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Tube workers to strike over harrassment

19-08-2008 11:12

Workers are set to strike over management bullying and the sacking of two colleagues.

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Carnival Against Vivisection - Other Targets in Herefordshire!

19-08-2008 10:55

The police are sure to be out in force in Herefordshire for the Carnival Against Vivisection but Sequani cannot run without certain key suppliers in the Herefordshire area.

Actions do not have to be limited to Sequani Labs...

I'm sure the police can spare a couple of extra hundred officers to protect all of these other animal abusers in the area.

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Police Strike after the Camp for Climate Action

19-08-2008 10:39

The Camp for Climate Action has ignited an angry debate within the workers movement. Opponents of coal have been called "scabs" (email from Dave Douglass 22nd of Jun 2008), while the fossil fuels supporters have been called "racist" because of the consequences of global warming. This article, by an opponent of coal, investigates this division in order to promote mutual understanding and hopefully to plant seeds of future solidarity.

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Invitation to Roma solidarity demo on 19 September 2008, in Manchester

19-08-2008 10:15

Previous Roma solidarity demo in Italy on July 2008
Join the Anarchist Federation, Manchester No Borders and Roma groups for a solidarity demo against repression of Roma in Italy, taking place in Manchester, Britain in September. All welcome.
Date: Friday 19 September 2008
Time: 11.30am
Place: Italian Consultate. 111 Piccadilly Manchester, M1 2HY.

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Uphold the Militant Tradition of International Women's Movement

19-08-2008 05:29

In solidarity and with utmost joy, the International League of People's Struggle joins today the celebration of women in general and their revolutionary struggle for emancipation and liberation from imperialism, feudalism and patriarchalism. We remember and honor millions of women who trailblazed and paved the path for women's liberation movement.

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Tesco Introduce slave labour

19-08-2008 01:00

Tesco are using customers as unpaid checkout staff in a significant breach of health and safety and employment related legislation.

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Announcing a people's parliamentary Jubilee Bill for the redistribution of land

19-08-2008 01:00

The Land Is Ours - Levellers and the English Revolution
Redistribution of land to the British people and other nations is long overdue. Over the centuries it has been stolen through various sorts of enclosure or privatisation.

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DFEY Meeting :: Digital Freedom in Education and Youth

19-08-2008 00:57

DFEY-NW[1] (Digital Freedom in Education & Youth - North West) is a group focusing on young people and issues of freedom in the digital world, based in the Northwest of England at the moment.

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Italy. Why don't we use the Roma boys as slaves?

18-08-2008 23:51

Racist Italy goes over the limit and through the words of the Rome Police Prefect
comes up with an aberrant proposal: why don’t we use teenage Roma boys as “little slaves”?

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Demo at BNP festival. Pics & report.

18-08-2008 23:07

The rally in Codnor.
After many weeks of bitter sectarian backbiting the demo against the BNPs Red White and Blue festival (RWB) finally went ahead. Upon reaching the event I was greeted by local IMCer Tash who informed me that there was a clear two way split in the assembled anti fascists. “Only two?” came my reply. There has never been a single campaign so effective at dividing the left as anti fascism. I suppose if nothing else our modern day Peoples Judean Fronts should be congratulated on their consistency. In the end they did manage to stage an official march on the hate-fest while elsewhere more militant anti fascists took the cross country route…

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ISS offices visited by RMT and No Borders.

18-08-2008 22:44

The RMT arrive outside the ISS offices...
On Thursday the RMT called a demo outside the offices of ISS, a contractor that employs London Underground cleaners. Not only had there been a lot of bullying and intimidation of union reps and members by management. But to hit a new low, ISS had been exploiting new immigration rules to arrange ‘appointments’ for their employees, many of whom are immigrants and refugees. In some case that could mean people being deported to torture and death.

The RMT were also joined by No Borders and other supporters who briefly occupied the lobby of the firm. Police were called and those inside where removed. They continued the demonstration outside where they made a hell of a racket for quite some time. One person was arrested for reasons unknown.

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Earth First! gathering - programme and travel directions

18-08-2008 20:37

Earth First! gathering poster
Earth First! Summer Gathering
Ecological Direct Action without Compromise
27 Aug - 1 Sept 2008, Norfolk

Travel directions and programme

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Rossport Solidarity Camp reborn...

18-08-2008 19:41

Today local residents and people from Rossport Solidarity Camp erected a marquee in Glengad overlooking Shell's new compound.

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Former NUM Yorkshire Area Executive member's Climate Camp Report

18-08-2008 19:20

Dave Douglass former NUM Yorkshire Area Executive member writes this report of his visit to the so called Climate Camp.
Yorkshire NUM website

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European Union immigration policy (by Latuff)

18-08-2008 18:31

European Union immigration policy
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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Carnival Against Vivisection - Transport

18-08-2008 18:28

The carnival against Sequani labs is in just under 3 weeks. Looking for transport?

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Rossport: The Time is Now

18-08-2008 18:09

Pirates come in to reclaim beach
Saturday saw the start of a week of action in Rossport, County Mayo, as Shell attempt to push forward with the next stage in the Corrib gas development. In late July Shell commenced preparatory pipeline work and built a compound on Glengad beach, former home of the Rossport Solidarity Camp. There were heart breaking scenes as the company began their destruction of this once pristine bay. Tens of locals resisted, many were arrested and one hospitalized. This week, the world’s largest pipeline ship, the Solitaire, is expected to enter the bay to begin work on the offshore pipeline. Believed to be booked up for the next 2 years, the Solitaire has just 2 weeks to complete its part in the pipeline construction. On Saturday, a crew of boat activists, fresh from the Climate Camp’s Rebel Regatta, reclaimed Glengad beach. Occurring on the day the Solitaire was due to arrive in the area, this is the first in a series of actions aiming to stop pipeline work. The Rossport community have made a call out for people to come to the area to help them resist at this crucial time. The rest of the article outlines recent events in Rossport…

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Police want the Carnival Against Vivisection organisers

18-08-2008 17:30

One of the posters advertising the event
PRESS RELEASE: Police want to lock up the organisers

For Immediate Release
Date: August 18th 2008
By: "The Promoters"

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"A summer camps tour 2006"

18-08-2008 17:29

A "Do It Yourself" roadtrip-video-tour

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'Wipe off the map': The Tip of an Iceberg

18-08-2008 17:03

source: David Horowitz Freedom Center
Still at the centre of the threat scenario is the alleged statement of Iran’s president of 26/10/2005 saying Iran wanted to wipe Israel off the map, wanted to raze Israel to the ground (with the atom bomb). We have often proven that this alleged statement originates from a falsification and that Iran’s president has actually given expression to his expectation that the regime occupying Jerusalem - the Zionist regime as he often calls it - will disappear. To insinuate that the Iranian president wanted to destroy Israel – and thus the Jews – is – and that cannot be emphasised enough – as though you wanted to assert that the demand for the end of the Apartheid regime was the same as demanding the destruction of South Africa.

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