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'No More Fallujahs' - a personal account

01-11-2006 11:23

Banner at Northwood military base
One participant's account of a weekend of nonviolent mass civil disobedience - remembering the dead in Iraq, calling for an immediate end to the US/UK occupation, for massive reparations and debt cancellation so Iraqis can rebuild their country free from foreign interference, and for prosecution of those responsible for war crimes. Those events which took place within 1km of Parliament were also a direct challenge to Section 132 of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act (SOCPA).

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Capitalism ... the end is nigh

01-11-2006 11:11

We were quite rude about this event last year (1), but perhaps we're mellowing with age so we'll give it a plug. This Saturday (4/11) sees a march and rally against climate change beginning at the US embassy at midday (2) and then heading down to Trafalgar Square for a rally with the usual (probably quite dull) speakers and a vague promise of some tunes. (3)

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poem for fallujah

01-11-2006 07:53

Poem for refugees anywhere

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SDO - Dropout factor mp3

01-11-2006 05:13

SDO - Dropout factor mp3
Media summaries, N-Dee on various Australian non war diversions, 29mins stereo

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Australia: Why does backbencher preach hate?

01-11-2006 04:22

Inciting violence and preaching racial hatred
A Federal Liberal backbencher in now preaching racial hatred in Australia when we have laws against inciting violence and preaching racial hatred. How come he doesn't know the laws? And who put him up to it?

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Community Speaks Out: War Crimes

01-11-2006 02:30

War Crimes
We just can't believe that the country would not support this, we say this for all Australia but we also say this for the International community and all those dead Iraqi people.

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Cutting Edge Magazine

01-11-2006 00:29

New Issue- online alternative news magazine

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Israeli Crimes Against Humanity (Campaign Update)

31-10-2006 23:55

At the dawn of the 21st Century, we believe humanity must have the inalienable right NOT to be killed or maimed by cluster bombs in their front yard, witness their dying or dead baby's wounds catch fire when exposed to air, or suffer new forms of cancer caused by contamination with uranium bombs.

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Hunt Saboteurs tell police 'For Fox Sake - Enforce the Hunt Ban!'

31-10-2006 23:39

At the start of the second season under the hunt ban, the Hunt Saboteurs Association has written to all police forces in England and Wales asking them to enforce the ban on hunting with hounds.

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Carbon Die Oxide: We're All On Ground Zero

31-10-2006 23:26

"Carbon Die Oxide'. HBM's MNFP Trail 2004 Documentary: Maximizing non pollutant fuels reducing world poverty arresting mental distress by bike for two years. By a UK Christian homeless campaigner, geographer, photojournalist, multimedia publisher, greenpeace underground activist since and amateur documentary maker.

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Brad Will Memorial Demonstration Video

31-10-2006 22:30

2 min mpeg1 video of the protest at the Mexican Embassy, Monday, October 30.

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War criminal doesn't deserve to lead Australians

31-10-2006 21:53

Holocaust in Iraq
I think a lot of the responsibility lies with the Australian communities themselves and they need to rise to that responsibility here and take action.

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La Sociedad Civil cubana condena el bloqueo

31-10-2006 21:43

Desde la perspectiva diversa de un amplio espectro de más de 100 organizaciones, la Sociedad Civil cubana condena una vez más el bloqueo impuesto por el gobierno de Estados Unidos a nuestro país, y reafirma su adhesión, por voluntad propia, al proyecto revolucionario.

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Love, War & Peace In The New Amerika

31-10-2006 21:34

triple play and back to the mound poem

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John Matthews Chair of Crest Nicholson “Please Help Us” – A Family Request

31-10-2006 20:16

New Crest Home Crest House
Stuck in the actuality of the third anniversary of their houseboat and home eviction, the Shalom Family from Wales made a special visit on 30th October, to Crest Nicholson’s brand new ‘Crest House’, in Chertsey, Surrey. The Family delivered a new letter of appeal, in perfect harmony with their cause for Social Justice, to Crest Plc Chairman John Matthews.

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BNP trial starts Tommorow

31-10-2006 20:14

just a reminder the BNP trial starts in Leeds tomorrow the 1st of November

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“Iraqis were better off under Saddam”

31-10-2006 19:41

Spiraling violence and daily bloodshed that began with the early days of the US-led invasion and intensified in recent months have torn the fabric of the Iraqi society, breaking communities and their long-established social networks reported Al-Jazeera.

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Spirituals Day is on 1/11 – God Day falls on 11/11

31-10-2006 18:34

‘Secular Spiritualists Day’ is on 1/11 – ‘Global God Day’ falls exactly after ten days on 11/11. This day 1/11 is a ‘Global Spiritualists Day’ or say ‘Human Spiritualist Day’. Similarly 11/11 is only a ‘Universal Gods Day’. On this two days devotees or followers of all regions and religions , regardless to any community, cult, class, color creed
are invited to unite , moreover merge-n-mingle understand and enjoy with each other geniusly , generously and genuinely without hating or harming innocent beings.

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31-10-2006 17:27


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Update on Mexican Embassy arrests at Oaxaca/Brad solidarity demo

31-10-2006 17:24

There are currently (5pm 31/10/06) eight people being held after the demonstration held outside the Mexican Embassy in London on the 30th of October.
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