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UK Newswire Archive

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Schoolgirl's killer walks free

16-11-2005 22:28

Imam Al-Hams

An Israeli soldier known only as Captain 'R', was cleared of the killing of 13 year old Palestinian schoolgirl Imam Al-Hams in September 2004.

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Lying bastard Blair has to go

16-11-2005 21:01

Jean Charles de Menezes an innoncent
Ian Blair should resign now. There was never a debate before Blair's government murdered under shoot to kill. Ian Blair defends shoot to kill. Ian Blair is only asking for a debate because he is trying to distract attention from his corruptness. We can see he is a corrupt monster.

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16-11-2005 20:44

"The alleged interest in a free debate on the future of policing in the UK has already been distorted by diversionary bias against a free debate.

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Vardy Taking in the Cash

16-11-2005 19:52

Reg Vardy in £244 million takeoverr by pendragon, could he be gathering in money for a big splash in the 'education market'?

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Amman Radisson Owned by Palestinians

16-11-2005 19:20

The Radisson SAS is a Scandinavian chain and owned by Palestinian-Jordanians.The Radisson SAS was bombed by Mossad because it was considered a Palestinian target—and because blame could be pinned on the mythical al-Zarqawi.

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Anti-war activist Milan Rai imprisoned

16-11-2005 19:06

Milan Rai arrested for Foriegn Office action
Milan Rai of Justice Not Vengeance got sent down today. A good number of supporters turned out at Hastings magistrates court.

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Not only USSa used fosfor!

16-11-2005 18:22

Also the British troups did!

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Climate Change meeting in Leeds

16-11-2005 16:21

A public meeting to debate and discuss climate change and the upcoming demo with award-winning journalist Mark Lynas

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Iran may have executed two more gays...

16-11-2005 16:18

News has been released that Iran may have executed two more young gay men.

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Lydd Airport- No Expansion

16-11-2005 16:03

Just to advise of the website for those campaigning against
Lydd Airport expansion on Romney Marsh, Kent. The consultation period for KCC/SEERA plans is now over and we await ,hopefully, removing forever the 2 million people figure from the Kent structure plan......

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Anarchist Assembly against Authoritarianism

16-11-2005 15:23

The UK regime is quickly constructing a dystopian web of repression. This cannot go on unchallenged. This is an invitation for an open dialogue between all anarchist and anti-authoritarians to discuss how we resist the authoritarianism of the state.

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Four anti-capitalists held in Uruguay

16-11-2005 15:13

Police represion
At dusk on Friday of last week, 3,000 protesters met in Plaza Libertad and marched through Uruguay’s capital, Montevideo, to demand the freedom of four activists detained under sedition charges. The four were arrested during a demonstration against the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) a week earlier.

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War Plan Iran

16-11-2005 15:11

Warnings about plans to attack Iran

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SUPER TERRORISTS! Pollywood's Latest Production

16-11-2005 14:58

The style, timing, and hype of the Jordan bombing publicity has Pollywood (as in Pentagon's Hollywood) written all over it. It's a sleazy Grade D studio touch that has been leaving its oily prints all over the media since 2001....the favorite Pollywood script always features one super-bad villain.....

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Latin american day school saturday 19th November

16-11-2005 14:48

The 3rd Ros makin dayschool on latin america in struggle building alternatives to free market plunder

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Turkey's support of terrorism

16-11-2005 13:48

NEWSDESK, Nov 10 ( - A bomb that was thrown from a white car at 16:30 (4:30 p.m. EET) on November 9 at the 'Umut Bookstore' in central Semdinli in northern Kurdistan (southeastern Turkey) killed one person and seriously wounded a second.

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A Law for one...

16-11-2005 12:40

Section 62 of the NERC bill is a hard hitting piece of legislation aimed at removing “nuisance” motorists from the countryside. The bill in its present form will remove vehicular rights from some 2000 miles of minor roads.

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Would you like to bomb Iran?

16-11-2005 12:00

I'm Saddam.
Saddam I am.

I do not like you,
Uncle Sam.

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Climate Change Speaker Series

16-11-2005 11:50

The latest event in the COIN Speaker Series on climate change will take place on Thursday November 24th. Please arrive early to avoid disappointment!

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Chemical weapon use by US forces in Iraq confirmed

16-11-2005 11:34

Evidence of chemical weapon use by US forces in their attack on Fallujah is overwhelming.
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