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UK Newswire Archive

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Mori Garbage from the Sun!

05-03-2003 21:03

My personal point of view regarding the trash from Murdoch's evil media empire!

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Road to nowhere (by Latuff)

05-03-2003 19:55

Road to nowhere (by Latuff)
Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Israeli pacifists and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli occupation in Palestine.

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05-03-2003 19:40

FAIRFORD EMERGENCY UPDATE: Bristol-Stop-The-War-Coalition
Related Website:

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School Student Strikes in Ireland

05-03-2003 19:34

School student strikes against war take place all over Ireland.

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In The US Its Illegal To Oppose War

05-03-2003 19:17

From Reuters March 5, 2003 NEW YORK -- A lawyer was arrested and charged with trespassing at a public mall after refusing to take off a T-shirt advocating peace that he had just purchased at the mall.

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Bhopal disaster company sink to new depths

05-03-2003 19:05

Survivors of 1984 Union Carbide chemical disaster in Bhopal, India are to be sued by the new owners of the company for $10,000. Dow Chemical, which merged with Union Carbide in 2001, is to sue the survivors and others who protested outside Dow’s Bombay offices on 2nd December (the 18th anniversary of the disaster) last year for ‘loss of work’. The company’s offices were closed for two hours during the peaceful protest.

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Dozens of stories on student demonstrators today against the war

05-03-2003 18:57

Dozens of stories on student demonstrators today against the war
Click link below to access dozens of stories about student protests around the world. Extracted from Google's selection is the story from the Cambridge Evening News

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ISRAEL: Conscientious objector Matan Kaminer to be court-martialed

05-03-2003 18:41

ISRAEL: Conscientious objector Matan Kaminer to be court-martialed
Another Israeli conscientious objector faces a court-martial. His first hearing is tomorrow (06/03/03).

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Thousands of schoolkids walk out,, protest war

05-03-2003 18:39

Resistance is Fertile!

Thousands of children have walked out of their schools across Britain to stage anti-war demonstrations.

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War on Iraq has not started: this is a feint aimed to fool France and Russia

05-03-2003 17:04

The recent increased level of attacks on Iraq does not mean the war has begun (although in a sense it has never ended since 91): it is just an attempt to bluff France, Russia, and the rest to get on board the war train

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War in Irak has started !

05-03-2003 16:58

Allies bomb key Iraqi targets
· 'Undeclared war' enters new phase
· Missile systems hit
· Rocket launchers destroyed

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Claim for democracy in Italy

05-03-2003 16:30

we need an help in european brotherhood

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Sheffield Student Strike M5

05-03-2003 14:30

Sheffield Student Strike M5
Students in Sheffield today joined with the global M5 strikes against the war. (article 1)

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The case for War; lets go!!!!

05-03-2003 14:15

The case for war

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Blair on MTV this Friday

05-03-2003 14:14

Tony B appears on MTV this Friday in front of an audience of Euroyouth. Don't know if it's live. MTV is listed as being at United Kingdom House, Oxford St., or Hawley Crescent, Camden Town, both London.

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More handy tips on surviving armageddon

05-03-2003 14:03

Richard and Judy will be revealing more handy useful tips and hints on how to survive armageddon on their afternoon show today. On today's show they will be demonstating how to create a makeshift nuclear bunker by digging a massive great bloody big hole in your back garden/yard/street.

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Why the international community must stand up to Saddam!

05-03-2003 13:21

Saddam is an extremely dangerous dictator left alone he will develope and stockpile weapons of mass destruction and will use them to intimidate and threaten his neighbours. If he vis left until he develops nuclear weapons then that will lead to an extremely dangerous situation.

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Move UN out of America if USA attacks Iraq!

05-03-2003 12:54

Why should USA get economic benefits of housing world diplomats as they shred UN charter?

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05-03-2003 12:44

School students today walked out against the war, have now converged on Parliament Square, appears calm but simmering tension, apparently some light property damage in North London earlier. Get down there if you can!
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