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OutRage!_Tatchell on Darfur and the UN situ

04-02-2005 13:06

Human Rights activist Peter Tatchell,s a memebr of the Darfur Solidarity Campaign, issued this statement via Outrage! on the situation in Darfur,Sudan. Feb 4th.

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Star Wars Better at Murder Conference

04-02-2005 12:48

Military Satellite Communications systems have become increasingly important to our ability to project force and conduct military operations around the globe. Rapidly growing information requirements and the increasing unpredictability of who and where we may fight, make our satellite communications systems more critical every day. Military needs are diverse and require a mixture of satellite communications services to support wartime operations.

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Full on eviction happening at Linslade road protest

04-02-2005 12:43

Linslade sounds like it's being evicted now

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Darfur - UN is all words, no action

04-02-2005 12:07

“The new UN report on Darfur is all words and no action. It is a cruel betrayal of black Africans who are being slaughtered by Arab Islamists. These killings are racially motivated and the UN’s failure to condemn them as genocide is craven appeasement of the Sudanese government and the Janjaweed militia,” said human rights campaigner, Peter Tatchell, a member of the ad hoc Darfur Solidarity Campaign.

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URGENT News from Nepal

04-02-2005 12:01

Photo: Nepalese Soldiers in Kathmandu Feb 2
The situation in Nepal is FAR worse than previously thought, The King is conducting massive repression and there is a communication blackout - this is one of the few reports getting out of Nepal

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Zero Tolerance in Schools

04-02-2005 11:40

Education, Education, Education.

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Immigration Detention Centre demonstration - 19th Feb

04-02-2005 11:08

Demonstrate against Detention & Deportations
Harmondsworth & Colnbrook Removal Centres (near Heathrow)

Saturday 19th February 2005; 11.30am - 1.30pm
And maybe staying on for a Barbed Wire Britain Network meeting

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Uk torture: Interview with Craig Murray: Ex-British Ambassador to Uzbekistan

04-02-2005 10:35

Very intersting article on Usbekistan, including british participation to widespread torture.

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ID Cards - Crime Prevention or Controlling the Peasants?

04-02-2005 09:29

Big Brother is going to be watching you
Blair's identity cards are going to have a big infrastructure linking data bases. BT is wondering whether to play. The public relations fall out won't do it any good.

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Premiere of Danny Schechter's new film `WMD weapons of mass deception` .

04-02-2005 02:13

WMD weapons of mass deception poster.
This is an announcement of the film premiere in Glasgow of Danny Schechter's new film `WMD weapons of mass deception` with some photos, a biography of Danny and a review of the film. Even if you can't get to see the film it can be ordered through the film website (given in the article). If you can, you should try and watch it -it's a must see!

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Please contact local Linslade campaign before coming down

04-02-2005 01:00

As stated in all the postings about the Linslade campaign, please contact the local group before you come down. The situation is changing very rapidly, especially on the legal side, and it is very important for people to find out the latest first.

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Preparing for the clampdown?

04-02-2005 00:37

"Our ability to prevent a terrorist attack depends on draconian laws and authoritarian government. How well we control you depends on you."
Excerpt from 'Preparing for a police state - what we think you need to know', Bristle mag issue 18, page 18. A spoof of HM Govt's 'Preparing for Emergencies' pamphlet.

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SHELL records record PROFITS

03-02-2005 23:31

SHELL IS PROFITEERING EVIL CORPORATION. I just thought the occasion should be marked. The article's from Reuters but I wouldn't bother reading it. Let's just think what we can do to stop this kind of thing happening again.

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PM Cold Hard Criminal

03-02-2005 23:26

During his visit to Iraq, Mr HoWARd didn't find himself in the unthinkable situation of walking down a main street of Baghdad and taking a telephone call of gratitude from President George W Bushit while Australian militants attacked and maimed Iraqi citizens

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Photos of antiwar action seized by police

03-02-2005 21:28

Apparently it is 'antisocial' to draw attention to the slaughter in Iraq...
These photos were seized from the 4 antiwar activists who did a number of die-ins outside Parliamant and 10 Downing St last November during the re-opening of Parliament.

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Kilroy Silk speaking Friday - get the shit buckets ready

03-02-2005 21:06

Here it is - straight from the prime twats website ... its time this nasty malicious racist got his second treatment to a bucket of shit...

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Plater College is shutting

03-02-2005 20:48

Plater College in Oxford is shutting down.

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Barton IT hub re-opening

03-02-2005 20:35

Good news! Barton IT Hub community centre is re-opening full hours.

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Press release - an Shield Movement Warns Bush – “Shelve Iran Invasion Plan”

03-02-2005 20:29

Following his State of the Union address, President Bush was warned today that any attempt at an illegal ‘Iraq-style’ war against Iran or Syria would be met by a massive mobilisation of western Human Shields, the like of which has never been seen.

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Torching cars

03-02-2005 20:26

The rights and wrongs of torching cars
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