UK Newswire Archive
Sabotage the Machines!
21-07-2010 12:23
Activists entered the Cutacre coal mine in the early hours of a morning in June, & sabotaged 7 monster -used to transport coal around the site.
They report that metal hair pins were cut to length, coated in superglue & inserted deetrucks, p into the locks of the vehicles. Another healthy dose of glue followed for good measure.
It is not known how long the vehicles were out of action-oddly nobody hung around long enough to find out.
The site is located in the Greater Manchester area, & is operated by "let's trash the planet" UK Coal. It is on land owned by "let's sell our mums for money" Peel Holdings.
The activists say they were inspired by the fine examples of sabotage at Mainshill, & hope that all over the country, people will resist the destruction, & sabotage machinery.
Nobody was arrested.
Bristol Biofuels Protest
21-07-2010 12:22
Bristol City Council, The Council House, College Green, 9.00-10.00 am, 10th AugustEarlier this year Bristol City’s Planning Committee resoundingly rejected an application for a biofuel power station at Avonmouth. There is cross-party support within the Council and local parliamentary candidates for rejecting this development. This is backed up by a local petition with over a 1000 signatures on it. The developer (W4B) has appealed the decision. A coalition of local and national groups are opposing this appeal and wish to demonstrate the strength of local and national feelings against the proposed development when the appeal inquiry starts on 10th August.
The power station will more than likely be powered by palm oil. Demand for palm oil leads to rainforest destruction in Malaysia and Indonesia, West Papua, Papua New Guinea, Colombia, Ecuador, Cameroon and Uganda. Palm oil plantations are also linked to the displacement of communities, including indigenous peoples, the destruction of their livelihoods and very often to human rights abuses. The W4B power station would require 22,000 hectares of new oil palm plantations if crude palm oil was used.
This power station will add to the degradation of local air quality that will be caused by proposed biomass power stations and incinerators in Avonmouth. It will also have an adverse affect on nature reserves in the Severn Estuary.
Existing planning guidance and procedures do not allow issues of sustainability to be considered in this case, even though it will exacerbate climate change and biodiversity loss. The concerns of Bristol people, indigenous people and animals like the orang-utan are effectively being censored because of out of date planning procedure.
Some possible themes for those attending:
Censorship – gaffer tape over mouths, blacked out text on placards etc.
Air quality – gas masks/ builders masks
Rainforest destruction – stuffed parrots, toucans, jaguar, orang-utan etc.
Human rights abuses – wear read to signify bloodshed
Food security and sovereignty
Finally, if anyone can take a banner to each day (8 days in all) of the inquiry to remind the Planning Inspector how important their decision is, that would be fantastic.
Freemovement - Say No to Removals/Deportations
21-07-2010 12:03
Important Information for Refugees granted leave to remain for 5 years in 2005From 30 August 2010, those granted refugee leave or humanitarian protection in 2005 for 5 years will start to come to the end of their 5 years leave.
They will need as a matter of urgency to renew their application for indefinite leave to remain.
Someone who does not do so before his/her 5 years leave expires may suffer several problems - including losing any entitlement to work or receive benefits, or that any application for indefinite leave to remain is dealt with more restrictively, could also lead to their status being revoked and removal from the UK.
The UK Border Agency has published information about making applications for indefinite leave to remain for these people. See:
Refugees and those with humanitarian protection - route to settlement

For information on how to apply for indefinite leave to remain before your leave expires, you should go to:
Completing application form SET (Protection Route)

Flames engulf delivery vans at notorious lab animal breeder - by MFAH
21-07-2010 11:05
received anonymously:"On the early hours of Monday 19th July, Highgate Farm in Lincolnshire, UK was visited and information was gathered to be used in the future against this lab animal breeder.
Confronting Patriarchy
21-07-2010 10:22
The Pink and Black Library (opposite Classic's Free Shop), Stokes CroftThursday 22nd July, 8pm
Discussion-based session towards forming a group. Everyone welcome.
We realise there are people interested in coming who can't make Thursday evenings, so we're hoping to establish a more appropriate time slot for it, to keep it consistent for future sessions.
The whole thing's a bit like that at the moment - we have mostly been having very open (and very interesting/exciting/necessary) discussions. It seems to be slowly, organically developing into something more pro-active. Please come along and be a part of it.
Call for Action Against House Demolitions in Al Farisiya and Fasayil
21-07-2010 09:18
On 19th July 2010 the Israeli army demolished 23 homes in Al Farisiya
in the Jordan Valley making 91 more Palestinians homeless. They also
destroyed the shelters for over 1000 sheep that members of this
bedouin community owned, and have 'confiscated' the sheep and demanded
payment from the farmers for their food!
On 21st July demolitions took place in the village of Fasayil
Fresh cartoon for worldwide distribution: Breaking the Gaza siege! (by Latuff)
21-07-2010 04:42

Speakers Corner: Iran propaganda echoes buildup to Iraq war eight years ago
21-07-2010 01:50

Democracy Village eviction night, Parliament Square - pics
20-07-2010 23:33

Palestine Solidarity Settlement created in Brighton Supermarket
20-07-2010 22:04

Vestas - Magic Roundabout Re-occupied on 1st Anniversary
20-07-2010 21:54
Vestas - Magic Roundabout Re-occupied on 1st Anniversary of the Workers Occuaption.At around 4pm this afternoon, one year on from the beginning of the Vestas occupation,
15 ex-Vestas workers and campaign supporters re-occupied the 'Magic Roundabout' next to the Vestas factory. The roundabout was the home of the support campaign for over 4 months last year in solidarity with the 600 workers who lost their jobs when the wind turbine factory closed it's doors last August.
Keep the English Defence League out of Luton 22nd July 2010.
20-07-2010 21:22

Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
Stop the Deportation of Lem Lem Hussein Abdu
20-07-2010 20:57

Breaking the Silence of Scottish Men
20-07-2010 19:23
This essay is written as a contribution to starting a debate which is crucial and critical for Scotland’s future: the state of Scottish men. We urgently need to start a wide-ranging debate about Scottish men and masculinities, our behaviour, attitudes and assumptions. And we need men to contribute to this.
"Peace Envoy" Blair gets an easy ride in The Independent
20-07-2010 19:03
Last month, the Independent carried an interview with Tony Blair, the former British prime minister and now "the international community's Middle East envoy." (Donald Macintyre, 'Tony Blair: Former PM urges Israel to ease Gaza blockade', Independent, June 4, 2010;
"Right to the City Forum" in Glasgow
20-07-2010 17:23
This is an open invitation to all those who seek to overcome political sectarianism, respect difference, and develop new and ongoing models of cultural and political activity in a time where the need for such organisation is self-evident.
olympic fence jumping tournament in parliament sq
20-07-2010 16:22
democracy village activists cordially invite all to an open tournament of fence jumping in parliament square
the fence jumping tournament began around 2pm and within a couple of hours there had been a total of 23 successful incursions, and some of the fencing is already looking ropey as scaffolding clamps mysteriously come loose.
despite the many incursions, people, after trying some sprinting, hide-and-seek, and 'catch me if you can' games, are escorted out of the square, and they are free to continue congregating in a small area in front of the fences.
so far, both last night and today there have been no arrests.
"What do you think of Israel?" - street poll
20-07-2010 16:22
The 'Jewish Chronicle' newspaper has offered the public an amazing opportunity to let them know what we think of Israel. Take up your pen and stickers and go forth into the streets!!
The new copy of the pro-Zionist 'Jewish Chronicle' newspaper has sent out a billboard to newsagents throughout the country. The billboard simply asks "What do you think of Israel?", and then there's a lovely white space after these words which one can only assume are an invitation to write your thoughts in big letters, or to add a specially prepared sticker.
Watch out for these billboards outside newsagents and help them answer their own question.
Democracy Village Eviction
20-07-2010 16:00
The eviction of Democracy Village peace camp in Parliament Square, London in the early hours of 20th July 2010.*Freeskilling* - Raw Food
20-07-2010 15:22
20 July Raw FoodHow to access ultimate physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing through what we eat and how to incorporate more of these life-giving foods into your diet. With raw food guru Saskia Fraser
tonight, 20 July, 7pm, Better Food Co. Sevier Street
Raw Food
How to access ultimate physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing through what we eat and how to incorporate more of these life-giving foods into your diet. With raw food guru Saskia Fraser