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Palestine Today 011409

14-01-2009 16:06

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, on Wednesday, January 14th 2009.

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SOAS - occupation update - banner hung from trees

14-01-2009 15:23

Occupation of Brunei Gallery at SOAS, University of London, continues...

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Walk to Stop Mountain Top Removal

14-01-2009 14:58

On February 14th at 6:30pm at the Friends Meeting House Lexington KY there will be a pot luck dinner and a program "Why we walk".

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Benefit for Gaza Protest against the massacres in Gaza:

14-01-2009 14:42

We are calling on all our supporters to do what you can to protest against the massacres taking place in Gaza. See our events page for details of specific actions; including emergency protests.

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We will not be pushed around - a Fitwatch response to criticism of militant protest

14-01-2009 14:36

This post started as a repsonse to a thread on the blog, which is why it references FIT from the outset, rather than tackling other types of cops. Some of this stuff has been said before, and it is a personal response, but I have been asked to copy the article here, so here it is!

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Demonstrate against weapons company arming Israel-Mon 19th Jan

14-01-2009 14:23

There will be a demonstration outside UAV Engines, of Lichfield, Staffordshire, on Monday 19th January, regarding evidence that has been revealed that the company is building engines that are used in Israel's military drones that are aiding the attacks on Gaza.

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Prince Andrew promoting nuclear power

14-01-2009 13:29

As if it isn't bad enough that Gordon Brown's brother Andrew is the UK media chief for 85% French state-owned energy giant EDF (Energy), it seems the royal connection is now needed to convince us that we need more toxic nuclear white elephants.

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Activists disrupt Israel's PR operation

14-01-2009 12:59

Activists disrupted the offices of the British Israel Communications and Research Centre (BICOM) in central London this morning. The lobby group's media centre, which is playing a key role in Israel's public relations operation during the assault on Gaza, was shut down as protesters occupied the building.

Photographs of civilian casualties from Gaza were pasted on to the computer screens of public relations executives, phone lines cut off to halt the organisation's media rebuttal unit and leaflets thrown out of window on to the main road and handed out to staff pressing them to confront the truth about the human cost of Israeli aggression.


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Who is pulling the string of KIEV over the Gas dispute.. ?

14-01-2009 12:39

Gazprom's Deputy CEO Alexander Medvedev accused the United States of pulling the strings. "It looks like ... they(Ukraine) are dancing to the music which is being orchestrated not in Kiev but outside the country," he said.
Ukraine's national energy company Naftogaz refused to accept Russian natural gas for transit to Europe for a second day, Russia's gas monopoly Gazprom said on Wednesday.

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Zipi Livnis Christmas party, etc

14-01-2009 12:03

An ope letter sent to Zipi Livni today, under the headline "Some jingles to cheer up for your pilots and tank commanders"

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SOAS - occupation update - RESIZED PHOTOS

14-01-2009 12:02

A message from the Brunei Gallery Suite, SOAS, University of London.

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Riots in Riga, Baltic

14-01-2009 11:46

Riots all over Europe. Last night in Latvia: People are demanding the dissolution of parliament. The country is slipping into a deep recession.After a peacefull demo people try to storm the Parliament and smash it´s windows, rioting for hours. Video-links Riga, Latvia.

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Greenpeace giving away land at Heathrow - get yours while it's hot!

14-01-2009 11:27

Greenpeace have bought a chunk of land in the middle of the proposed third runway site at Heathrow. Now they're giving it away, bit by bit.

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An overview about the resistance against the NATO summit in Strasbourg and Baden

14-01-2009 11:09

Smash we can!

One purpose of the meeting in Strasbourg from January 16th to 18th (see is, apart from networking and common planning, to get a mutual knowledge of powers and weaknesses of the movements in different european countries.

For this, we translated a text that was published in a german lefty monthly newspaper and gives a summary of activities. But the text does not regard the current situation of a "non-dogmatic" radical, anarchist, autonomous left in Germany. To provide that, see this brief summary.

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Israelis Rain 'Phosphorous Bombs' Over Gaza

14-01-2009 10:27

"There is no doubt that Israel is using phosphorous bombs over Gaza. Israel is flagrantly violating the Fourth Geneva Convention," says Raji Sourani, head of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) in Gaza.

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Around the Campaigns Wednesday 14th January 2009

14-01-2009 09:23

Deare Hamanajam has left the UK
Despite all efforts to stay the removal, Deare was removed yesterday morning with an unknown number of other Iraqi/Kurds. No one, neither solicitors or friends knew the time of removal. There is expected to be another secret removal to KRG/Iraq later this week.

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Who is Black America's Moral Emissary to the World?

14-01-2009 08:49

The global reputation of Black America has suffered greatly under George Bush, who deployed Black faces as fronts for his vicious brand of U.S. imperialism. Barack Obama's silence on the Israeli assault on Gaza suggests that his honeymoon with the planet won't last long. So who is to represent the progressive values of African Americans on the world stage? "Thanks to Cynthia McKinney, millions of Arabs have been made aware of a different Black America, one that is not silent, like Barack Obama, in the face of a purposely inflicted human rights catastrophe."

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SOAS Occupation - update

14-01-2009 08:34

A message from the Brunei Gallery Suite, SOAS, London.

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Is Gaza a testing ground for experimental weapons?

14-01-2009 07:59

“I fear the thinking in Israel is that it is in its interests to create as much mutilation as possible to terrorise the civilian population in the hope they will turn against Hamas.”
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