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UK Newswire Archive

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A national tempest about a report from Status of Women Canada

21-06-2003 00:44

Some English-Canadian newspapers are claiming that a report published by Status of Women Canada, « School Success by Gender : A Catalyst for Masculinist Discourse », sets up a "black-list" of men's organizations. The study's Project Director responds to critics.

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David Bregmann, an Englishman is arrested with 3 under age girls in Brazil

21-06-2003 00:13

Sexual Tourism in the North of Brazil has reached tragic numbers, tourists mostly from Europe come to Brazil after girls as young as 12. Girls enter prostitution to support families that otherwise would not have any other way of subsistence.

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transcribed and translated audio report from Thessaloniki live stream

20-06-2003 23:16

Basis of the personal account is a transcribed and translated audio report from the Thessaloniki IMC Radio Live Stream, about the day of action on Friday, 20th of june.

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Summary of Friday, 20th days of action in Thessaloniki

20-06-2003 21:42

summary of friday 2oth of june, day of action in Thessaloniki against the EU-Summit.

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Sunny at Stonehenge as Solstice Festivities Begin

20-06-2003 21:08

Sun and helicopters out in full force at Stonehenge solstice festival. Watch the newswire for updated reports.

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Childhood Leukemia: Electric and Magnetic Fields as Possible Risk Factors

20-06-2003 20:30

Intermittent extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields cause DNA damage in a dose-dependent way - Low frequency electromagnetic fields cause DNA damage - Evaluation of rat thyroid gland - Childhood Leukemia - Mechanism - Court Cases - White House "Hyped" Iraq War - The War Built on a Lie - Secret war pact, claims Short

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Pictures from Thessaloniki demo on the 19th of june

20-06-2003 20:14

Obvious innit?
A few pictures from accompanying a posted article on the Thessaloniki demonstration that took place on the 19th of June

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Thessaloniki demo on the 19th of June article and pictures

20-06-2003 19:44

Article and pictures from Thessaloniki on anarchists and antiauthoritarians demonstration on Thursday the 19th of June.

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Jenin, Occupied Palestine, News

20-06-2003 19:11

Round up of the last week in Jenin, OPTs

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UK - Ex-GM Minister on Iraq War - World's big problem is the US

20-06-2003 18:39

"[Getting rid of a murderous regime in Iraq] was not the reason why we went to war. My view is that we went to war because America wanted to establish a political and military platform in the Middle East, it saw a need for oil and of course it wished to support Israel. Weapons of mass destruction, if they existed, even on the most threatening predictions, were certainly not going to put Europe or the US at risk. But Tony Blair took the view that if you are a close ally you have more influence than if you are a protagonist.

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Christian Science Monitor apologizes, Galloway allegations "forgeries"

20-06-2003 18:32

An American newspaper has apologised to suspended Labour MP George
Galloway over allegations that he was paid millions of pounds by former
Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

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Biotech Industry brings down UK Environment Minister

20-06-2003 18:18

"Meacher going in the middle of the GM debate leaves the British Government without a credible voice on the subject"
Prime Minister Tony Blair's decision to sack Environment Minister Michael Meacher is yet another sign that the Government is failing to take green issues seriously, Friends of the Earth
said today.

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20-06-2003 17:59

This evening the two guys hunging from Swis embassy in Barcelona decided to come down.

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Attempted Attack of EC Summit

20-06-2003 17:40

Report on Marmara, Chalkasis march from the frontlines.

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20-06-2003 17:30

The suicide bombers recruited in the Middle East live by a death cult philosophy which legitimates the destruction of innocent bystanders as a way of achieving paradise.
In all modern history, there has been nothing like this organized cult of death designed to achieve political aims via religious faith and reward.

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Al Manar TV website's comment on news from Iraq

20-06-2003 17:21

Al Manar TV, a Lebanese TV station close to Hezbollah, comments on the latest fighting in Iraq, noting that US soldiers have murdered civilians and are starting to show signs of mental disturbance.

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Report on Marmaras anti-EU anarchist action

20-06-2003 17:19

Report on yesterday demo in solidarity with immigrants and today's mayhem in Marmaras

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UK Social Forum?

20-06-2003 16:59

Do you have any news of Social Fora around the UK? Do you want to know if there is anything being organised in your area?

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Salonika update

20-06-2003 15:06

Update of today's events at the Salonika summit.

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Pictures of Geneva, anti-g8, 1.6.2003

20-06-2003 14:32

shops were covered with wood and peace flags to protect the windows and displays
here are some more pictures from Geneva, 1st of july, the barricades on the bridge and few from the demo
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