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New Forum - Digital Anarchy

08-03-2008 20:00

Enjoy this forum for open space debate on current issues of transnationality and International Brigades ongoing.........

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Oaxacan prisoner David Venegas is released.

08-03-2008 19:37

After 11 months illegal imprisonment, David Venegas Reyes 'El Alebrije' has been released.

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What Better Time? Issue Three out now!

08-03-2008 18:41

The third edition of Scottish Climate Activists newsheet, What Better Time?, is out now. Read online at

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Summary of gaping holes in UK government's official 7/7 narrative

08-03-2008 18:36

I don't pretend that this is 100% accurate or entirely comprehensive but it's my attempt - following the Press TV 'London Bombings Enquiry Debate' to sum up the most cogent holes in the official 7/7 story. What are your general thoughts about what I might have missed and/or over-egged? Any peer reviewing by your good selves the public and experts which will help me hone it down appreciated. As you may remember I put out a pledge appeal for some dosh to make a film on this subject but didn't get enough takers.

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New 'Turbulence: Ideas for movement' eNewsletter

08-03-2008 17:37

'Turbulence: Ideas for movement' now has a new low-traffic e-newsletter. Subscribe now to be kept up to date!

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No Borders @ Hackney Social Centre

08-03-2008 17:34

An evening of talks, film and workshops by no borders activists, migrants and asylum seekers followed by cafe, bands and DJs.

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Sea Shepherd Crew Head South In Search Of Harpoons

08-03-2008 17:24

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s ship, the Steve Irwin, has broken off its pursuit of the Nisshin Maru to focus on the harpoon vessels to the south. At 1200 hours, Sea Shepherd changed course and began to head due south, as the Nisshin Maru continued westward. Contact was broken off with the Japanese factory ship at 63 degrees, 42 minutes south and 124 degrees, 56 minutes east.

“We have chased the factory ship for a solid week as they ran full out, back and forth across the Southern Ocean,” said Captain Paul Watson, Founder and President of Sea Shepherd. “After a chase of 1,776 nautical miles and three confrontations, I’ve decided to go investigate what the Yusshin Maru No. 2 is doing. We still have a working tracking device on that ship, so we know that it is less than half a day away and probably up to no good.”

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Anti-Arms Trade Campaigners on trial for singing 'We are the Champions'

08-03-2008 17:10

10th March 2008

Smash EDO Press Release

Anti-Arms Trade Campaigners on trial for singing 'We are the Champions'

For more info contact Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh

tel 07875708873 or email

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Bradford Gaza Demo

08-03-2008 16:41

Photos from today's Palestine Solidarity demo

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To all squatters who were present at the leeds meeting

08-03-2008 16:04

the mothership account is finally open. We've been trying to access it for weeks but were unable so we hacked into it and have put the password that was passed round at the meeting into effect. The details that were passed round at the meeting are now valid. So squatters- please use this resource to tell us your news!!

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Day of foie gras action across the UK.

08-03-2008 15:47

A nationwide day of action has been called for Thursday 13th March against these establishments continuing to support foie gras. This is a limited list of contact details, please look up more easily accessible details relating to these supporters of the cruel trade and duly inform them of the hell these geese and ducks go through.

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Aldermaston - camp is NOT closing

08-03-2008 10:11

In a frontpage (and inside) article today the Indy have got it into their heads that the women's peace camp is closing.

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Brazillian cartoonist uses artwork to condemn Israeli attacks on Palestine

08-03-2008 09:47

Who will defend the Palestinians against Israel?
Carlos Latuff's has created a series of graphic posters depicting Israeli bombardment and collective punishment against the Palestinian people.

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Dramatic shifts in international power on women's day

08-03-2008 08:32

International Women’s day has marked a series of actions which have dramatically shifted international power across the planet. The revolution began in a phenomenal series of mass mobilised action which has transformed the face of global power, military and economics over the course of a weekend.

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Invitation to the Camp for Climate Action at Kingsnorth Power Station

08-03-2008 07:58

This summer the Camp for Climate Action will pitch its tents outside Kingsnorth coal-fired power station in Kent for a week of education,
sustainable living and direct action.

Everyone is invited to the camp, which is now part of an international movement, with eight climate camps on four continents planned for this summer.

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report on 'make wars history' public launch in london tonight

08-03-2008 01:38

around 70 people attended the launch of the international 'make wars history' launch at fitzroy square indian ymca hall this evening
billed as the world's first mass movement of 'civil obedience', the presentation described how a new international peace movement can grow out of upholding war law and reporting war crime, just ahead of the 5th anniversary of the invasion of iraq

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Indian Neo-Fascism: Its roots and shoots

08-03-2008 00:45

A tribal christian praying in a burnt down church
Talk and discussion on the rise of fascism and violence against religious minorities in India.

Sunday 9th of March, 2.00pm
Shaheed Udham Singh Centre, (Indian Workers Association Centre), 346 Soho Road
Birmingham B21 9QI

Speakers: Amrit Wilson (South Asia Solidarity Group), Raj Pal (South Asian Alliance)

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Antifa interviewed by Dissident Island Radio

07-03-2008 20:54

In depth interview with Antifa member...

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Update on four activists in court next week for unlicensed campaign collections

07-03-2008 20:01

Members of the Whose Streets? Campaign protest outside the council meeting 05.08
Controversial police role exposed by Freedom of Information Documents in case against four activists charged with unlicensed collecting at anti-deportation street event in Newcastle upon Tyne
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