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UK Newswire Archive

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"Common Ground" Community Garden Finally Evicted

18-10-2007 12:55

Say "Cheese"
Report on Thursday 18th Octobers eviction of Common Ground Community Garden.

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rampART news and more

18-10-2007 09:36

Last Friday the rampART was used by locals to celebrate EID which marks
the end of Ramadan. In Islam, believers are called upon to cease all
consumption of food and drink between the hours of daylight for 30
consecutive days.

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Free film screening in London this Monday...

18-10-2007 09:03

...a documentary about lives and struggles of migrant cleaners on the London Underground, at 7.30pm at the Good Ship, 289 Kilburn High Road

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Public meeting & Exhibition celebrating 1857, 1st Indian war against imperialism

18-10-2007 04:24

Public meeting and Exhibition in Birmingham to celebrate the anti-imperialist struggle of 1857 in south asia.

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Parliament Square Peace Protest Under Attack

18-10-2007 00:18

Truck removes fencing from Parliament Square
Private security company hired to move peace tents

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Nara Update: Blue Rinse Remove Fur Coats

17-10-2007 22:48

The newly formed Northern Animal Rights Alliance (NARA) are pleased to let supporters know that Blue Rinse in Leeds have removed all real fur items and the white power patches.

Our new website should be up and running soon, so please keep an eye out.

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New photographic evidence in case, Philadelphia Cops Framed Mumia Abu Jamal

17-10-2007 22:46

New photographic evidence has surfaced proving Philadelphia police lied under oath, tampered with evidence at the scene and fabricated a witness.

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Total Oil London HQ receives body bag

17-10-2007 20:16

Campaigners continue the weekly protest at Total Oil's headquarters in London.

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Indymedia UK Offline news sheet

17-10-2007 19:45

PDF here for printing & distributing...

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Midsummer House Shame – Demo Called - This Saturday

17-10-2007 19:12

Foie-Gras Demo, Midsummer House, Cambridge, 12 noon!

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Oil Bank of Scotland London Protest and Rooftop Occupation

17-10-2007 18:46

Monday 15 October 2007, Rising Tide hit the Royal Bank of Scotland Headquarters on Bishopsgate, London.

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1K High Temp Records Broken in Sept.

17-10-2007 16:39

[Highlights of Sept. NCDC report]

Last month's combined global land and ocean
surface temperature was the fifth warmest
September on record and the global ocean
surface temperature was the second warmest
since records began in 1880.

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Stopping the BNP in Kimberley

17-10-2007 16:14

A personal account of last night's anti-fascist action in Kimberley, Nottinghamshire, which resulted in the total disruption of the BNP's planned meeting with their leader, Nick Griffin.

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strike the server! Minstral provides web service for EDO MBM:

17-10-2007 15:56

"Naughty EDO! I will smack your bottom!"
Some research into who EDO MBM uses for its website services:

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Palestine Today 101707

17-10-2007 15:26

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Wednesday, October 17th, 2007.

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Eviction of Brian Haw Happening again

17-10-2007 15:10

Just heard GLA are trying to evict Brian again. Currently yhey have moved back due to opposition.

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Palestine Today 101607

17-10-2007 14:54

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Tuesday, October 16th, 2007.

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Boycott Total petrol Now!!

17-10-2007 14:04

Britain is the worlds 2nd largest investor in Burma.

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Blackwater Blunder

17-10-2007 13:03

A brief critique of the recent activities of the private security firm Blackwater in Iraq

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Standing up for the right to know

17-10-2007 11:56

A protest in the North West against greedy media bosses who don't care about journalism.
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