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UK Newswire Archive

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Speak (for the animals) meeting

11-05-2004 15:05

SPEAK (for the animals) meeting Weds 12 May @ Friends Meeting House @ 7.30

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Oxford Social Forum Meeting - 12th May

11-05-2004 14:48

Oxford Planning Meeting for the European Social Forum - Wednesday May 12th - 6pm

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nearly one in five americans dismiss Iraqi torture as "pranks"

11-05-2004 13:44

CNN/ USA Today/ Gallup poll shows alarming extent to which Iraqi torture is being tolerated in the states.

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Creative Action Network Open Workshop

11-05-2004 12:45

Following from the success of the Lantern Carnival, CAN is having an open day.
Expect games, hands-on making session, and details of how to get involved in forthcoming creative actions. Also-,propose your own ideas for actions to likeminded people.

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11-05-2004 12:30


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Instruction Chain

11-05-2004 10:32

The chain of commands is well-defined

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Another GM Victory - Monsanto Drop GM Wheat

11-05-2004 09:36

The world's first genetically modified wheat is to be shelved because of consumer resistance.

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ME Awareness Week Kicks-Off in The Independent

11-05-2004 03:14

This week is M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) Awareness week, a week in which many in the ME community take part in projects to raise awareness of the illness and to try also to raise awareness of the continued injustices suffered by most in the ME community.

Below is a brilliant article written by Jerome Burne of The Independent which hopefully will help create a far greater awareness of some of the very serious concerns ME sufferers are hoping to highlight during the week.

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BRISTOL STW Regional News : 11th May 2004

11-05-2004 01:18

Get The MEGA BUS to London for as little as £2.50 Return
(weekdays). See Sections 2 & 4 For Key London Protests.
Visit :

DOWNLOAD : A free magazine-style version of the newsletter is available.
Please print out copies & give or sell them to people who don't have email.
Visit :

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Burned Falluja 'contractors' were torturers

10-05-2004 23:04

Reading Faiza's blog ( I ran across a suggestion that the 'contractors' who were draged through the streets in Falluja had been responsible for torturing Iraqi prisoners. Her posting follows:

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Galeropia: call for articles, inks and digital media

10-05-2004 21:56

This is an open call for articles, inks, digital media or audio files on the topic of insurgency. The work will appear in the first issue of Galeropia, a digital magazine produced by Why War?. Galeropia's vision is a nonviolent theory and practice more potent than the prevailing reliance on polemics and death. Our method will be a targeted expansion of the movement's self-knowledge, aesthetics and practice.

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Brian Haw arrested in Parliament Square

10-05-2004 21:27

Police stage "security alert" to remove the protestor from Parlaiment Square and dismantle his placards because terrorists could plant bombs behind them. Lame, lame, lame.

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BNP to contest for 5 seats on Plymouth City Council

10-05-2004 21:01

The BNP are going for five seats on Plymouth City Council on June 10th. The recently launched Plymouth UAF will of course know the names of the wards, the candidates and dtails of who has proposed, seconded etc.

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Abú Ghraib

10-05-2004 20:51

Abú Ghraib

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Chinese PM met by (some) protesters, one still held by police

10-05-2004 19:39

The Chinese Prime Minister's was greeted by a banner, tibetan prayer flags and leaflets when he came to look at the Oxford Chemistry lab today. One protestor attempted to run out in front of the cars as they drove in, but was brutally jumped on by the police almost right away.

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South + West London Anarchist Group (SWAG): Meeting Tuesday 11th May

10-05-2004 18:49

Notice of meeting of SWAG

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may 15: II civil inspection of the NATO base in Valencia (Spain)

10-05-2004 18:21

2002: inspectors entering NATO Rapid Deployable Corps HQ in Valencia (Spain)
Another time some persons will enter as civil inspectors publicly the fences and wires, and will try to reach the main installations of the military base in order to realize an inspection.

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mmmm i'm loving it

10-05-2004 18:14

mmmm. i'm loving it

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May11th Picket the Ethical Corporation Conference

10-05-2004 18:13

Special offer on Corporate scum, picket May 11th 5pm Swiss Cottage

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Papuan Prisoner Support Week

10-05-2004 17:32

Its a special Papua prisoner support week this week with many people now held for political "crimes" such as flag raising and defending trees from illegal logging.I hope you will join me in writing and telephoning as much as possible throughout the week. We know these tactics to work and your efforts will improve conditions for the prisoners and in some cases may even facilitate release.
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