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British Open 2006: A Tale of Two Hoylakes

04-08-2006 13:05

Now that the golfers, the media, and the roadsigns have gone, Wirral is pretty much exactly as it was before the British Open. Except for two things. Number one: the rich are richer. Number two: the poor are poorer. While many of Wirral's businesses are counting their cash following the British Open, residents on the 'wrong side' of Hoylake are counting the cost.

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In Defence of Mel Gibson

04-08-2006 12:52

The major communication mediums of the world continue to bombard the public with images and descriptions of the Israeli-Lebanon conflict. The media works tirelessly to deliver our social consciousness. Today’s mass media maintains its status as the principal means of creating and sustaining social realities. The internet-based ‘independents’ lack real independent front-line resources and continue to rely on the mainstream for most of their information (much to their chagrin).

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August 7, 2006 - Cover story - Blood on his hands

04-08-2006 12:44

''Blair knew the attack on Lebanon was coming but he didn't try to stop it, because he didn't want to. He has made this country an accomplice, destroying what remained of our influence abroad while putting us all at greater risk of attack.''

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04-08-2006 12:11

A film documenting how US freedoms are being destroyed.

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Serious safety problems in Swedish nuclear power plants

04-08-2006 11:35

Four nuclear reactors are shut down in Sweden after near miss disaster at Forsmark

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Government Criticised Over ID Card Secrecy

04-08-2006 10:56

Local politicians and security experts have joined an influential
parliamentary committee in criticising the government for keeping the
public in the dark over identity cards.

The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee report, published
today, says government ID card plans are "inconsistent" and "lack clarity",
and raps ministers' knuckles for attacking the credibility of academics
commenting on the scheme.

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Exporter agrees to stop live transport of cattle to Lebanon

04-08-2006 10:21

The Israeli blockade of sea access to Beirut has trapped untold numbers
of cows aboard ship where many have already died of thirst while standing
in their waste.

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Jews Against Zionism

04-08-2006 10:16

A group of orthodox Jews arrived somewhat late at Thursday's rally for Lebanon In Sheffield and their Rabbi asked to speak. They were warmly welcomed by Palestinian spokesperson Musheir and all present.

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The Guerrilla Bring and Buy at OS.120

04-08-2006 09:38

Hey kids,

This Sunday, we're having a secret flea market. You're invited.

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Say no to GMO!

04-08-2006 09:37

please participate by voting for the local opion in the have your say are on the left of the page.

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Groovy times in Novi Sad

04-08-2006 08:38

Rhythms of Resistance is a growing network of percussion(samba) groups around Europe which shows up to many demonstrations to various issues as well as coming up with their own actions. In Berlin the samba band is quite active and I give with this article an overview about my workshop I did in Novi Sad, North of Serbia, Voyvodina
Pictures will follow during the next days

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Brize Norton: A few facts, and how Brize and Prestwick are linked

04-08-2006 07:29

Almost inevitably, in an attempt to alert people to events at an early stage we may use second-hand or less-than-complete information. I/we will always try to clarify and correct as quickly as possible.
In the case of the plane sightings at Brize Norton, it now seems extremely probable that there has so far only been one plane. One of the reasons for confusion is that we sometimes get information from several different sources. As regards Brize Norton, we received information from an eye witness, but also from people elsewhere in the UK who have been tracking planes via U.S. sources such as This website gives information about intended flight departure and arrival times etc but does not necessarily show the actual times if there are delays or re-routing. Hence discrepancies in our reports. Below is the text of an email I received yesterday from a UK tracker:

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Student loses bid for High Court hearing

04-08-2006 05:18

Izhar UlHaque Centre
Lawyers for the 23-year-old argue the charge is not constitutionally valid because they say the laws cannot cover alleged acts committed on foreign soil which do not have an Australian connection.

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Where are Osama and Mustafa Muamar held prisoner?

04-08-2006 01:25

Osama and Mustafa Muamar were kidnapped by IOF on 24 June. Palestinians responded on 25 June by kidnapping Gilad Shalit. Where are Osama and Mustafa Muamar held prisoner now? Are they being given access to a lawyer? To a doctor? To their families?

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The BBC has scared me...

04-08-2006 01:21

Panorama, a one sided view on the middle east crisis.

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NSW academy abuse perpetrators still police

04-08-2006 00:40

Teachers Pets?
But he says commanders failed to take action despite serious misconduct, including threatening students with failure if sexual favours were not provided.

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V for Vendetta screening @ Everything 4 Everyone

04-08-2006 00:28

This weeks E4e Cinema screening at Everything4Everyone will be V for Vendetta.

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Human Rights Watch Accuses Israel of War Crimes

03-08-2006 23:49

Democracy Now!
AMY GOODMAN: Peter Bouckaert, we want to thank you very much for being with us, Emergencies Director at Human Rights Watch. He's speaking to us from Beirut. The report that Human Rights Watch has just put out is called "Fatal Strikes: Israel's Indiscriminate Attacks Against Civilians in Lebanon."

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Murray Bookchin: Requiem for a Pugilist

03-08-2006 23:20

Bookchin's writings on nature served as an intellectual framework for the growing anarchist movement of the 1960s. Like Herbert Marcuse, Bookchin saw the political potential of "flower children" that rejected the synthetic lifestyle of the 1950s. What Bookchin saw as an overall project of the New Left was to add an ethical dimension to revolutionary movements. Bookchin wasn't so much concerned with achieving state power as to the creation of pre-figurative formations that would undermine the old society. Bookchin placed his dreams on those willing to drop out of society and live by the affirmation of refusal.

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Pulling the Plug on Israel / Olmert Extremists' Aggression Unabated

03-08-2006 23:00

Those not supporting calls for an immediate cease-fire must be made to pay a political price, to serve as a warning to those who come after the Zionist Extremists are stripped of power.
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