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UK Newswire Archive

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9-11 Activist Kit

13-03-2002 04:39

With the escalation in the Middle East, the Pentagon crusade against Iraq, and the very idea of an escalated arms race, IT IS TIME TO ASK QUESTIONS OF BUSH, THE PENTAGON AND THE CIA. The world has a write for an open and honest inquiry, not a CIA friendly closed luncheon, on the event of 9-11.

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Blunkett in Bristol - PR Story + Pics (bristol imc)

13-03-2002 03:20

Blunkett in Bristol - PR Story + Pics (bristol imc)
Report + pics from on blunkett's walkabout - heckling and subverts made it into the mass media as the PR stunt led from the front in the media charge around 'hotspot' action areas - ie cheap 'wardens' on the streets and no new real resources AT ALL. (article 1)

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[PFMPE] What IS Free Enterprise?

13-03-2002 02:34

Precepts of truly free enterprise and trade. In the wake of Rothschild, Alan Greenspan tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

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US web radio under corporate attack

13-03-2002 01:52

Free Speech Under Attack (Urgent!!!)

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down with placards: positive puppetistas in n.york

12-03-2002 22:57

positive article from ny indymedia on the growing move away from boring monochrome marches, to color, spontaneity and joy,de vivre.

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Sharrorist attack against peace (cartoon by Latuff)

12-03-2002 22:54

Sharrorist attack against peace (cartoon by Latuff)
Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle for independence.

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Give QC Basil McIvor a helping hand

12-03-2002 22:13

give old boy right wing nazi hanging judge QC Basil McIvor a helping hand to get the fuk off the Lagan college board of governors

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12-03-2002 21:44

This event is organised by the International Concerned Family & Friends of Mumia Abu Jamal in Devon, and we aim to present an information packed ‘awareness experience’ in sight and sound, highlighting Mumia’s case and the world-wide campaign to save his life.

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Munich NATO protests were quashed by police: Statewatch Report

12-03-2002 20:37

Statewatch Report on Anti-NATO protests in Munich Feb 2002
For Indymedia uk coverage of the protests that happened on the same weekend as the WEF protests in New York and the World Social Forum in Brazil see:
Feature at:
Event Timeline:

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Alexander Von Humboldt

12-03-2002 20:37

"...I'll measure mountains but my true purpose is to investigate the interaction of all the forces of nature".

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TEA or Titanic?

12-03-2002 20:00

Enron, terrorism, world wars, poverty, pollution, ignorance, monopolization and other symptoms of "our" dysfunctional political-economics are just the tip of the iceberg. The global financial casino is the iceberg. TEA is a sturdy life raft for everyone's benefit....

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CHINA: Independent Union Organisation.

12-03-2002 19:43

50,000 Daqing Oilfield Workers Organise Independent
Trade Union

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Barcelona EU-Summit. Legal information and useful telephone numbers (Eng/Fr)

12-03-2002 18:57

Legal information for the mobilisations against the EU-Summit in Barcelona 9 - 16 March.

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Who rules a democracy?

12-03-2002 18:37

This item explores the dynamics of popular rule versus elite rule in a democracy, and the vital role of A Technique of Democracy, which is designed to help emancipate popular engagement in the process of democracy. The story is linked to a colorful slide show just released by CC, describing that "technique of democracy."

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Critic shuts down fringe show - literally!

12-03-2002 18:17

Last summer the Montreal Fringe Festival destroed an anti-globalization piece of theatre. Why? Corporate conflict-of-interest sponsorship.

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okasional cafe

12-03-2002 18:15

manchesters okasional squatted social centre returns

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MayDay in MayFair

12-03-2002 17:58

This year sees us return to the traditional place of Mayday celebrations - Mayfair in London

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Patent nonsense

12-03-2002 17:55

Companies now demanding intellectual property rights were built up without them.

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New IMC Online Forum Needed?Discuss here?

12-03-2002 17:35

Please take a look at this thread from Monday's (11/03/02)newswire and join the disscusion...NEW DISCUSSION FORUM NEEDED?

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Stop the War Coalition: emergency action if Iraq attacked

12-03-2002 17:08

Latest from Stop the War Coalition, now calling for emergency stoppages in workplaces and colleges if the latest planned assault on Iraq goes ahead. Full details in press announcement from Media Workers Against War:
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