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DSEI - we are going to end it for ever.

13-11-2015 08:49

Once again this year concerned people came together to protest the DSEI arms fair in London and once again the event was massively disrupted and bought close to cancellation by our actions but now we need help for the future.

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12-11-2015 20:25

EMERGENCY CALL-OUT IN BRADFORD THIS SATURDAY. ARRIVE MIDDAY OR EARLIER. This is your chance to take to the streets to defend Bradford from facsist invasion as the violent drunken racists of the EDL will be allocated a pub to get drunk and march through the streets of Bradford along Hall Ings, shouting racial abuse at passers-by. Stay at home another week, as Bradford's diverse community needs antifacsist volunteers to defend the city from organised race hate thugs, especially post-march, when the police subside, when they are at their most dangerous.

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12-11-2015 20:01

EMERGENCY CALL-OUT IN BRADFORD THIS SATURDAY. ARRIVE MIDDAY OR EARLIER. This is your chance to take to the streets to defend Bradford from facsist invasion as the violent drunken racists of the EDL will be allocated a pub to get drunk and march through the streets of Bradford along Hall Ings, shouting racial abuse at passers-by. Stay at home another week, as Bradford's diverse community needs antifascist volunteers to defend the city from organised race hate thugs, especially post-march, when the police subside, when they are at their most dangerous.

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EMERGENCY #ANTIFA CALLOUT #BRADFORD @2ferdi7 @lola_lou2 @misscheeky666 @slatukip

12-11-2015 19:47

EMERGENCY CALL-OUT IN BRADFORD THIS SATURDAY. ARRIVE MIDDAY OR EARLIER. This is your chance to take to the streets to defend Bradford from facsist invasion as the violent drunken racists of the EDL will be allocated a pub to get drunk and march through the streets of Bradford along Hall Ings, shouting racial abuse at passers-by. Stay at home another week, as Bradford's diverse community needs antifacsist volunteers to defend the city from organised race hate thugs, especially post-march, when the police subside, when they are at their most dangerous.

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#ANTIFA CALL-OUT #BRADFORD THIS SAT @2ferdi7 @misscheeky666 @slatedl @JLRFB #edl

12-11-2015 19:37

EMERGENCY CALL-OUT IN BRADFORD THIS SATURDAY. ARRIVE MIDDAY OR EARLIER. This is your chance to take to the streets to defend Bradford from facsist invasion as the violent drunken racists of the EDL will be allocated a pub to get drunk and marcth through the streets of Bradford along Hall Ings, shouting racial abuse at passers-by. Stay at home another week, as Bradford's diverse community needs antifacsist volunteers to defend the city from organised race hate thugs, especially post-march, when the police subside, when they are at their most dangerous.

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Iraqi Minorities in Peril

12-11-2015 14:42

The plight of the Iraqi people was the main focus of debate at the US based Holocaust Memorial Museum. The debate was centred around those in Iraq, facing persecution by the self-declared Islamic State.

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What's gone wrong with the London Anarchist bookfair ?

12-11-2015 12:36

The recent London Anarchist bookfair was probably the worst attended since the event began and it's been clear for some time we are not winning the political fight to convince people as to the benefits of Anarchism, what's gone wrong ?

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Sydney: Solidarity Actions Against the North Wales Mega Prison

12-11-2015 11:03

In response to a call for a week of actions against the North Wales mega prison, some anarchists in Sydney made some small actions.

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The League of European Independence has opened the season in EU

11-11-2015 12:56

Sadly, the Old World is not a universal snug home anymore. Sleeping till now centrifugal forces woke up amidst protracted economic crisis aggravated with endless migrant crowds.

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Neo-Nazis Fail to Halt Portsmouth Pro-Refugee Rally

10-11-2015 20:28

A handful of Neo-Nazis from the "Pie & Mash Squad", a violent splinter group of the now discredited EDL, failed to halt an estimated 200 Portsmouth residents who held a march and rally in solidarity with those suffering during the current refugee crisis.

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#EDL PLIED WITH BOOZE @dubdanu ANTIFA @slatukip @misslbuttercup @slatfascists

10-11-2015 18:57

In normal, everyday life, drunkenness in a public place such as Bradford City Centre is a crime, punishable by fines and exclusion banning orders, however for the last six years, the nazi thugs of the EDL have been readily provided with large amounts of alcohol, aided and abetted by police forces and local authorities who see nothing wrong with turning obnoxious fascist cretins into ultra-violent, uncontrollable drunken fascist cretins. The infamous violence at the Birmingham EDL march some years back was a direct result of pubs being persuaded to serve the EDL pre-march. Almost every march sees alcohol-related scuffles, very often between their own footsoldiers, and yet, after years of the same old trouble, the West Yorkshire Police are gearing up to provide the ultimate inhumane right of the EDL is once again catered-for, and a public house knowingly serves a gang of violent racist alcoholics, many of whom are subject to local pubwatch restrictions throughout the United Kingdom, but will be free to get as drunk as they wish, in Bradford City Centre.

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ProtonMail Up!!

08-11-2015 21:23

Protonmail is working again!!

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Urgent Call : Demo against UKIP / Nigel Farage talk in Gloucester Tomorrow!

08-11-2015 15:06

Last minute call for help on demo tomorrow in Gloucester, meeting at GL1 leisure centre in Gloucester. Nigel Farage will be doing a talk on the SayNoToEU talk...

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UG#723 - A US Deep State Event (The Deep Implications of the 9-11 Money Trail)

08-11-2015 15:02

We continue our study of the deep state with a fresh look at what has emerged about the defining 21st century deep event, the attacks of September 11th. While that date inevitably invokes mental images of fireball and collapsing towers, we look instead at the financial implications. These range from Stratesec director Wirt Dexter Walker's $50,000 insider trade through a range of mid level fraud, up to the hundreds of billions of US Bonds which were due on that date and the trillions of dollars which have gone missing from the Pentagon budget. What does this complex pattern of innumerable financial frauds carried out on that day tell us about the interrelationships of the shadowy cabal of deep state insiders who pulled it off? And what about the technologies which may have been used on that day?

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COPS TO KETTLE #BRADFORD #ANTIFA @bradfordafn @JLRFB @misscheeky666 @slatedl

07-11-2015 18:59

A successful ANTIFA mobilisation requires careful thought, so nobody ends up mousetrapped into kettles arranged to trap antifash volunteers before they can disperse onto the streets. Let us remind ourselves what happened back in 2010 when a hackneyed "thin blue line" of uniforms blocked off Albion Street to stop anarchists and antifascists from making it to the streets and confronting fash scum before they could cause harm. Whilst the line of OB wasn't sufficient to stop everyone from entering and leaving the 1in12 club, it was a mere taste of how this year's mass ANTIFA call out WILL BE 100% DEFINATELY be subject to emergency kettling. Let's not kid ourselves - the council and police use twitter and facebook too.

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Proton Mail Down

07-11-2015 14:10

Protonmail was hit by a DDOS attack and at time of writing it was still down.

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GET IN BRADFORD BECK NAZIS #ANTIFA @carrington_andy @bradfordafn @2Ferdi7 @JLRFB

07-11-2015 12:01

Wild animals should be free to roam around in their natural habitat. When the violent, repulsive, drunken, coke-snorting fascists of the EDL visit Bradford, they shouldn't be told to "get in the sea", Bradford being miles from the sea, but instead they should be directed straight down into the smelly, polluted underground stream that runs under Bradford City Hall - Bradford Beck. Wading through pools of disease-ridden slime should be a dream come true for these violent extremist scumbags. Spending all their time tweeting and Facebooking shite, they should be in their element swimming amongst the turds. If lucky, they will cop a dollop of two, whilst marching away from sight, under Bradford's city streets, giving them food for thought.

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European Saudi romance is doomed

06-11-2015 11:49

Recently a Saudi Aramco load of crude oil arrived at Naftoport terminal located in Polish city of Gdansk. Well, nothing special of it. The terminal loading capacity is 34 million tonnes of crude oil per year after all (

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Refugees & the UK Arms Trade Graffiti

06-11-2015 10:54

Graffiti on the streets of Bristol

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05-11-2015 20:41

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