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ISRAEL: Three more refuseniks in prison

27-08-2002 13:13

ISRAEL: Three more refuseniks in prison
Three more refuseniks were jailed in Israel last week.

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READ AT YOUR OWN RISK : Open Letter to America

27-08-2002 12:33

Never mind that earth-friendly technology already exists to once and for all end dependence on oil, coal and nuclear energy from huge, out-of-control utilities and corporations. You would rather pay through the nose for your insecure comforts, wouldn't you America, and make others pay with their blood.

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Nablus: the heart of the struggle for Palestinian liberation

27-08-2002 12:14

international activists lockdown to prevent demolition of home of martyr's family

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FARC-EP Historical Outline and links to literature

27-08-2002 11:59

FARC-EP Historical Outline and links to literature
This book gives a historical account of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-Peoples Army (FARC-EP), one of the main insurgencies in Colombia, from the civil war of 1948 to the present. It also includes political and programmatic documents that outline the FARC-EP's vision of a new Colombia, without exploiters or exploited.

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Strasbourg office occupation

27-08-2002 10:01

17 people occupied an office of the ministry of justice at Strasbourg, where held in custody for several days under the accusation of kidnapping, but had to be released on monday 26.8.
Here's a report about the action.

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tension in chiapas - more attacks against zapatistas

27-08-2002 09:03

Urgent appeal to the national and international society as the tension rises in Chiapas following the repeated attacks against zapatistas communities, which caused dead and injured.

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Guerilla culture is popular culture

27-08-2002 08:42

Revolutionary culture is present and is nurtured by the people. It is the expression of rebellion charged with social content that has flourished in spite of everything throughout our history - in spite of the massacres, the bullets and the negation with which they think they can silence the voice of a people.

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Strasbourg - 17 Ahmed supporters free

26-08-2002 22:51

17 activists, who were arrested after an office occupation in support of Ahmed Menguini, were set free.

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who really killed Holly Wells hidden factually incorrect

26-08-2002 22:27

No story to tell - huh? Well there was once and there is now - and while it's entirely suppositional it's important, cos once again the official line stinks. It's avenues of exploration - think of it as nothing more than that.

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Cuba takes preventive measures against West Nile virus

26-08-2002 21:29

AS press releases have informed, the United States is currently experiencing an encephalitis epidemic caused by the West Nile virus, which has led to 251 reported cases and 11 deaths so far this year.

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Work to rule from today, Monday, August 26TH in An Post The Irish Postal Service

26-08-2002 21:19

News from the Civil Public and Services Union (CPSU) in An Post. Limited industrial action from today in An Post until the management of An Post start suspending people and then we'll be on a full scale strike.

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US to launch trade war with Europe over GM crops

26-08-2002 17:09

US to take EU to WTO over moritorium on GM crops

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A31 day of action against corporate control of the UN?

26-08-2002 16:11

As lobby groups, politicians and mainstream NGO's meet in Johannesburg to decide just how to inflict their corporate led version of 'sustainable development' on the rest of the world, is anyone in the UK direct action movement planning to do anything about it?

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26-08-2002 15:16


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Free radio during PGA conference in Holland

26-08-2002 14:13

During the European PGA conference in Leiden, Holland, which starts next Saturday, there will be a free radio station named "People's Global Radio" broadcasting in the air on 97.4FM and on the internet.

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Bayer in GM Crop Contamination Scandals

26-08-2002 13:28

On 15th August it emerged that Bayer's new agricultural wing, Bayer CropScience (1), was responsible for the illegal planting of genetically modified (GM) oil seed rape.
GM seed, planted at more than 20 farm scale trial sites in the UK since 1999, was contaminated with substantial quantities (up to 2.8%) of an unauthorised variety of

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what's wrong with Globalise Resistance?

26-08-2002 11:54

GR wants to be a non-political anti-capitalist umbrella organisation giving support to other organisations and campaigns and drawing more people into the anti-cap movement, this is a good thing. However.........

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Leeds Festival : Police / crowd violence: DV request

26-08-2002 08:43

DV or Home Video Pix request by Corporate Media lackey (but it's Darius B. so that's kind of all right...)

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Cop’s widow in landmark case.

26-08-2002 08:12

Cop’s widow in landmark case.

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Kola Boof--SUDAN'S TOP WOMAN WRITER--Attacked by Terrorists!!

26-08-2002 04:56

Kola Boof--SUDAN'S TOP WOMAN WRITER--Attacked by Terrorists!!
Sudanese-born bestselling novelist KOLA BOOF (now living in America) was FIRED ON by gunmen outside Los Angeles this past Wednesday. Boof is notorious for her hatred of Sudan's Arab government and the religion of Islam.
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