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UK Newswire Archive

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Dissident blogger urges RMT to investigate dust explosions risk

10-01-2006 08:56

Dissident blogger argues that the London Underground does not recognise the fire and explosive hazards of tunnel dust.

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Mindwalk 26: Torture For Profit

10-01-2006 06:48

Much resepect to David Letterman, aka The Big Guy. Followed by a taste of a 1973 Watergate hearing and a 60 Minutes story on the CIA's practice of "Rendition", covert kidnapping using private jets. Finally, Lewis Black to bring a positive and uplifting finale.

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10-01-2006 02:46

15 teenage activists stormed the Icelandic Ministry of Industry today (9 January) and staged a sitdown and noise demo inside the ministry for well over an hour. This was to demonstrate against numerous hydro dam projects that are to power the international aluminium invasion in to pristine Iceland.

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Under the Pavement Radio Show 9th January 2006 Online

10-01-2006 01:51

The lastest edition of Under the Pavement, Manchester's radical alternative radio show, is now online.

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10-01-2006 01:29


Full article - future dates, how to get involved/working groups & more

09-01-2006 22:54

Reminder of this Saturday's open meeting, in Manchester, to get involved in the camp.

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a socpa mystery - help with identification needed

09-01-2006 21:51

why was this man immune to arrest?
today, bow street magistrates court started hearing evidence against four of the five people arrested in parliament square on the day the new socpa legislation came into force on the 1st august last year. but it is now clear that seven people were arrested that day, but two mysteriously avoided charges. WHY?

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Am I the only one in Manchester, with MS?

09-01-2006 20:32

The following letter has been sent to both John Leech MP and the South Manchester Labour Party

Full article | 2 comments -- Policing the Police

09-01-2006 19:46

Resources for fighting police brutality and law-enforcement misconduct. Fight back

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09-01-2006 17:59

JUSTICE for The British Residents in GUANTANAMO BAY

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Peak Oil Gathering - London

09-01-2006 17:47

Plans are being made to host a gathering on the issue of peak oil and it's implications. It will be be hosted at the rampART social centre, most likely sometime in February.

People are being sought to help organise the event and we are also keen to find out how much interest there is generally in the idea of the event. Please get in touch either if you would be interest in attending or in helping to organise the event...

Since nobody denies that peak oil will happen, the idea is to concentrate on likely timing and the implication and priorities for those who are currently campaigning on various issues in the hope of creating a better world.

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US suspected of using Nepal soldiers as guinea pigs

09-01-2006 16:21

A fresh outcry has risen in the US and Nepal over what could be the American government's exploitation of Nepali soldiers as human guinea pigs to find a Hepatitis vaccine.

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Tony's cafe in Broadway market EVICTION !!

09-01-2006 15:56

We received a good quality tip off today that the EVICTION of this fantastic community campaign against council corruption and gentrification is going to take place tommorow morning - ie: Tuesday 6am

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Prophylactic action of linseed oil against cyclophosphamid damage

09-01-2006 15:20

Oral administration of linseed oil (0.1ml/kg b.w. /day) for 20 days prior to an acute dose of cyclophosphamide (75mg/kg) significantly prevented the cyclophosphamide- induced decline in the level of GSH, GSH-Px, alkaline phosphatase in mice blood. The increased activity of acid phosphatase and GSSG was significantly inhibited in linseed oil pre-treated group. Results indicate the prophylactic action of linseed oil against cyclophosphamide-induced oxidative stress.

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Brick Lane London E1 campaign against Crossrail hole Bill - news reports 9 Janu

09-01-2006 13:58

We have now asked the MP a very brief question on the veracity of one report in particular that ahs appeared on the London Evening Standard website. We are going to issue a statement later on today [Monday 9 January 2006] based on what we are able to find out about these assertions relat8ng to the present MP.

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Breakthrough in the Coca-Cola campaign

09-01-2006 13:28

Recent high profile campaign successes in the USA and UK, where Oxford, New York and Michigan Universities have all voted to boycott Coke, have at last forced the Colombian media to question Coke’s activities in the country. Today, Sinaltrainal (the Colombian Food and Drinks Workers’ Union) have been interviewed by Telesur (Venezuela), El Pais (Spain) CNN (USA) and all the major Colombian radio, TV and press.

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Foreign Office on Guantanamo detainees & torture etc.

09-01-2006 12:59

Foreign Office finally replies to letter campaigns on Guantanamo,Torture etc.

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09-01-2006 05:26

Fresh medical atrocities have been perpetrated by hospital commandant John Edmondson against POWs tortured in the US concentration camp at Guantanamo. The criminal assaults mentioned in the articles are only those known to have been publicly admitted by commandant Edmonson himself. What other horrors remain to be revealed will only be learned in the course of time, if ever.

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NETHERLANDS: anti-NATO activists occupie forest, build tree houses and tunnels

09-01-2006 04:08

In Schinveld, near the dutch-german border members of "Groenfront" and independent acitivists have occupied a forest and built tree houses for stopping the government buid a NATO-air base for AWACS planes.
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