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Indy Global Report from Bethlehem, on Resonance FM104.4 14 April

14-04-2008 13:36

This weeks Indy Global report presents interviews with two women health workers from the West bank village of Beit Sahour, who discuss the effects of occupation on womens' well being.

And of course This week in Palestine brings around up of news from across the West bank and Gaza.

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Extra London showing of 'On the Verge'

14-04-2008 12:56

On the Verge - extra London showing - 7pm, April 21st - London Action Resource Centre

Cos lots of folk missed it at Housmans (couldn't get in) State_of_Emergency cordially invites anybody who hasn't seen this important movie to an extra showing.

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Scottish Parliament Banner Drop

14-04-2008 12:53


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Hackney hostel residents march to demand better conditions

14-04-2008 12:07

Demonstrators hold placards outside the building
Residents from the Alexandra Court 'temporary' accomodation hostel in Stoke Newington, London, marched with members of the London Coalition Against Poverty to Hackney Town Hall on Saturday 12 April, 2008 to demand the council keep their promises to make temporary accomodation safe to live in. Pictures copyright (C) 2008, Peter Marshall. All rights reserved.

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Squat days of action summary...

14-04-2008 11:48

In defence of squats and autonomous spaces

The following is an attempt at a non comprehensive summary of the actions, demonstrations, gatherings and various initiatives that happen during the days of action for squats and autonomous spaces. The summary was created from reports on the IMC UK newswire and english language reports posted to the April2008 website.

Note: A more comprehensive summary now exists on the April2008 website..

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Remember Ama Sumani - End Deportations

14-04-2008 11:43


Assemble 1 pm, Nye Bevan Statue, Queen Street, Saturday 19 April

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Reports from the Brighton-Tubas Delegation - Day 5

14-04-2008 11:31

This report is part of a series of diaries from a delegation of Palestine Solidarity activists visiting occupied Palestine. The delegation is part of an ongoing project by the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at making links between grassroots groups in Brighton, UK, and Tubas, Palestine....

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Reports from the Brighton-Tubas Delegation - Smashed to Pieces...

14-04-2008 11:28

This report is part of a series of diaries from a delegation of Palestine Solidarity activists visiting occupied Palestine. The delegation is part of an ongoing project by the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at making links between grassroots groups in Brighton, UK, and Tubas, Palestine....

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Reports from the Brighton-Tubas Delegation - Jordan Valley 2008

14-04-2008 11:23

This report is part of a series of diaries from a delegation of Palestine Solidarity activists visiting occupied Palestine. The delegation is part of an ongoing project by the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at making links between grassroots groups in Brighton, UK, and Tubas, Palestine....

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Reports from the Brighton-Tubas Delegation - Resourcefulness and tenacity

14-04-2008 11:18

This report is part of a series of diaries from a delegation of Palestine Solidarity activists visiting occupied Palestine. The delegation is part of an ongoing project by the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at making links between grassroots groups in Brighton, UK, and Tubas, Palestine....

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“The breadbasket of Palestine”

14-04-2008 11:09

This report is part of a series of diaries from a delegation of Palestine Solidarity activists visiting occupied Palestine. The delegation is part of an ongoing project by the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at making links between grassroots groups in Brighton, UK, and Tubas, Palestine....

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Homeless earthlings’ camp at the border DİKİLİ - Turkey 25.8. – 2.9.2008

14-04-2008 11:06

call for a no-border camp in Turkey nearby İzmir and some infos about the situation of the Greek/Turkish sea border.

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Action report-Angel Group targetted

14-04-2008 10:52

As part of the days of action in support of squats and autonomous spaces-
Action at Angel Group- building graffitied, locks glued, 12 company vehicles damaged.

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China and America: The Tibet Human Rights PsyOp

14-04-2008 10:03

The human rights issue has become the centerfold of media disinformation.

China is no model of human rights but neither are the US and its
indefectible British ally, responsible for extensive war crimes and human
rights violations in Iraq and around the World. The US and its allies, which
uphold the practice of torture, political assassinations and the
establishment of secret detention camps, continue to be presented to public
opinion as a model of Western democracy to be emulated by developing
countries, in contrast to Russia, Iran, North Korea and the People's
Republic of China.

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New Nottingham Defy-ID Bulletin

14-04-2008 07:36

Nottingham Defy-ID's 6th bulletin is out now, containing information on the latest developments with the National Identity Register, new police powers, surveillance of university students and the extent to which the state is already snooping on us.

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Reclaim the Streets - Defending autonomous space in Wellington

14-04-2008 01:57

A Reclaim the Streets party took place in Wellington as part of the decentralized days of action for squats and autonomous spaces. After a protest against the Labour Party conference, around 30 people marched through town to Upper Abel Smith Street where a group of people was already setting up for the street party.

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Lumber and Murder: Following The Paper Trail

13-04-2008 23:30

CIPO-RFM in Oaxaca have documented to date 517 detentions and tortured people, 103 police and paramilitary incursions into their communities, 81 prison orders, 229 penal, civil and commercial processes, 263 people assaulted, 37 death threats and 27 murders.

This article follows the money trail of those profiting from the lumber extraction in Oaxaca State.

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"Salute To Israel"

13-04-2008 22:26

The Salute to Israel Parade is no stranger to New York, but this year, for the first time, it is coming to London and Manchester! 29th June 2008

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Portuguese anti-GM crop action classified as terrorism.

13-04-2008 22:24

Portuguese Judicial Police classifies action against genetically modified corn as a "terrorist" act in Europol report.

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Been ripped off by Search Big Daddy?

13-04-2008 20:32

Did you pay money to Troy Warren's Search Big Daddy and have SBD fail to pay you the commissions they promised?
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