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A Second Complaint Against Sussex Police Upheld Over Lebanon Demonstration 2006

05-01-2008 18:12

Letter from IPPC
Those with long memories, going back to the Brighton/Hove demonstration against the bombing of Lebanon in the summer of 2006 will remember that the Police swamped the demonstration, with as many police as demonstrators. They even hired a bus so their intelligence gathering teams could capture every demonstrator from every angle, including children. Particularly targetted were Arab looking people and Muslims

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Stop St Athan

05-01-2008 16:41

Anti-Military Demonstration.

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Save the animals and our moral sense

05-01-2008 15:50

Two demonstrations coming up:-

Thursday 10 January, the weekly demo, and

Saturday 12 January, for the monthly demo

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Iraqi soldier kills 2 US troops

05-01-2008 15:01

The U.S. military said Saturday that an Iraqi soldier apparently shot dead two American service members for "reasons that are as yet unknown" while they were on a joint patrol north of the capital.

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Update on struggle to keep the rampART social centre

05-01-2008 14:16

On the 3rd of January, a possession order was granted to the alleged owners of the squatted properties in Rampart Street however the occupiers have not left and have submitted an appeal against the possession ruling that was made in the county court on the 20th of December. A date has not yet been set for the appeal hearing and the appeal application also contained a request to postpone any warrant for possession which would allow the owners call the bailiffs in.

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Shadows of a gloomy future for the elite caste

05-01-2008 13:43

The Minister of State for Lifelong Learning, Further and Higher Education, Bill Rammell, 27th November 2007 has given a speech on Academic Freedom and extremism in British Higher Education.

Since then he is looking for allies; for people who want to reinterpret freedoms "in the context of the new challenges and threats that face our society". In reality, with just this sentence he narrows down the scope for debate, framing it as a mere reinterpretation of the word freedom in the context of external threats and imagined dangers from an hypothetical external environment.

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Crass role by Crossrail-hole-backer Tower Hamlets Council, again!

05-01-2008 10:51

On 18 December 2007, one of the employerdf publcity staff in the Tower Hamkets Coucnil issued a 'good news for Crossrail' e-mail to the local paper. The hedaing was misleading. The truth of the matter is that they wanted to fend off the latst camapgn progamme announed by Khoodeelaar! whioch is goin to petoton the Hosue of Lords later this month [8 january 2008 and onweards] against the Crossrail Bill.

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The phantom terrorists of the War on Terror [Part 1: The Liquid Bombers]

05-01-2008 08:44

"The stories we know about the most famous terrorists and the best known terrorist plots do not match up with the facts. DeepJournal created a seven part series detailing this issue, starting off with the case of the Liquid Bombers. The limitations for liquids on airports are the result of the near attack by these so-called Liquid Bombers. Their plot was foiled just in time in August of 2006. Or was it?

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Harmondsworth 4 Trial Adjourned

05-01-2008 06:27

- No demonstration at Southwark Crown Court on Monday 7th January

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Anti-Incinerator Petition and Protest

05-01-2008 02:29

Oxford County Council are having a crucial debate on whether to build an incinerator in Oxfordshire. Oxford Brookes People & Planet & Oxford FoE have put together an online petition and will be protesting outside.

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On the Right to Demonstrate.

05-01-2008 01:40

A look at our right to demonstrate, the importance of dissenting voices and the cornered animal of the government attacks.

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Iraqis face lack of services

05-01-2008 01:05

Farid, like millions of other Iraqis who fled the bombs and ambushes in 2006 and 2007, is choosing between the rising costs of displacement and the painful memories of home.

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Obama Defends AIPAC Against Soros' Criticism

05-01-2008 00:33

Obama's AIPAC speech. Text as prepared for delivery.
Prepared text of Barack Obama's speech for the AIPAC foreign policy forum.

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The Sack of the Dreary Charade of Annapolis

05-01-2008 00:30

As predicted ...

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Olmert Admits Israel Not Sticcking to its Commitments

05-01-2008 00:27

Arab States Brand Annapolis Futile Media Event

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The western world's war of terror against its own citizens

05-01-2008 00:10

Reposted from Open Democracy (with the original title).

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The War of Terror's False Flag

04-01-2008 23:03

The Western World's War of Terror Against Its Own Citizens

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The Asylum Crisis

04-01-2008 22:35

The Flipside of the Globalisation Coin

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Charlie Wilson’s War, the Culture of Imperialism and the Distortion of History

04-01-2008 22:12

The Hollywood propaganda machine never sleeps. With the advent of television and Murdochmedia, people forget that it was Hollywood who for generations indoctrinated Americans about the “nobility” of America’s Manifest Destiny and the sanctity of US military actions.

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The Defence of Europe

04-01-2008 22:04

Why NATO and all US forces must be expelled from Europe
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