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Police Chief Apologises in Asylum Row

22-07-2004 15:32

A council which was told by a policewoman that it had underestimated the problems caused by asylum seekers in its area said today it had received an apology from her Chief Constable over the affair.

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The Sun's apology will cut no ice with Liverpudlians - and with good reason

22-07-2004 15:29

'It is time to move on' according to the Sun, following widespread criticism
of the paper's interview deal with Everton striker Wayne Rooney. Rooney has
suffered abuse for his deal with the newspaper, infamous for its reporting
of the Hillsborough disaster. The Sun has again apologised for its 'The
Truth' story, made a few short days after the disaster that eventually
claimed 96 lives. Yet the Sun's apology will not cut
much ice with those on Merseyside.

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Gangs of 'feral' youths bringing terror to streets

22-07-2004 15:28

The attacks of a 20-strong " steaming" gang that preyed on commuters underlines the surge in muggings and violence in London depicted in the British Crime Survey.

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July Critical Mass Manchester

22-07-2004 15:15

a flyer!!!
come join the critical mass friday 30th July 5PM outside the central library manchester

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Fuck The Army - Censored US anti-army documentary showing tomorrow night

22-07-2004 12:39

FTA - which stands for both Free The Army and Fuck the Army is showing tomorrow (FRIDAY) night at

The Grand Banks Social Centre, 156 - 158 Fortess Road, Tufnell Park, London NW5, 9.30pm

It is precluded by The Governorator (40mins 2003) a documentary film about Arnold Schwazzernegger's campaign for office as Governor of California.

FTA (USA 1978 137 mins) is a documentary about a travelling political vaudeville-style roadshow featuring Jane Fonda and Donald Sutherland (before they sold out to the diet and banking industry) plus other 60's actors interviewing and performing anti-Army anti-war plays and songs for US soldiers serving in the Vietnam war in 1972 in an attempt to get them to leave the army and the Vietnam war.

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anti-racism demonstrator falsely arrested then released without charge

22-07-2004 12:38

He said: “We have had enough of seeing and listening to this racist nonsense week in week out so we decided to stand up against it.”

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Campaign for Safer Roads

22-07-2004 12:08

Nether Edge Neighbourhood Group is helping to work toward holistic solutions to the city's traffic problems...

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Protestors Prevent Arms dealers From Attending Farnborough Air Show

22-07-2004 10:57

A double decker coach packed with arms dealing delelgates, literally standing in the isles gagging for the spectacle of the Farnborough air show, were held up for over an hour by four peace protestors.

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Popular dissent against the Olympic Corporate Games

22-07-2004 10:30

an article produced at the last dissent! gathering in Bradford

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Anomaly in 9/11 check-in 'security video'

22-07-2004 10:20

Serious anomaly in 9/11 Commissions' video release.

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22-07-2004 09:56


PICKET 5pm – 6.30pm

Coca Cola Great Britain and Ireland

1 Queen Caroline Street, Hammersmith London W6 (just near Hammersmith tube)

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Direct action road protest veterans delegation to Dept for Transport

22-07-2004 09:10

Audio Outside the Department for Transport
Veteran road protestors threaten new campaign of direct action against government's recently unveiled 10 year transport plan.

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Birmingham Indymedia screening: Fourth World War

22-07-2004 08:55

Fourth World War (Big Noise Films)
Fourth World War (Big Noise Films)

Friday 23rd July 9:30pm @ Decoy, 22 Green St, Digbeth, Birmingham

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London: Demonstrate in support of Haitian workers' rights

22-07-2004 06:55

Demonstrate at Levi's flagship store, 174 Regent St, central London
12.30pm (lunchtime) Thursday, 29th July 2004

At the beginning of June 2004, workers sewing 505 and 555 Levi jeans in a factory in northern Haiti were threatened by factory supervisors, and beaten up by soldiers.

Following a one-day strike in mid-June, half the workforce - more than 350 workers assembling Levi's jeans - were fired by factory owners, Grupo M.

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Stupid American Man Dies While Trying to "Open His Heart" To Jesus

22-07-2004 05:27

Milwaukee, WI - Thirty-two year-old Milwaukee resident (and self-proclaimed punk-rocker) James O'Bannon Jr. bled to death at Froedtert Hospital Sunday afternoon, after a botched heart surgery.

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Aboriginal resistance stopped Australian nuclear dump plan

21-07-2004 19:46

The national Australian government has given up plans for a low-level nuclear waste dump in the South Australian desert – because it feared losing marginal seats in the imminent federal election.

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Palestinian descent into anarchy

21-07-2004 14:15

Just 29 percent of Palestinians hold Israelis responsible for the PA's failure to enforce law and order.

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Michelin Guides Try to Censore Israel-Critical Spoof: Much Better than the Offic

21-07-2004 13:39

pamphlet cover: Much Better than the Official Michelin Guide to Isreli Prisons,
Satirical pamphlet titled "Much Better than the Official Michelin Guide to Isreli Prisons, Jails, Concentration Camps and Toture Chambers," is taken to court. Follow these links to an excerpt from the guide, and the letter of defense submitted to the British High Court in London.

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Protests force RMC to quit lab project

21-07-2004 13:03

Protests force RMC to quit lab project
By David Firn and Jimmy Burns
Financial Times Published: July 21 2004 5:00 | Last Updated: July 21 2004 5:00

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RFID- geo fencing the coming behaviorism

20-07-2004 15:59

this is an article by captain wardrobe...
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