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UK Newswire Archive

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Iraqi Workers Throw Out KBR! Reconstruct Their Own Workplaces

12-12-2003 12:21

Oil workers in Iraq's largest and most significant oil refinery (even more so given Kirkuk's inoperability due to persistent resistance attacks)have turfed out Kellog Brown and Root - the Halliburon subsidiary responisble for supplying troops with food accomodation and services and awarding all reconstruction contracts to subcontractors.

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Britain - the fascist, racist state

12-12-2003 11:17

It seems that under the "terrorism act", the police and government can do what it wants to anybody and get away with it. From silencing critics of war by imprisoning them, to torturing British Muslims and rounding them up into concentration camps, the threat of "terrorism" has been very useful to the British government. With the news from France being that it is banning women from wearing headscarves (so much for womens rights), seems this is a bleak time for the human race.

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Google prank against War

12-12-2003 11:00

Try this at home kids

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Demonstration against Zionist Marks and Sparks (11/12/03)

12-12-2003 10:35

Another excellent demo against Britains Biggest corporate sponsor of Israel.

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((( NO ))) to the Orpesa-Cabanes road

12-12-2003 09:31

We need your support to the resistance against the building of a new road between Orpesa and Cabanes. You can Fill out the form that is below and a protest e-mail will be send by you to the responsibles of this ecological barbarity: Autonomic Department of Infrastructures, Autonomic Department of Territory and NECSO Corp.

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Bush Translations

12-12-2003 08:07

President Bush explained why other nations will be barred from getting the contracts to rebuild the mess we made

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Human Rights Watch slams Saddam's dirty war tactics

12-12-2003 07:18

Iraqi forces committed a number of violations of international humanitarian law, which may have led to significant civilian casualties. These violations included use of human shields, abuse of the red cross and red crescent emblems, use of antipersonnel landmines, placement of military objects in protected places (such as mosques, hospitals, and cultural property sites), and failure to take adequate precautions to protect civilians from the dangers resulting from military operations. The Iraq military’s practice of wearing civilian clothes tended to erode the distinction between combatants and civilians and put the latter at risk.

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Video of US Soliders murdering POW

12-12-2003 04:21

Warning: View only at own risk - Mature Content

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Anal Sex Byproduct Named for Senator Santorum

12-12-2003 02:41

Lube-and-fecal matter mix takes name of anti-gay U.S. Senator.

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Ann Clwyd Iraq mass grave a staged photo-op

12-12-2003 00:20

Ann Clwyd, the British politician who most strongly pushed the humanitarian case for war is shown posing in front of what is a manufactured mass grave photo-op
Note: this article draws no conclusions about human rights in Iraq and under Saddam Hussein. Or the extent of mass killings that took place. It solely concerns the ethics of British left wing politician Ann Clwyd.

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11-12-2003 23:48

Itamar Marcus, the Director of the Jerusalem-based Palestinian Media Watch, spoke to a packed audience of Deputies and other dignitaries about incitement in the Palestinian media.

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PACA - West Mids Give Sequani Labs Another Bloody Nose

11-12-2003 23:46

The Sequani campaign:10th December/03

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Russian Secret Service responsible for Moscow bomb attack

11-12-2003 23:21

As the Western/Israeli/Pakistani axes of the intelligence services engineer multiple 'terrorist' attacks to forward the Fourth Reich agenda, so the Slavic sector, '99 originators of the current technique, perform another outrage on the Moscow streets

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Just a thought...

11-12-2003 22:12

Now here's an idea

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Civil Society statement on Indymedia

11-12-2003 19:31

DeeDee Halleck of Deep Dish TV ( has prepared the following statement on Indymedia for inclusion in the Community Media press pack to be given out at tomorrow's (12.12.03) Community Media Forum at the World Summit on the Information Society ( in Geneva.

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'What's the Big Deal?' performed at UN & Parliament to expose Kyoto, 10.12.03

11-12-2003 19:01

London Rising Tide (LRT) took a deep breath and tumbled into its first bout of street theatre on Wednesday December 10th, to show solidarity with grassroots protests at the COP9 climate stitch-up in Milan, and to introduce a surprisingly controversial note of scepticism into many people's rose-tinted take on the Kyoto Protocol.

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France + Germany to ban headscarves, skullcaps + crosses?

11-12-2003 17:26

Forgive report from the BBC, but this is insane! Both in France and Germany, pupils and teachers may be banned from wearing religious symbols in school. What happened to freedom of worship? Have we forgotten the lessons of our own history?

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Aldermaston 2004 - the hunt for WMD!

11-12-2003 16:56

All this year the UK & US have been searching Iraq for the missing WMD - but they're not in the Middle East, they're in West Berkshire!

Come and join our hunt for the missing WMD next Easter, and show the world the hypocrisy of our "leaders"

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ISRAEL: Again conscientious objectors imprisoned

11-12-2003 16:51

WRI Logo
Two more COs have been imprisoned in Israel.
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