. He was “our” paranoid editor-in-chief. The ex-editor, a woman also in her thirties, Native American and witness to Wounded Knee Part 2 (34), lived on a nearby reservation. Between the big chief’s theories of who killed “our” friend, why, and how who did it might be after “us,” and the ex-big chief’s revelations re: bad omens—a hawk committing suicide by flying into a cliff at the reservoir, an evil spirit rattling her trailer before dawn—“we” would gather and listen to them…and totally freak out.

Read the rest at

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Privatising Iraq's oil

03-03-2005 23:39

Iraqi Ministry of Oil are holding a conference in London, June 2005 for the purpose of privatisation of Iraq's oil and gas! Protest needed!

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Bashir: Al l lies

03-03-2005 22:50

George Dubya Bushit's anti-libertarian Republicans, John HoWARd's fascist neo-Liberals, Kim Beasely's well-paid loser's, and the Bali bombing survivors have merely been temporarily appeased. Indonesia is compelled to give out favours and consideration for the gratitude and prestige handed out to it in return on a Silver Plate. In short saving face is a farce!

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GM activists blockade Sainsbury's Merseyside depot (not a repeat for local IMCs

03-03-2005 20:20

NOTE FOR IMC EDITORS: this happened between Manchester & Liverpool, so please don't delete from newswire again. If you made it so possible to select more than 2 regions, this wouldn't be a problem. People from the Yorkshire region came & so wanted it on their local newswire too...

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Death of Oxford Peace Activist Judith Dawes

03-03-2005 19:25

Founder of Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Honorary National PSC Member, Judith Dawes, died on Saturday 26th February at the Churchill Hospital. She was an active member of the Green Party, CND, her local church, and founder member of Network of Oxford Women for Peace and Justice (NOW).

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The Social State is Affordable

03-03-2005 18:46

That "we" can no longer afford the social state is gossip. Thinking this gossip will end is wishful thinking. In truth, we cannot afford the prevailing financial policy. In Germany and the US, increased profits have not led to increased investments or more jobs.

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**new police anti-lock on kit**

03-03-2005 18:08

the police have used what we believe to be new kit, against locked-on protestors

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Linslade – Demonstration - Saturday 5th March 9.15 and more trees threatened.

03-03-2005 17:37

On SATURDAY 5th MARCH @ 9.15 a demonstration against the bypass will be held at the Wing Hill roundabout, junction of A418 and A505.

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Regierung Chávez: No Consistent Confrontation against Imperialism

03-03-2005 16:49

Der Imperialismus greift ihn an, weil Chávez den Irakkrieg nicht unterstützt und abweichende Positionen beibehält, etwas unerträglich für Georg Bush. Dies ist der Anlass von Provokationen der Regierung Álvaro Uribe von Kolumbien wie in der Entführung des Führers der Bewaffneten Streitkräfte von Kolumbien (FARC: Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionárias de Colombia) in Caracas. Aber Chávez stellt sich nicht einer konsequenten Konfrontation mit dem Imperialismus und noch viel weniger in einer antikapitalistischen Richtung.

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Competition Amongst Sperms

03-03-2005 14:40

Many researchers are analyzing and extending theoretical and empirical work on different animals especially and human sperm competition. It considers both male and female interests in sperm utilization and the sexual conflict that can arise when these differ. It covers the mechanics of sperm transfer and utilization, morphology, physiology, and behaviour. Sperm competition is shown to have dramatic effects on adaptation in the context of reproduction as well as far-reaching ramifications on life-history evolution and speciation.

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Photos from Irish Embassy Occupation

03-03-2005 14:15

2nd March - Six British anti-war activists today occupied the Irish Embassy in London. They are protesting criminal charges against peace activists who will next week face a possible ten year prison sentence for physically disarming a US Navy Plane at Shannon Airport.

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Banner Theatre's 30th Anniversary Celebration

03-03-2005 13:41

Banner Theatre
Join us in celebrating Thirty Years of Banner Theatre: 1974-2004

In Birmingham on 8-9 April 2005 Banner will be celebrating 30 years of
creating hard-hitting documentary theatre with and for community and trade
union audiences.

As you may know, Banner has based its work on key issues of our time,
ranging from fights to prevent closure and privatisation of major
industries, like coal, steel and public utilities, through to struggles
against racism, sexism and imperialism. To date the company has created over 30 major documentaries, numerous cassettes and CDs, plus hundreds of songs and street theatre productions.

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(UK) Hillside Undercover Biggest UK Illegal Slaughterhouse

03-03-2005 12:03

The heroic Hillside Animal Sanctuary undercover team bravely risked their lives and a few limbs to covertly gather video evidence to expose barbaric animal cruelty, dangers to public health and illegal unlicensed practices in the biggest case of it’s kind in the UK.

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Fit Vegan Challenges Delia Smith & Norwich City FC

03-03-2005 11:55

Delia Smith
A 35-year-old vegan animal carer has challenged Delia Smith and the entire Norwich Football Team to a race to prove who has more life.This follows a recent Norwich FC function Canary Director,cook Delia Smith said, "If the entire planet became vegan, we'd die. It's not practical.”

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Genoa G8: Crowd-Control Troops Free To Act Independently

03-03-2005 10:33

Translation of selected coverage from Genoa G8 trials.

Genoa, March 1 2005: Thirty-ninth hearing in trial over destruction and sacking of Genoa during 2001 G8 summit

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03-03-2005 10:25

Searchlight has announced the constituencies which the BNP are expected to stand in for the coming general election.

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No blockade at Aldermaston on 7 March

03-03-2005 10:14

After discussion within the Block the Builders organise group there is consensus that there should not be a blockade this Monday.
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