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VIDEO J26 "Cacerolazo": pots & pans protest in support of women in Argentina

10-02-2002 21:38

VIDEO J26 "Cacerolazo": pots & pans protest in support of women in Argentina
On Saturday January 26, women and men in Philadelphia joined women in other cities around the world in a "Cacerolazo" -- a pots-and-pans protest -- in support of the women of Argentina. The Philadelphia cacerolazo, organized by the Crossroads Women’s Center and International Wages for Housework Campaign, took place in Center City front of the offices of Salomon Smith Barney, an investment bank that is part of Citigroup -- one of
the most active banks in Argentina and which has been implicated in the collapse of its economy. (article 1)

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art on the streets during the WEF protest

10-02-2002 21:10

art on the streets during the WEF protest
pictures of our art interventions on the street of NY last weekend

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Parallel Lives

10-02-2002 21:06

A comparison between two generations of media victims

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Saddam discusses toppling Bush (for behaving badly)

10-02-2002 21:05

Here's a "slightly" doctored version of an AP story available from the
URL below. Only the names have been changed to show the absurdity of the

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Public Meeting : The War on Dissent

10-02-2002 20:54

Jeremy Corbyn MP is hosting an open public meeting at the Houses of Parliament against the new Terrorism Acts this Tuesday evening. Let's all go and overwhelm the place to show our concern.

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Malaga: Nico Sguiglia has a chance to stay in Spain

10-02-2002 20:41

Expulsion order against noborder activist from Malaga might be stopped - keep the faxes going!

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10-02-2002 20:41

Priest Claims Top Secret Base Injected Dying Patients With Killer Viruses

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London Social Center supports Campaign for noborder activist

10-02-2002 20:25

A new social center in london supports the campaign to stop the expulsion of a noborder activist from Spain

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Is America headed for Dictatorship ?

10-02-2002 20:04

Is fascism coming Back ?

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Prevent the Imprisonment of Fatih Tas - Background

10-02-2002 19:21

Fatih Tas, editor of the Istanbul-based Aram
Publishing Company, has been indicted by a Turkish
prosecutor for publishing a collection of essays by
Noam Chomsky (see Background Information below).

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norrena hertz article in observer,

10-02-2002 19:08

the self-apointed spokeperson for capitalism with a human face, in the observer.

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This Is What Bureaucracy Looks Like

10-02-2002 18:17

This essay takes a critical look at the role Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) play in the growing movement against global capital.

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10-02-2002 16:48

The British government is again supporting Morocco's invasion of Western Sahara which has led to thousands of refugees fleeing to Algeria.

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Launch of Asia Pacific Social Forum to be discussed by region’s activists

10-02-2002 14:11

Launch of Asia Pacific Social Forum to be discussed by region’s activists
Following the success of the 50,000-strong 2nd World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil, the Asia Pacific International Solidarity Conference will discuss the formation of a regional Asia Pacific Social Forum. This will spur greater resolution and coordination of resistance to the twin dangers of war and neoliberal globalisation...

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Denmark: 15.000 demonstrate against xenophobia

10-02-2002 13:56

In Denmark, February 8th was proclaimed “Friday against fear of foreigners”. Among various initiatives this brought at least 15.000 people to a demonstration in central Copenhagen.

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Who Will Bail Out All the Banks?

10-02-2002 13:22

The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.
- Thomas Jefferson

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BNP Alert at Greenwich University

10-02-2002 08:40

The man in charge of recruiting students to the British National Party is studying at Greenwich University, where the mother of murdered Stephen Lawrence works.

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When Demonstrators Think They Can Use "the Master's Tools" (art)

10-02-2002 03:08

When Demonstrators Think They Can Use "the Master's Tools" (art)
History (as documented by Howard Zinn and others) shows us that when comparitively weak groups imagine that they can utilize "The Master's Tools" *when it really counts* they often find themselves *being tooled* instead. This art questions the value of engaging domestic implementers of policy in traditional formal ways. anti-copyright art
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