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New issue of radical punk zine (Last Hours) out now!

21-09-2006 22:05

The summer's over, autumn's here. What better time than now to head for something good to read, and learn about all the awesome stuff that the punk, DIY and anarchist communities have been up to in the past few months! The amazing new issue of Last Hours is out now. 116 pages packed full of articles, interviews, columns, reviews, comics and a whole lot more!

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The Cottage of Content Occupation: Summary

21-09-2006 21:36

A week has past since the forcible eviction of the occupiers of the so-called Cottage of Content. With no official word from Birmingham City Council, the buildings’ future function looks uncertain.

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The March to War: Iran Preparing for US Air Attacks

21-09-2006 21:14

British and Australian forces in southern Iraq would deploy with the strategic aim of occupying the Iranian province of Khuzestan and securing its oil. Khuzestan is where most of Iran’s oil fields are located. Meanwhile a naval build-up is developing in the Persian Gulf which also includes the U.S. Coast Guard and the Canadian Navy.

The United States and its partners meanwhile are continuing to marshal and siphon their forces into the Middle East and Afghanistan. Both the United States and Britain have promised troop reductions in Iraq, but are actually increasing their troop levels. It also seems that a muzzle is being placed on Lebanon to stop any attacks on Israel by the presence of troops from member states of NATO.

Syria also seems to be expecting a possible aerial campaign. A vessel sailing to Syria under the flag of Panama, the “Grigorio I,” has been reported to have been stopped off the coast of Cyprus transporting 18 truck-mounted mobile radar systems and three command vehicles for delivery to Syria. This equipment appears to be part of an air defence system.22

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good news from virgin mogul

21-09-2006 19:34

richard branson has pledged $3 billion to combat global warming

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International day of peace observed in Swindon

21-09-2006 18:38

Peace one day
September 21st has been unanimously adopted by all UN member states as the one day in the year for a global ceasefire and non-violence. Peace campaigners in Swindon held a vigil in the town centre to mark the day.

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Time to go from Sheffield to Manchester reaches Glossop

21-09-2006 18:36

Support and publicity in Glossop tonight

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Bullets and Barricades in Oaxaca, Mexico

21-09-2006 16:41

Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Group has issued an urgent call for people to denounce the repression in Oaxaca, Mexico. A mass social movement is demanding the resignation of the State Governor in this southern Mexican state. At least six activists have recently been shot dead, as each night barricades go up on the streets of Oaxaca City.

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Manchester climate camp exhibition opening this Friday

21-09-2006 15:49

Images & experiences from the Camp for Climate Action

Films - music - reports - to ignite & inspire

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G8 defendant found guilty - against all evidence

21-09-2006 15:41

A demonstrator has been found guilty of Breach of the Peace at Edinburgh’s anti G8 Carnival for Full Enjoyment – despite a police witness identifying someone else entirely as the alleged offender. When asked if he saw the person who had committed the offences PC Timothy Fawcett of West Yorks police pointed straight at a spectator in Edinburgh Sheriff Court’s public gallery and confidently declared : “That’s him, there!”

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Divisionism is Death

21-09-2006 14:55

A well-known method of subjugation utilised by conquerors and rulers alike is, “divide and conquer”; this strategy applies equally in times of war and peace. It may surprise many but this method remains the principal means of social control in today’s western societies. The primary divisive structure today is the (separate, ‘closed-door’) nuclear family and the principal divided unit is the psychically isolated, competitive individual. [It should be noted that the ‘individual’, as distinct from the group, is a relatively recent social creation.]

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Arms Dealers forced to Break in to their own Factory

21-09-2006 14:17

EDO-MBM suffered major disruption for the third time in three months when activists completely blocakaded all entrances to Brighton’s bomb factory.

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'Failed' Asylum Seeker's Suicide Note: 'I Can't Go Back. I'd Rather Die'

21-09-2006 14:03

Ethiopian engineer Abiy Abebe was found hanged in Liverpool just hours after his application was rejected. At his inquest yesterday, the sickening nature of the UK asylum system was laid bare as Abiy's suicide note was read out to the court.

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Join the Army: Be depressed - Protest this Saturday (London)

21-09-2006 13:49

London Soldier is an armed forces publicity event held at Chelsea Barracks between September 21st to 23rd September. It is a space for the armed forces to pretend that the life of a soldier, sailor or pilot, is a wonderful, care-free life. This Saturday a group of people will be going to give a counter view to give out information about what life in the armed forces is really like.

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NHS Privatisations Rouse Sleeping Giant

21-09-2006 13:13

The working class is waking up to the harsh reality of New Labour’s plans
to privatise the NHS and is getting angrier and more militant by the day.
Despite record spending (on consultants!), NHS Trusts are cutting staff and beds to pay for corrupt and stupid PFI deals that will leave them with billions of pounds of debts to line the pockets of capitalist fat cats.

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National Camp for Climate Action follow-up meeting in Manchester

21-09-2006 13:05

The Camp for Climate Action was just the beginning!

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London Climate Camp meeting

21-09-2006 13:01

Where next for climate activism in London? Second Camp for Climate Action follow-up meeting, Tuesday, September 26, 7 PM at RampART

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Pakistan's intelligence service threatens defendants relatives

21-09-2006 12:52

A defendant in a UK terror trial has revealed in his testimony that the Pakistani ISI "played a role in training Islamic militants". The ISI then threatened his family in Pakistan and he has refused to testify anymore.

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21-09-2006 12:42

A skillful foreign policy keeps options open and avoids falling into cul-de-sacs.. German Middle East policy is more than unskillful. It is a catastrophe for everyone, for Germany, Israel, Lebanon and the Palestinians.

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No political dissent please - We're British!

21-09-2006 11:32

Final draft of parts 1-4... part 5 is in the writing!
Lots of added tidbits of truth to make them squirm!

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OutRage!-Demo: Uganda stop persecuting gays

21-09-2006 10:28

Gay human rights group Outrage! are joining an NUS-LGBT protest the on-going persecution of lgbt people in Uganda. Fri 22nd 4pm.
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