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Crawley town centre to Tinsley House IRC 15 more pics

23-09-2007 06:29

Tinsley House Immigration Removal Centre at Gatwick, was the first purpose-built detention centre in the UK. It was opened in 1996 and has a capacity of 135 people, including families and children, with 11,000 detainees going through it each year.

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Nuclear opponents from six European countries met in Germany

23-09-2007 06:21

More than 100 anti-nuclear activists from six European countries met in Dortmund, Germany, on Saturday (22 Sep) for a uranium conference, reported the Aktionsbündnis Münsterland gegen Atomanlagen on IndyMedia Germany. They were from Russia, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, Hungary and Germany itself. The conference was called by more than 40 German and international groups and organisations.

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A Critique of Citizenism

23-09-2007 05:42

Written in French in April 2001, this text is a critique of the anti-globalization movement from an anarcho-communist perspective. This is the first time it has ever been translated into English.

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More pics of the No Border march

23-09-2007 00:10

gathering in the Memorial Gardens in Crawley
As part of the Gatwick No Border Camp, about 500 people from across the UK marched from Crawley, West Sussex, to Gatwick in a 'transnational day of action against immigration prisons'. They were protesting in particular against a new detention centre that is being built at Gatwick Airport, which is due to open in 2008.

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Venezuela today: complexities and outright lies

23-09-2007 00:06

* A member of the editorial collective of El Libertario (; in Spanish & English) prepared this article for the 6th edition of the Costa Rican (A) journal La Libertad [September 2007;] in response to an inconsistent effort to establish impossible affinities between Chavism and Anarchism.

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No Border campaigners march to Gatwick despite heavy policing

22-09-2007 22:48

For the first time in its 11-year history, Tinsley House immigration detention centre at Gatwick Airport today saw a lively, though short rally in the afternoon. As part of the Gatwick No Border Camp, about 500 people from across the UK marched from Crawley, West Sussex, to Gatwick in a 'transnational day of action against immigration prisons'. They were protesting in particular against a new detention centre that is being built at Gatwick Airport, which is due to open in 2008.

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General Dannatt: Most Iraqi militants 'not bad people'

22-09-2007 22:29

Although almost completely ignored by the UK Press, the head of UK Armed Forces, General Sir Richard Dannatt, has described the resistance in Iraq in terms that once more set him at odds with his political masters.

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photo's of big demo saturday to tinsley house

22-09-2007 21:08

for pictures of the demo of today see the report on indymedia netherlands at:

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Pics Saturday No Borders demo in Crawley.

22-09-2007 20:36

Front banner at the demo
Here there are some shots of the Transnational No Borders Day of Action demonstration in Crawley.

See report of the demonstration here:

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Tinsley House demo Saturday 22nd September 2007 photos 10 to 18

22-09-2007 19:30

Resistance, both inside and outside immigration removal centres, has been getting stronger and stronger. Hunger strikes, demos, riots and pickets have become a common occurrence.

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Tinsley House demo Saturday 22nd September 2007 photos 1-9

22-09-2007 19:27

Over 400 people from all over the UK Marched from Crowley to Tinsley House

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Report fron Saturday's Transnational No Borders demonstration in Crawley

22-09-2007 18:20

On the 22nd September 2007 the No Borders, Transnational Day of Action Against Immigration Prisons; saw several hundred protesters leaving the No Borders Camp near the town of Balcolme, to go to Crawley and from there to march to Tinsley House (and the nearby construction site of Brook House) at Gatwick to protest against immigration prisons.

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Pics of the demo saturday

22-09-2007 17:46

pics and text in french

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New skill-sharing and community building project has been launched!

22-09-2007 17:38

When you become a member of the freeconomy community, not only do you get jobs done for free, you also get to learn new skills, teach fellow freeconomists your skills and in the process meet loads of really great people.
Join the freeconomy community at .

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Update on Iranian asylum seeker arrested at Lunar House yesterday

22-09-2007 17:14

The man arrested yesterday at Lunar House near a No Borders demonstration was detained at Croydon police station overnight and went before the Magistrates Court this morning. Legal support at the No Borders Camp arranged for a lawyer to represent him, and prisoner support sent 2 rep's to attend the court hearing. Unfortunately the man, who is clearly in a distressed state, was remanded until a court hearing next week.

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Playing with Fire: The Story of Daniel McGowan, "eco-terrorism" and the Green Sc

22-09-2007 17:12

The Indypendent Cover
Growing up in New York City, Daniel McGowan saw first-hand how pollution fogged the air and fouled the beaches in some of the city’s poorest communities, setting him on a lifelong path of environmental and social justice. But how he ended up drenched in gasoline and setting fire to Oregon’s Jefferson Poplar Farms in 2001 and was later targeted as a “domestic terrorist” is the story of someone who cared too much and didn’t know what else to do.

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Otterspool Promenade Under Threat Again

22-09-2007 15:54

On 28 September Liverpool Council plan to give-away a stretch of public open
space along Otterspool Promenade. This is part of the tree lined grass
embankment that runs along the coast from the Britannia Inn for about 1/2
mile between the Garden Festival site and the Promenade walkway. The
Executive Board meet at Millennium House at 9am next Friday 28th September
to approve the disposal and to include the land in the lease agreement with
Langtree McLean for their Festival Gardens development.

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Forces control 8% of Baghdad

22-09-2007 14:50

Maj. Gen. Joseph Fil, speaking to reporters at the Pentagon from his Multinational Division-Baghdad headquarters, painted a generally positive picture but acknowledged that the fighting remains hard.

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Cops target independent journalists on Noborder march

22-09-2007 13:42

An independent videographer was arrested on the Noborders march today at 12:45. From preliminary reports, it appears that the arrest occurred when he filmed cops who were policing the march (not a crime) and then refused to give his details when asked to do so. It is unclear to us why anyone should be required to provide his name and address when filming the police. The arrest occurred under Section 50 of the Police Reform Act, a recent piece of legislation allowing police to arrest someone who doesn't give details when suspected of anti-social behaviour, so perhaps filming cops is an anti-social activity.

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Crossrail- latest costs deadlock is symptomatic of the spin rail. Scrap it

22-09-2007 12:37

UK Transport Secretary Ruth Kelly has given a publicly stated deadline of next Tuesday by when the City of London and Big Business interests should come up with 'real money'. She has been reported to have asked to see the colour of the Big Business money. This impasse has been
painted in the pro-Crossrail Big Business media including the Financial Times and by the USA outlet Bloomberg as an unfair demand on the conglomerates. They are citing this demand as evidence of sloppy and unrealistic thinking on the part of Gordon Brown's administration. This is not so. The problem lies with the sloppiness and the lack of merit in the present Crossrail plan itself.
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