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From Edinburgh to Glasgow, passing by Stirling

12-07-2005 16:01

Carnival of Full Enjoyment
Pictures from Edinburgh (Carnival of Full Enjoyment), Stirling (M9 blockade), Glasgow (street party on the bridge)

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Mayor of Hiroshima calls people to participate in peace walk to Belgian NATO nuc

12-07-2005 15:53

Peace Walk 2003
The mayor of Hiroshima, Mr. Akiba Tadatoshi, calls people to participate between July 26th and August 9th in the peace walk from Ypres to the NATO nuclear weapon base in Kleine Brogel, in the north of Belgium (letter attached). The peace walk organised by For Mother Earth, the Flemish member of Friends of the Earth International, marks the 60th anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th and 9th 1945.

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Stop the War London Solidarity Gathering July 17

12-07-2005 15:47

Stop the War London Solidarity Gathering July 17 2pm Russell Square

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Man faces stoning for gay sex.(Nigeria)

12-07-2005 15:46

A man has been sentenced to stoning to death for admitting to having had gay sex by a Sharia court in Nigeria.

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ACAB released

12-07-2005 15:10

ACAB released after 5 nights in solitary.

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Tomgram: Nick Turse on Cyberstalking the Recruitable Teen

12-07-2005 15:09

Nick Turse on Cyberstalking the Recruitable Teen

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Report of being arrested near Stirling

12-07-2005 14:15

Illegal police action while arresting people near Stirling after blockade of the M9 ended on wed 06.07.05

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"Nine-Eleven" Retrospective

12-07-2005 13:27

After declaring war on terrorists, en endless war, the balance sheet is rather depressing three years later-and after two wars..Numerous terrorism experts see America's reaction to September 11 as catastrophic. A gift was gtiven to the terrorists with the iraq war.

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Strike of CNT-IWA workers at Seville (Spain). Solidarity needed!

12-07-2005 13:05


SOLIDARITY with the local breakdown vans workers of Seville (Spain)



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London post G8 debrief

12-07-2005 11:45

There have been a couple of posts suggesting that some form of post-G8 meeting(s) are necessary if the movement is to best digest and take on board any lessons that there are to be learnt from the mobilisations around the G8 summit.

This Friday 15th July at the rampART social centre in East London time has been made available for people to meet, show films, and discuss the events of last week.

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G8, The antiauthoritarians story: This is How We Do It

12-07-2005 11:07

From the beginning there was no well-thought-out master plan for
shutting down the G8 Summit at Gleneagles. In fact, some of
us even dubbed the march we were about to embark on "The
Suicide March". At three in the morning, a large group of
militants dressed in black slipped into the darkness of the
night as the first rain of many days dumped down on them.
The air was thick with the eerie presence of a thousand
determined individuals beginning to walk along the deathly
still road. Besides the occasional attempt at a chant the group
was quiet, perhaps reconsidering the slim probability of
success. Five miles and a heavy police presence stretched
before us and our only destination in sight: Motorway 9 (M9).
This motorway was one of the crucial motorways that
delegates and support staff to the G8 Summit expected to
travel down in a few hours.

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U.S. ROGUE PENTAGON AGENTS -Task Force 121 & Rogue non-pentagon contractors

12-07-2005 10:56

drawing from special operations personnel in the Army's Delta Force, Green Berets, the Navy SEALS, British Special Air Service (SAS) and Special Boat Service (SBS), and various ex-U.S. and foreign intelligence and Special Operations (including British SAS, Israeli Sayaret Mat'kal, and South African Recce Commandos) personnel hired from shadowy private contractors, are now being linked to illegal kidnapings,

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monbiot on climate change

12-07-2005 10:29

george monbiot has brought post-g8 climate change eloquently to the readers of the guardian today, but what do we do now?

please read, circulate and mobilise.......

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Israel to ask U.S. for $2.2 billion in aid for pullout

12-07-2005 10:04

A delegation of senior Israeli officials that left for Washington over the weekend will ask the American government Monday evening for some $2.2 billion in special aid for the disengagement plan.

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2 minutes silence at EDO

12-07-2005 10:04

This Thursday mourners will be observing a 2 minute silence at noon outside EDO/MBM's Brighton bomb factory for the victims of bombings everywhere.

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EDO appeal case postponed

12-07-2005 09:51

The appeal of anti-EDO activists against their conviction for aggravated trespass scheduled for July 13th-15th has been cancelled. No new date has been set for their appeal but it will be posted as soon as it is known.

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Despatch from Sheffield

12-07-2005 09:42

Sheffield has a long, proud history of welcoming newcomers from overseas. It is a friendly, multi-cultural city - but are sinister forces operating in the wake of the London bombings ?

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12-07-2005 07:44

¿Que pasaría si lo que excede de la creatividad autodeterminada de cada nodo de la resistencia, pudiera disponer, de los sobrantes que tengan otros nodos anticapitalistas? Si los bienes materiales se complementasen, sin mediarse por la moneda, con los bienes inmateriales de cada zona liberada en América Latina y el mundo entero.

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AFP kills report where Blair linked London attacks to Palestinian struggle

12-07-2005 04:48

SEE the transformation of this AFP agency report, during the course of Saturday, July 9, 2005. It is instructive.

By the release of the Sunday morning edition, the article was word-for-word the same, except ahem, some restrictions had applied. The mischievous (and surely untrue) words were gone without a trace.

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Live 8: Corporate Media Bonanza: Disinformation Campaign and Public Relations St

12-07-2005 03:49

half way down critique of g8 'debt' elimination
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