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05-02-2004 23:48

A night-time campaign of kidnappings and murders continues to terrorise

Murad Magomadov is a journalist with Chechenskoe Obshchestvo newspaper in

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UN Warning over Horn Conflict

05-02-2004 23:18

In January the US State Department warned of the possibiliy of a new war between these old rivals, and on the 4th February a UN envoy to the area warned of the ever rising tensions.

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Report on picket of Marks & Spencer

05-02-2004 23:17

Report on this week's picket of M&S in support of the Palestinian Intifada and against M&S' support for Zionism.

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Harsh Sentences for Sydney Opera House NO WAR Graffiti Crew

05-02-2004 22:34

no war sydney
Harsh sentences for two amazing folks who did one amazing action - painting a massive "NO WAR" on the top of the Sydney Opera House in March last year.

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Wolves to the Slaughter

05-02-2004 19:22

Geoff Hoon is caught lying. America no longer wishes to pull out of Iraq by the deadline. The Iraqi Resistance are, allegedly, claiming they want to take control of cities once the US vacates...

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The magician who turned it all round for Blair

05-02-2004 19:13

Thanks Rory for this ascerbic and timely little gem. Any journalists who are getting rusty out there (and there are plenty) better watch their backs.

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Shanty town protest outside UNHCR

05-02-2004 18:10

Shanty town protest outside UNHCR
Global Women’s Strike joins protests on European Day of Action for the rights of immigrants and asylum seekers

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Indymedia London Convergence Event - Notes

05-02-2004 17:17

imc london convergence

Here is a recap of some general notes taken from the day-long Indymedia London event on Saturday 31 January, 2004 (approx 45 people attending).

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Graffiti protest over Queen's hospital visit in Norwich.

05-02-2004 17:13

Anti-monarchist aggro.

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May Day in Dublin anyone?

05-02-2004 17:05

May 1st: Days of Action against the bosses EU

From protest to resistance, an invite

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Multinational Monitor: The 10 Worst Corporations of 2003

05-02-2004 16:32

2003 was not a year of garden variety corporate wrongdoing. No, the
sheer variety, reach and intricacy of corporate schemes, scandal and
crimes was spellbinding. Not an easy year to pick the 10 worst companies, for sure.
But Multinational Monitor magazine cannot be deterred by such
complications. And so, here follows, in alphabetical order, our list of
the 10 worst corporations of 2003.

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05-02-2004 16:20

The NUS is calling for a National Shutdown of Education on the Wednesday 25th February.
Below is an article copied from the Social Workers Student Society that informed me of how much money the Government has and how much it is willing to waste rather than privallege students.
Fellow Students I am calling for you to unite and walk out on the 25th February.

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Fight to win! Students vs. Top-up Fees

05-02-2004 15:07

Think it the right thing...
The UK government's position on top-up fees is a straightforward plank in the neoliberal platform that was first laid out by Reagan and Thatcher in the 1980s, gathered steam for a while, and has recently run into quite a few setbacks (in Seattle, Genoa, Porto Alegre, Cancun, and Baghdad). It is not a "normal" domestic dispute within the UK, and it doesn't make much sense to act as if it is; it's part of a worldwide trend to privatize public resources, and to destroy the legitimacy of the liberal political consensus of the 1950s/1960s/1970s.

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ISM Reports: Terrorizing Jayyous

05-02-2004 14:34

1) Terrorizing Jayyous
2) Turkmen family experiences Road Map first hand
3) Balata Installation- your help needed!

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ISM Reports: Mass mobilization in Budrus. Call For International Action

05-02-2004 14:32

1) Mass mobilization in Budrus to stop destruction
2) Take Action


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Kensington housing

05-02-2004 13:33


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Roads protest picks up pace at Blackwood

05-02-2004 12:04

More help needed to protect ancient woodland from PFI greed

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Israel's Guantanamo

05-02-2004 11:06

In the "only democracy" in the Middle East, something even worse than Guantanamo...

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Australian UN human rights seat ‘a shame’, says Aboriginal activist

05-02-2004 08:49

Ngurampaa sheep farm, Hebel, south Queensland - - How can a racist country like Australia have a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Commission?

That’s the question burning the gut of Aboriginal activist Michael Anderson. In 30 years of campaigning at home and abroad for the Aboriginal cause, that UN platform was a favourite stamping ground where he and other Indigenous people got a good hearing and built valuable connections.

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Education: European days of action, April 2nd & 3rd 2004

05-02-2004 08:36

You can send this (& ohther..) picture as an e-card from our website
During the European Social Forum in Paris it was decided to organize two European days of action for a social Europe. These days of action will take place at April 2nd & 3rd 2004. In the fall and winter of 2003/2004 protests of students took (and are still taking) place in Germany, France, the UK, Belgium, Italy, Czech Republic, Austria and Ireland.
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