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UK Newswire Archive

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american family want microchipping now

07-02-2002 23:30

Dentist and accountant family can't wait to be chipped. Let's all get tied in to the central computer

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the good news from Israel

07-02-2002 23:15

The good news is that so many conscripts are refusing to operate in the Occupied territories and have even created their own website for this purpose (article 1)

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Palestinians massacre disabled 11 year old Israeli girl. Where is EU outrage

07-02-2002 22:06

Palestinians massacre disabled 11 year old Israeli girl. Where is EU outrage

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9.11: The Great Deception Pt3

07-02-2002 20:08

Ahmed writes that bin Laden is merely a piece in a chess game. The stakes of the game are the last of the world’s oil reserves and “…the Bush administration’s “(consolidation of power) to pursue a drastic unlimited militarization of foreign policy on a massive and unprecedented scale required by long-standing elite planning, while crushing domestic dissent and criminalizing legitimate protest.”

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The Screw Turns, Again

07-02-2002 19:11

an excellent article

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NCADC on Blunketts Safe Haven

07-02-2002 19:10

National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns criticizes Blunketts white paper on asylum.

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Playing Nuclear Roulette with Spent Fuel Rods, Poor Security

07-02-2002 16:52

While George Bush babbles about how he's making 'Merica safe from terrorists, he has done NOTHING to reduce the number one REAL threat to Americans: spent fuel pools and poorly guarded nuclear waste dumps. One spent fuel fire could produce a disaster that would dwarf Cheronbyl. Yet U.S. security measures for nuclear wastes is a tragi-comic travesty of cheating, coverups, and ineptitude that no one - least of all Bush, is addressing.

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Salford: report from anti-deportation protest

07-02-2002 16:40

Report from National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns ( of protest outside deportation hearing on Lata & Devesha Shah:

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Birmingham - threat to care services for older people

07-02-2002 16:21

Residents Action Group for the Elderly report on latest (New Labour controlled) Birmingham council proposals to cut care services for the elderly. See RAGE site for details:

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BRIT. ARMS SALES TO AFRICA SOAR... As Blair arrives this week

07-02-2002 13:21

Article from the Ghanaian Chronicle - 5th February

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enuff is enuff

07-02-2002 12:52

Is anyone else as worried as me by some recent IMC UK postings and the (lack of) reaction to them?

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women's rights: abort this

07-02-2002 10:00

Helen Keogh, Chairwoman of the Well Woman Clinic, and of the Alliance for a No vote, speaks on women's rights in Ireland, on the upcoming abortion referendum, on the 7000 irish women travelling to the uk each year for abortion, and calls for greater sexuality education. From a meeting in Wynn's hotel, Dublin, last night (wed 6 feb). (article 1)

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women's rights: abort this

07-02-2002 10:00

Helen Keogh, Chairwoman of the Well Woman Clinic, and of the Alliance for a No vote, speaks on women's rights in Ireland, on the upcoming abortion referendum, on the 7000 irish women travelling to the uk each year for abortion, and calls for greater sexuality education. From a meeting in Wynn's hotel, Dublin, last night (wed 6 feb). (article 2)

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National Action Against the War (National / February 8-16, 2002)

06-02-2002 23:29

National Action Against the War (National / February 8-16, 2002)

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Plymouth Anti Nuclear Campaign- Support the Plymouth Seven!

06-02-2002 22:35

Trial of Plymouth anti-nuke protestors, Plymouth Magistrates court, March 8th 2002

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microchipped military personnel improves US war capability

06-02-2002 21:57

With Blunkett now determined to introduce smart ID cards, it is well to consider this US Department of Defense report on, among other things, the benefits of brain-chipping military personnel to conduct operations via sattelite links. We may well have already seen the results of this in Afghanistan. And what can we deduce from this person/machine tango about the possibilities of universal control of the majority by the very few?

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Traveller reforms are a nightmare say Welsh council

06-02-2002 19:25

A new Bill drafted in Wales to reduce descrimination against travellers has been described as a "nightmare" by Cardiff County Council.

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Intuitive Happiness

06-02-2002 18:47

Teaches self-sufficiency and more. Very comprehensive.

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Biotechnology Newswire: 06/02/02

06-02-2002 17:23

Biotechnology Newswire: 06/02/02
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