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Orwell's Triumph - There is no van full of explosives reported at G.W. Bridge

18-09-2007 23:12

You'll need to read the full article.

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9/11:CIA,Daily Kos,ICTS Israel, Securacom Kuwait,ragingbull Fraud

18-09-2007 21:32 was probably not fear of right wing El Salvador death squads that led the parents
of Markos Moulitsas Zúniga to the U.S. at the time of his birth,as was the case of most poor Salvadorans fleeing for their lives from the right wing death squads of the regimes the U.S. and Ollie North and Kos' future employer the CIA were backing.They probably just wished to give him U.S. citizenship and a chance to join this right wing 'elite'.

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Palestinian Propaganda Prize for Israel

18-09-2007 20:17

The inter-Palestinian war of words and the mutual violations of the freedom of press and expression by the Hamas - led government of Ismael Haniyyeh in the Gaza Strip and the Fatah – led government of Salam Fayyad in the West Bank have presented Israel with its biggest propaganda prize that is overshadowing the violations of human rights committed by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT).

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20th of september : a european charter for the Congo Kinshasa

18-09-2007 20:05

The French government decided to deport using charter at the 20th of September refugees from Congo at destination to the "Democratic Republic of Congo", this country has been rent by ethnic strife and civil war since 1994 and the politic instability and the awful sanitary situation are often subject to alarming reports made by well known internal organisms. This summer, the high court of justice of Great Britain decided to suspend all extraditions to this country "due to tortures and rapes risks incurred by extraded people at their arrival".

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FIT come to manchester

18-09-2007 19:24

FIT arrive in manchester for an important trial

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Peace and Freedom Party War Protestor Arrested

18-09-2007 18:53

Yesterday John Reiger, a member of Peace and Freedom Party, was among ten war protestors that were arrested at the office of Congresswoman Doris Matsui in Sacramento California. The protestors were part of a nationwide movement of anti-war protestors that oppose the Iraq war and congressional support for the war.

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Film Showing of 'Behind the Mask'

18-09-2007 18:19

Film showing of 'Behind the Mask'. A documentary about direct action within the Animal Rights movement.

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Killing teh Future: The Worldwide Ban Asbestos Movement

18-09-2007 17:13

Asbestos has sicked tens of thousands throughout the world, yet it is still legal in many countries

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I don't belieeeeeve it!

18-09-2007 17:03

Lightweight, opportunist George Galloway is to appear on ITV at 10pm this evening.

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To: The Greek Parliament,The United Nations,The European Union

18-09-2007 16:11

I would like you to consider how much damage a fire makes,so everyone will understand and agree with the purpose of this petition

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Crossrail costs overruns already on ! At this speed, it will become CURSED rail

18-09-2007 15:55

UK Finance Secretary Alistair Darling is reported today to have admitted that his job was on the line, in the wake of the globalising financial market collapse as typified currently by ‘Northern Rock’ in the UK.

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The Price of Freedom.

18-09-2007 14:54

An Iraqi man was killed on his return to his home country after the Home Office detained him for over a year and rejected his claim for asylum.

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US Student Tasered for Asking John Kerry Questions

18-09-2007 13:06

The following videos show a student being dragged away by the police and tasered after asking John Kerry why he conceded the US election to Bush, as documented by Greg Palast, in Armed Madhouse, why he doesn't favour impeaching Bush to stop the attack on Iran and if he is a member of Skull and Bones.

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Streets for People and sustainable mobility.

18-09-2007 07:44

European Mobility Week has started and will run until Car Free Day on the 22nd. Many towns and cities all over the world will be taking part, with walking and cycling events and including road closures to motorised traffic, so what about London?

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Philippine Protest Marks The First Senate Hearing On The JPEPA

18-09-2007 02:40

14 September 2007, Manila, Philippines. – A crowd of more than 300 workers, farmers, fishers, and environmentalists from the Magkaisa Junk JPEPA Coalition (MJJC) today called on the Senators of the 14th Congress to look beyond the rosy projections and government hype surrounding the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA), and to carefully assess its short-term and long-term implications. The group’s call came on the day of the first scheduled Senate hearing for this historic, precedent-setting treaty.

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Zionism's Support Faltering

18-09-2007 02:33

This is indeed good news, for anyone concerned about justice.

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Dershowitz On Zionist Bully Tactics

18-09-2007 02:28

The Brownshirt behaviour of these Extremists only highlights their Cultish nature, and reinforces everything said by their steadily-growing Opposition. These tactics will have to be critically examined, acknowledged, and opposed, if we are ever going to break the impasse.

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Pre-emptive Peace Strike: "Don't Attack Iran" - Wednesday 19th September

17-09-2007 23:40

We are on strike for humanity and we refuse to collaborate with our governments and condemn their aggressive actions.
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