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Community Protests Against the EDL

10-07-2012 10:55

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Calais Latest: stand off outside the police station

10-07-2012 10:14

remembering Marie Noelle
Currently 60 people are gathered outside the police station, while members of Nooredin's family are inside. They are still refusing to let them see the body. Around 20 CRS riot cops are out, one with rubber bullets at the ready, and all the streets have been blocked off.

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ITT Exelis and the feds looking down on you?

10-07-2012 09:20

Airborne military recon and surveillance technology being adapted in the USA by ITT Exelis for domestic security agency use.

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The New Babylon - free film about the Paris Commune at the Cowley Club

09-07-2012 21:33

This Wednesday, July 11th, at 7:30pm we'll be showing a silent film from 1929, "The New Babylon". It's a visually beautiful film with a wonderful soundtrack by Shostakovich and one of only two well-known films that tell the story of The Commune.

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Torch relay dissent in Oxford

09-07-2012 21:14

On the way there, Cowley Rd temporarily taken over by Coke signs...
This evening a handful of people decided at short notice to do a demo at the Olympic Torch relay... and one of us ended up occupying a traffic light post right in the middle of the route. The lesson: it's possible to do much more than you might think!

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PCS union votes to fund anti-cuts candidates at the next general election

09-07-2012 18:52

Friday Drivetime
BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling
At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris

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Another friend killed in Calais

09-07-2012 18:29

One more death. In the early hours of Saturday Morning (7 July), our friend N., 28 years old, from Sudan, died in Calais town centre. His body was dragged out of the canal near the Sub-Prefecture. As often in the past, the police have been point blank refusing to allow friends and family access to his body, or to hold an inquest into his death. They have already prepared their story about his death, which is starting to unravel as more evidence comes to light.

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Olympic Spirit? Oxford residents reject Coca-Cola's hijacking of Torch Relay

09-07-2012 13:33

On the day that the Olympic torch arrives in Oxford slogans appeared in shops and Bill Boards along the route highlighting the human rights abuses of Coca-Cola. Signs in shop windows read directing readers to a website that details the string of human-rights abuses around the world that Coca-Cola is accused of

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More EDL scum

09-07-2012 12:55


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A call to kettle FIT and police liaison (again!) in Brighton

09-07-2012 12:03

Fitwatch are heading to the Smash EDO demo in Brighton on Monday 16th July, and we'd love people to join us. Smash EDO protests have historically been heavily hit by snoopers from the FIT, Police Liaison and the National Domestic Extremism Unit and action is needed!

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Smash EDO: Meeting point for weapons inspection announced

09-07-2012 11:12

With only one week to go Smash EDO activities this week are all about the upcoming mass-action on Monday the 16th of July. We need as many of you as possible to get involved in the weapons inspection of EDO.

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EDO MBM manufacturing parts for US A10 plane as Smash EDO prepares for mass demo

09-07-2012 10:17

On the 16th July Smash EDO will be meeting at 1pm for a mass demonstration against the EDO MBM Brighton arms factory

The meeting point will be the Level.

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The ugly face of the EDL

09-07-2012 08:55


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I need a miracle to win PCC election.

09-07-2012 05:32

I need a miracle to win PCC election
Across the country on the 15th November 2012, the public will be voting for 41 Police and Crime Commissioners.
Not many people know that....
Matt Taylor is running in the Sussex election.
Matt Taylor for Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner 2012.

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Serco targeted in South Oxfordshire

09-07-2012 01:42

large sign at the entrance painted
An anonymous group targeted Serco, the detention profiteers (and all-round capitalist outsourcing wrong-uns) at their offices in Culham Science Park tonight. Several prominent signs were redecorated and bus stops nearby were postered explaining why.

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July Critical Mass London 2012 Olympic Special

08-07-2012 21:13

Critical Mass London, 27 July, 2012

This month's Critical Mass will be on the same night as the olympic opening ceromony, so its going to be a good one.

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Final sentences for police forces involved in Diaz school butchery at 2001 G8 su

08-07-2012 21:06

After a 9-hour debate, the Italian Supreme Court has issued its final sentence against the 25 defendants – policemen and heads of security forces – responsible for the violence against the activists sleeping in the Diaz school during the G8 summit in Genoa in 2001. Result: most of the charges have been declared time-barred, leading to impunity for all the people involved. In the meantime, 10 activists are facing a total of 100 years of jail between themselves for crimes of “devastation and looting”.
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