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Co-housing conference: an individual’s view

27-02-2005 20:07

This weekend (25th to 27th February 2005) a hundred people descended on Lancaster for the first UK co-housing conference. This is one person’s view of how it went, and how it was for me.

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DerbyM17 G8 environment Ministers meeting 17th-18th March

27-02-2005 17:24

flyer front
Details of protests for the G8 environment ministers March 17th-18th March Derby M17.

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MP Accountability: David Lepper, Brighton Pavilion

27-02-2005 16:55

Below details the facts of David Lepper's performance as my MP. Go to research your MP and name & shame. With the General Election looming, publishing their actual (and most probably poor) record could have a real impact. Hold 'Em To Account!!

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Protecting the Khmer Rouge genocidaires.

27-02-2005 16:27

The West is now backing a trial process to bring Khmer Rouge murderers to justice. But we shouldn't forget who backed the Khmer Rouge and who spent years blocking attempts to bring them to justice.

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27-02-2005 14:21

Anti war meeting in Pontardawe,near Swansea.

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Swansea Stop The War Coalition...public rally

27-02-2005 14:14

Swansea Stop The War Coalition to hold large meeting at the Guildhall on wed 2nd March

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London-28 Feb-RussianBabyseal cull demo..

27-02-2005 14:10

Demo against the annual Russian Baby Seal Cull on the White Sea. LOndon Mon 28 Feb, Called by European Animal Welfare

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Royal Television Society party poopers

27-02-2005 13:32

Activists from NOTES FROM THE BORDERLAND staged a lively protest at the Royal Television Society journalism awards 24th Feb in London protesting about the dire state of investigative journalism in Britain - much fun was had by all and top BBC executives including the Director General had to scuttle in through the back door!

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Gitmo medic's sudden death

27-02-2005 12:06

pic.: Dr Szwec (somewhere) with colleagues in San Diego. [http://www.geocities.c
Navy Anaesthetist allocated to Afghanistan dies in Cuba

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'Stitches in Time' - exhibition, part of Oxford International Women's Festival

27-02-2005 11:24

An exhibition of traditional Palestinian embroidery and South African story telling through tapestry. Presented to you by Keiskamma Art Project (www.keiskamma .org) and Network of Oxford Women (NOW) for Justice and Peace (

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Greenwash Guerrillas not welcomed at 'Ethical Corporation' conference, 23.2.05

27-02-2005 10:44

View of GGs & Met outside Marriott Hotel
On Wednesday February 23rd 2005, the Greenwash Guerrillas (GGs) visited the second day of the 'Ethical Corporation Business/NGO Partnerships and Engagement London 2005 Conference', happily subtitled "How to make sure everyone gets what they want". (Dodgy details to be found at

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German newspaper on imprisonment of Austrian activist in Turkey

27-02-2005 10:27

Sandra Bakutz
A commentary in the left-wing newspaper Junge Welt notes that the EU is reluctant to upset its relations with Turkey over the arrest of Sandra Bakutz. The left ought to support Sandra, however.
(Second attempt to download - first attempt failed)

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Condi, Kofi, WB, IMF, EU and Russia

27-02-2005 09:50

This benign bunch will all be in London on Tuesday to teach the Palestinians how to be a good client state, and to encourage them to accept permanent untermenschen status in the Middle East. And to big up Phoney Tony too.

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"Abstinence and sexual fidelity have played virtually no role"

27-02-2005 09:08

Abstinence and sexual fidelity have played virtually no role in the much-heralded decline of AIDS rates in the most closely studied region of Uganda, two researchers told a gathering of AIDS scientists here.

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Day of Events in Edinburgh Saturday 26th February 2005.

27-02-2005 08:54

Women in Black, Edinburgh.
This is a 2,200 word report with 8 photos of the various activities and talks which took place in Edinburgh on Saturday 26th February 2005. These events are leading up to the Global day of action on Saturday March 19th when there will be demos Worldwide including London and Glasgow.

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$9B Goes Missing In Iraq-Huge Sum Disappears Without A Trace

27-02-2005 05:02

This article is from the Wash. DC IMC:

By: Helen Thomas

Profiteering from the Iraq war is not a surprise, especially in light of the Bush administration’s pandering to the military-industrial complex. But some Democratic lawmakers are concerned that profiteering may have achieved stratospheric dimensions in the case of the $9 billion that is missing from the sale of Iraqi oil.

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Seven in Peace Community Massacred by Colombian Army

27-02-2005 02:46

the peace communities in colombia have renounced the violence of both sides of the armed conflict, and their leaders are committed pacifists. that's why the army are massacring them and their families.

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Sainsbury's Major Distribution Centre Blockaded

27-02-2005 00:02

no GM milk today!
Successful blockade against GM milk at Sainsbury's

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the anagram of Saint Precario

26-02-2005 22:18

(bad computer translation of article about spoof fashion show in milan)...

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GOTCHA! fashion industry spoofed

26-02-2005 22:09

Tonight saw the climax of an ambitious and extranvagant hoax against the corporate media and the fashion industry in Milan...
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