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Finnish Citizen Missing Legal Protection

16-01-2006 21:46

Where Swedish Chancellor of Justice blames Swedish Policemen for telling lies and Swedish Legal System for jailing innocent, have Finland continued the same policy lining having taken place three socialist president generations ago. This policy lining was started by President Koivisto (SDP), and it was carried on by Martti Ahtisaari (SDP) and President Tarja Halonen (SDP).

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16-01-2006 21:44

News, opinion, and photography
A review of news, opinion, and photography recorded, from the Indymedia Newswire. With times and freqs for tuning in anywhere you can, at your leisure. Free to rebroadcast. The world & recorded for the community archive!

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Film Premiere - Documentary of a Palestinian Refugee Camp.

16-01-2006 20:59

“Here’s Tomorrow” - a documentary film project with the people of Baqa’a Refugee Camp.

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The Opposite Of Good Is Apathy

16-01-2006 20:00

A call to the Anti-War Movement, and the entire, diverse Opposition to this re-emergence of Fascism, to GET OUT AND END THIS NOW.

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High Stakes for Canadian Sovereignty Against Unfettered Capitalism in Election

16-01-2006 19:37

A fierce struggle for Canadian Sovereignty vs corporate colonisation rallies itself during the final week of election 2006. Meanwhile Canada's equivalent to the Labour party sells out the people here too.
NDP Womens Caucus exploits and poverty pimps First People and Canadian women, and their children, living in poverty. candidates cry foul power play!

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To: All People concerned about American Wars Worldwide

16-01-2006 19:22

Subject: Warning to SE Asian countries about Iran war and monsoon rains depositing radiation in environment

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First student anti-sweatshop week of action

16-01-2006 18:46

The first national student anti-sweatshop week of action will take place 11-18 February 2006.

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Shop a Cop courteous of The Sun..

16-01-2006 18:25

The Sun
Feel hard done by the Right Wing Press? Got caught on a trump up charge? or just simply want to get your own back at the Police State? Then send them a line naming ya Cop.

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16-01-2006 17:41

Antifascists force closure of BPP’s Leeds accommodation address.

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Resisting the G8 2005 - Book Out Now!

16-01-2006 17:25

Out now at a book shop near you, or order copies via: where the full text of the book is also available online!

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16-01-2006 16:30

The Demo

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MI5 to bug MPs

16-01-2006 16:21

MI5 is to be given the power to bug MPs.

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Big Brother contacts rampART for auditions for next series

16-01-2006 16:20

Eeech.. I feel unclean (mental note: have bath)

The rampART was phoned today by a representative of Channel Fours' most mindless TV show, the infamous BIG BROTHER! argh...

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Lowering the Flag

16-01-2006 16:03

“Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism - how passionately I hate them!” [Albert Einstein]

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Gunboat attack forces Shell retreat from Nigeria - oil prices rise again.

16-01-2006 15:53

Shell oil has been forced to evacuate facilities in the niger delta after further attacks on it's facilities...

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Union pushes for urgent energy reform

16-01-2006 14:32

In a move which the more cynical might think was consciously timed to follow and support Blairs nuclear inspired visit to Nottingham yesterday, one of the countries biggest unions today warned that the country faced black-outs and job losses if urgent action isn't taken to address the coming energy crisis. However, rather than demand immediate investiment in renewable energy, they say Britain must build more nuclear power station... just what Blair want too.

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Lydd Airpt arrogantly flys in 737 jet

16-01-2006 13:37

Apparently as part of its 'expansion' plans Lydd Airport (Romney Marsh Kent) bosses (Saudi owners!) allowed a 737 jet to fly in over the weekend. The Keep The Marsh Special Alliance is trying to highlight the arrogance of this with local media....

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Shell, Bayer, GAP: An "Award" Corporations Don't Want to Win

16-01-2006 13:05

The annual meeting at Davos, Switzerland organised by the World Economic Forum (WEF) usually brings juicy benefits for transnational corporations, except for a handful that are singled out for a dubious distinction by civil society groups: the Public Eye Awards for irresponsible corporate behaviour.

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Gordon Brown Set to Steal Mayday

16-01-2006 12:24

Gordon Brown is set to steal Mayday from the people of Britain by announcing it as a new day to celebrate nationalism according to the Sunday Mirror.

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Another victim of the regime

16-01-2006 12:12

In December 2005 editor-in-chief of Adalat (Justice) newspaper Khudaiberdy Kurbandurdiyev was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment.
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