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Calais: call out for actions against deportations to Sudan!

01-03-2012 16:47

What can you do to stop these inhumane deportations? A call out for solidarity actions...

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Calais: stop imminent deportations to Sudan!

01-03-2012 16:43

France is deporting people to Sudan where ethnic cleansing and genocide continues.

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Can We All Agree Occupy Was A Tactic?

01-03-2012 16:08

Occupy was a public relations tactic in the purest sense

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New squatter ILLEGAL WARNING (please, feel free to copy and paste at your door)

01-03-2012 13:54

"If you're not careful the newspapers will have you hating the oppressed and loving the people doing the oppressing".
Malcolm X; editor of the “Evening Standard”

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New Okasional Cafe opens in Manchester

01-03-2012 12:55

A disused pub in Hulme is the site of the latest Okasional Cafe - Manchester's temporary squatted social centre.  The Gamecock Pub on Boundary Lane (M15 6GE) will host of three weeks of food, film screenings, music nights, talks, workshops, action planning and more....


This OK Cafe opened on Monday 27th February 2012 and will run until Sunday 18th March 2012.

The up-to-date programme can be seen here on the Ok Cafe website.

The idea for this cafe was to have a theme of THINK, PLAN, ACT - running across the three weeks.


Here's a small selection of some of the events planned.

-  If You Like School, You'll Love Work!

- Popular Education - an international perspective

- Rhythms of Resistance

- Manchester Climate Action

- Plan C film screenings

- Move Your Money

- Vegan cooking classes

- Manchester Brewing Coop 

- Dr Bike

- and more!

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Homeowners: the gravediggers of capital

01-03-2012 11:34

In the previous issue of SHIFT, we launched a series of articles discussing the relevancy of lifestyle choices for radical politics. In the first article from Issue 14 to go online, TOM FOX continues the series with a critical look at housing cooperatives, arguing that networks such as Radical Routes have all too often tended to miss what is - or what could be - radical about coops in general, and housing coops in particular.

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Day Of Action Against Workfare: Saturday 3rd March

01-03-2012 10:55

The government's workfare scheme is looking increasingly untenable. Protest has so far shamed many companies into pulling out. We now need to keep up the pressure to force the scrapping of this slave labour scheme altogether. ;As part of a national day of action against workfare Bristol Youth Fight for Jobs have organised a protest for Saturday 3rd March. We are meeting at 1pm outside BHS in Broadmead and will be touring some of the shops and restaurants still using the scheme to protest outside. This will be followed by a short rally on Castle Park at 2.30pm. There will also be a public meeting on Monday 5th March, details to follow
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The government's workfare scheme is looking increasingly untenable. Protest has so far shamed many companies into pulling out. We now need to keep up the pressure to force the scrapping of this slave labour scheme altogether. Under the scheme unemployed people can be made to work for their dole. They are denied what should be a real job, existing workers can be replaced for free and taxpayers have to carry on paying out dole money while big companies can profit from free labour.

 As part of a national day of action against workfare Bristol Youth Fight for Jobs have organised a protest for Saturday 3rd March. We are meeting at 1pm outside BHS in Broadmead and will be touring some of the shops and restaurants still using the scheme to protest outside. This will be followed by a short rally on Castle Park at 2.30pm. There will also be a public meeting on Monday 5th March, details to follow.

For more information contact Tom on 07986951527 or Facebook event here. For more info on Youth Fight for Jobs visit

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Lords pass welfare bill

01-03-2012 08:35


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Shockingly, business leaders campaign against 50p tax rate

01-03-2012 08:32

A group of people referring to themselves as 'wealth creators' are awfully upset about how they have been put 'in a very awkward position' as a result of the temporary 50p tax rate. Obviously this is the biggest injustice of all the changes made to combat the credit crunch. Go ahead, scrap the NHS and make people work despite being in comas. Just for the love of god don't make the richest in the country have to pay a little bit more! Do you think we're all in this together or something?!

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Anti Shell Oil Flash Mob

29-02-2012 22:55

Anti Shell, Greenwash Flash MOB Anti Shell/Greenwash action tomorrow evening 1st March 5pm

Anti Shell/Greenwash action tomorrow evening, we are all meeting outside victoria station at 5 pm in front of costa stall kiosk, facing the front of apollo theatre bring pot and pans to make noise, also a spirit of inssurection and lets have some fun

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Reclaim Hinkley Eviction - Occupiers Arrested

29-02-2012 22:55

The occupation of Langborough Barn on EDF's Hinkley Point Development site came to an end today, as over 20 Bailiffs and 10 police officers began the eviction at 6am this morning. It took around three hours for them to remove the occupiers
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The occupation of Langborough Barn on EDF's Hinkley Point Development site came to an end today, as over 20 Bailiffs and 10 police officers began the eviction at 6am this morning. It took around three hours for them to remove the Barnstormers. Specialist climbers were brought in after one of the Barnstormers Emily, bravely climbed onto the roof of the barn, whilst another, Theo Simon, locked himself to a window frame, high in the barn wall. Theo and a second local man were arrested. And are being detained in custody overnight to appear at the Taunton Deane Magistrates court tomorrow morning at 9:30 am. Theo's wife Shannon on hearing the news remarked “Theo cares passionately about this land and about moving towards a more sane and sustainable future which means one without nuclear power. he is prepared to stand up for what he believes in and I am behind him 100%”


EDF finally managed to find their paperwork first thing this morning and the eviction began at 6:45 am. Theo Simon one of the barnstormers is refusing to leave the site and has climbed into the barn structure in a last ditch attempt to save the bat roost and surrounding 400 acre site that EDF are waiting to trash, Said Mr Simon “We are all that is left between this beautiful habitat and corporate bullies EDF. The reason it has come to this is because all democratic ways to challenge what is happening here have been exhausted EDF hasve ridden roughshod over  local communities many of whom are unhappy with EDF. This preliminary work must be stopped,and there must be  a full investigation  into how these corrupt policies and planning decisions have made and implemented, at both the national and local levels”

Occupants of the development site are angry that laws have been changed and democratic dissent denied as the changes have removed the right to question government policy on nuclear power, yet the recent corruption of governance report published by unlock democracy has shown to that DECC officials have misled MPs with the use of data in the overarching energy policy and the nuclear energy policy that were asessments of market forces and not projections of future energy supply and demand. Said occupant Shana Deal “Many people describe new nuclear build as a neccessary evil because of the propoganda put out by the UK government and the French state owned company EDF and have only reluctantly accepted the creation of more nuclear waste that we will have to live with forever, but this recently published report raises some serious questions that need to be answered about the governments policy. It is outrageous to think that nationally we are about to accept this policy when the governments own data shows that it is not neccessary. This is an issue even more serious than the MP’s expenses scandal because the consequences of this policy decision are so dire and irreversible. We demand a full commons investigation into this issue. And  a full review of the locally taken preliminary works decision.”


Note to editor
1 corruption of governnance report availaible here


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Riots against neoliberalism in Barcelona - video links

29-02-2012 22:39

RIOTING broke out in Barcelona on Wednesday after cops attacked people protesting against neoliberal cuts to public education.

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Anti Shell, Greenwash Flash MOB

29-02-2012 22:26

Anti Shell/Greenwash action tomorrow evening 1st March 5pm

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Petition against council decision to evict Occupy

29-02-2012 18:55

We have set up an internet petition about the council's eviction of the Occupy Camp from the Market Square.

Since its beginning the Occupy Camp on Market Square in Nottingham has maintained liaison with City Council officials. Shortly after it was established the camp accomodated the council's wish for it to move within the square. More recently (end February 2012) it has been in discussion about relocation and had agreed to move. Despite this agreement the council has issued an eviction notice.

What is asked on the council in this petition is deliberately left vague. This is in order to be reasonable and to leave the council "wriggle room", the scope to offer a variety of forms of support to retrieve the situation that they have created by their unnecessary action.

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Free the Climate Scientists!

29-02-2012 18:51

Dr. John Mashey investigates the right-wing billionaires & corporations who pay alleged "charities", bloggers, and old weathermen to deny climate science. Then Canadian journalist Margaret Munro on government muzzling scientists, plus an update from Union of Concerned Scientists Francesca Grifo on science freedom in U.S.

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No man is an Island

29-02-2012 18:50

Haney Ameer
This article covers the authors meeting with Haney Ameer, a man who lives 'inside' the separation barrier. His house is surrounded on all four sides by security fencing. This story follows the incredible personal story of how a man has ended up in a physical limbo living between Israel and Palestine.

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DWP Locks Down Freedom of Information Responses to Hide Workfare Lies

29-02-2012 18:02

Today's victory is only the beginning in the struggle against workfare. The following aims to show how the Government are attempting to hide the existence of other workfare schemes.

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Cornelius Castoriadis, Autonomy, and Occupy Movement

29-02-2012 17:06

I wrote this (funny and "very serious") text about the French philosopher of autonomy Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997), who would have supported Occupy Wall Street Movement, and Occupy Movement around the world.

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Reclaim Hinkley Eviction

29-02-2012 16:55

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