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Invitation to the Manchester Peoples Assembly/Social Forum

28-09-2003 19:06

Its not just another meeting. It is what you want it to be. Oct 4th is the big day. We really want all individuals to come. Make this a real voice for Manchester people. Genoa is Manchester. Porte Alegre is Manchester.

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Photos from anti-occupation demo

28-09-2003 18:59

orange tank
A few photos from the march and rally against the occupation of Iraq, London 27th September.

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Arms firm waged dirty war on protesters

28-09-2003 18:48

The defence giant BAE Systems has been linked to a private intelligence-gathering operation that secretly infiltrated anti-arms trade groups.

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Hunger Strike in Thessaloniki

28-09-2003 17:53

Syrian prisoner, Souleiman "Kastro" Dakduk, has started a hunger strike in protest at the continued incarceration of the Thessaloniki 7 and his likely deportation to Syria.

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Bayer back out of GM trials

28-09-2003 16:23

Bayer beginning to back out of GM?

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Huntsman Arrested After Protestors Attacked

28-09-2003 15:21

Huntsman arrested after protestors attacked.

27 September 2003

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Sheffield Incinerator Protest

28-09-2003 14:12

Bernard Road Incinerator Chimney
A protest is planned in Sheffield at 5pm on Monday 29th September at Bernard Road Incinerator to protest against the start of the building of new facilities.

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Update on Ulla Roder Trial

28-09-2003 13:29

The Sheriff set a new diet of debate for the 3rd October, with a new trial date provisionally for the 28th October.

Witnesses due to arrive next week for the trial are now being urgently contacted and informed of the changes. Accommodation for supporters will be rearranged for the new trial date.

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Israeli Government reaction on the growing anti-semitism in Europe

28-09-2003 11:18

The Israeli Government Plenum accepted the draft proposal of Minister for Diaspora, Social and Jerusalem Affairs Nathan Sharansky which states that the Government of Israel is following with concern, and regards seriously, the instances of antisemitism in the countries of Europe. The Government also decided to call on the authorities and leaders of the countries of the world to take the necessary measures to prevent these phenomena and to punish the law-breakers.

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Sri Lanka healthworkers treated like slaves

28-09-2003 05:41

The government of Sri Lanka has used troops to break a strike of health workers and
sacked all those involved in the strike.....but the health workers are hitting back
and there is an email address for protests and messages of support
at the end.....your union branch (or other organisation!) could send
a message

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BAE Systems spy on anti-arms trade activists

27-09-2003 23:30

UK weapons giant BAE Systems pays spooks to spy on CAAT - article in this weekend's Sunday Times

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Why the pisspoor coverage of the big London anti-war demo?

27-09-2003 23:24

Contrast the appalling feature column coverage of Saturday's big anti-war demo in London with the blow by blow, hourly, coverage of DSEi.

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Some of the chalk graffiti from todays Trafalgar Sq protest

27-09-2003 22:50

One really imaginative idea on today's End the Occupation of Iraq demo was to distribute many many boxes of coloured chalk amongst the crowds in Trafalgar Square for them to do their own thing with on the paving stones. The kids especially loved the idea. Here's a selection of some of the work.

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samba bands join forces on anti-occupation rally

27-09-2003 22:24

members of London-based rhythms of resistance joined the sheffield samba band to create an almighty sound at today's rally

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Crowd release boy arrested for chalk offence

27-09-2003 22:10

At today's anti-occupation rally in London, a young boy was arrested by police for graffitiing a wall with chalk. Eventually they were shamed into releasing him.›

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Some pics from the End Occupation of Iraq London demo

27-09-2003 22:04

Aerial view looking towards Speakers Corner and Park Lane
Contrary to mainstream media reports there were huge numbers on this march. Maybe not millions as in February but probably 100,000.

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Whisky of Mass Destruction

27-09-2003 22:00

The US Defense Threat Reduction Agency has been monitoring a distillery on Islay, as it seems to resemble a chemical weapons plant.

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Don't let these people have the final say

27-09-2003 21:21

The BBC Website has a number of very negative posts re: the AntiWar demo. An opportunity me thinks for some posts from indymedia readers in order redress the balance.

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Again a dictatorship

27-09-2003 21:20

Again death penalty

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27-09-2003 21:07

Brussels, September 27, 2003 - Today, on the occasion of the International Day for an End to Occupation in Iraq and Peace in Palestine, a growing coalition of NGOs, including For Mother Earth and the International Peace Bureau (IPB), is calling for a worldwide boycott of USA-made goods.
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