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Rossport: 150 people attempt to take down Shell's compound

11-05-2009 15:10

On Saturday evening 150 people attempted to take down Shell's illegal compound at Glengad.

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Jamcam down again.

11-05-2009 15:07

As usual, every time there is confrontation between police and demonstrators in Parliament Square the BBC Jamcam gets shut down so that you can't see what's going on.

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London Met UCU Strike

11-05-2009 15:02

Reports and interviews from the picket lines by Communist Students.

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Vanni Situation (Tamil 'safe zone')

11-05-2009 14:45

Repeated call to save the innocent civilians life in the Vanni area failed and more than Two thousand five hundren were killed from Saturday ( 9-05-2009) till Monday morning 11-05-2009). Only a limited number of bodies were brought to the make shift hospital and all other bodies were scatted on ground and buried in the bunkers.

Many civilians were killed while they were in bunkers, and could not find them. Innocent civilians were killed thousands and thousands, but we are only counting the number of death bodies and injured people and unable to stop these killings.

Still the people inside amounts to more than 150,000 moving again within the Govt. announced safety areas. But the civilians were killed in the safety areas. They do not have any passage to come out of the war area, they only get rice kanchy for a day. During the heavy fighting and shelling they do not even have this rice kanchy. The hardship and suffering of these people cannot be expressed in words.

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Spacehijackers have been hijacked?

11-05-2009 14:30

Is the "Face Hijackers" on Facebook anything to do with the real Space Hijackers? There is one [we need a tank] with what appears to be the REAL Spacehijacker people....Mayday and so on as the admins then there is another one run by other people including William Hudson from Housmans Bookshop which looks like a fake...they too are asking for donations for a tank! What is going on? Who is the real Spacehijackers? What is going on? will the real Spacehijackers please stand up?

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Statewatch obtain Dept. for transport project delivery risk report

11-05-2009 14:03

A speadsheet obtained from Statewatch shows the connection between the DFT and the police in relation to the monitoring of protest groups.

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Tamil protesters take to streets as the GENOCIDE of there people gose on:

11-05-2009 13:55

As indymedia hide this news we ask what guidlines is this brakeing?, there is rightly an ongoing debate at the future of how this wire works, but some mods just hideing news they disagree with is we feel censership we hope stays and the moves to form more local groups comes sooner than latter:

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Parliament Protest — Jam Cam shut

11-05-2009 12:42

Tamils on the streets again to protest the carnage of Sat night.
Clearly it is the media blackout and spin that is deviating these ordinary peace loving people to take to the streets.

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Video on the murder of Carlos Palomino (Spain)

11-05-2009 12:21

Video about the death of the anti-fascist boy Carlos Palomino in 2007.

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Ronnie Easterbrook has died in prison after 21 years of struggle

11-05-2009 11:57

Demonstration for Ronnie earlier this year
On Sunday 10 May, after a prolonged hunger strike, Ronnie Easterbrook has died in Gartree prison aged 78. Ronnie was an intransigent thorn in the side of the system for 21 years since he was stitched up by the police and sentenced to life imprisonment.

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PLEASE HELP …. Looking for witnesses

11-05-2009 11:46

On Saturday 09-05-2009 between 13:00 – 14:30 (aprox)
Bristol Anti BNP march Castle Park Bristol
A man was violently arrested sustaining injury
Did anybody witness this event

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Ugernt, westminster blockade happening now.

11-05-2009 10:58

Recently the Sri lankan government agreed to cease shelling the safe zone, yet reports are comming out of thousands killed over the weekend.

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Visteon Swansea Update - Protest/Campaign Meeting at Swansea

11-05-2009 10:10

Although convenor Rob Williams has officially been sacked from the Visteon plant, the workers, socialists and union supporters still haven't given up the fight, and another rally/protest will be held in a couple of days.

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Swine Flu - Could it be a synthetic creation?

11-05-2009 08:58

Swine flu panic is spreading accross the world and soldiers are patrolling the streets in some countries after it was confirmed that human to human transmission is occurring and that the virus is a brand new strain which is a never-before-seen intercontinental mixture of human, avian and pig viruses from America, Europe and Asia. Clues that the virus may be a synthetic creation are already manifesting.

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Nottingham's Annual MayDay March and Rally 2 : Event

10-05-2009 23:38

Nottingham's Annual MayDay march and rally, held on Saturday May 2nd. The theme this year : A Celebration of Resistance.

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Nottingham's Annual MayDay March and Rally 1 : Parade

10-05-2009 23:26

Nottingham's Annual MayDay march and rally, held on Saturday May 2nd. The theme this year : A Celebration of Resistance.

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Argus attack on Squatters

10-05-2009 22:58

"Online networks are helping squatters to find and occupy empty properties in Brighton and Hove."

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The 300-350 Show - Climate Safety

10-05-2009 20:06

New series kicks of with a recording of the presentations given at the launch of the "Climate Safety" report last Autumn featuring George Monbiot, Leila Deen, Jeremy Leggett & Caroline Lucas.

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A year of protest against Starbucks in St. James Street, Brighton

10-05-2009 18:01

Despite a disappointing turn out there was the usual plethora of classic Kemptown moments during the first anniversary protest against "Dodgy Starbucks" in Brighton's St. James Street.

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Tamils genocide: More than 2,000 civilians feared slaughtered in a single night

10-05-2009 17:28

Indiscriminate barrage of shelling by the Sri Lanka Army (SLA) on the 'safety zone' starting from Saturday night to Sunday morning slaughtered more than 2,000 civilians including large number of women and children, medical sources in Vanni said quoting the injured who managed to reach the makeshift hospital.
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