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UK Newswire Archive

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BASF potato trial

18-12-2006 18:52

The farm which was to trial GM potatoes has withdrawn permission.

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Denmark, Kopenhagen: Heavy Streetfights. *PICS*

18-12-2006 18:23

Sunday December 17 - More than 300 demonstrators were arrested in the Danish capital on Saturday after violent clashes between police and youths who were protesting against the planned closure of a youth centre in the city. "Ungdomshuset-The Youth House Stays" .

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Leeds nazi gets 9 months

18-12-2006 17:30

A black christmas for whitey

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Dodgy land deals in Farnborough town centre?

18-12-2006 16:38

Farnborough town centre boarded-up shops streets a bustle with Christmas shopper
Was public land in Farnborough town centre sold on the cheap to a developer to aid them in their plans to build an unwanted superstore?

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Anti Lydd Airport statement from LAAG.

18-12-2006 16:35

Lydd Airport bossses have today lodged a planning application to Shepway District Council for expansion.
Both group in the area are gearing up to respond to this and fight it all the way during next year. SDC are likely to put the plans out for wide consultation during first half of 2007.

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Lets have a Sheffield Oaxaca / Zapata protest, Sheffield ....

18-12-2006 16:32

Do you like Zapatistas, ermmm lets have a protest in Sheffield (when we want, it maybe not in the indymedia date, but im sure indymedia, doesnt control us in someway !

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Abbas attempts a political coup on behalf of Washington

18-12-2006 15:21

Mahmoud Abbas, the Fatah president of the Palestinian Authority, has announced that he will dissolve the recently elected parliament and call new presidential and parliamentary elections. Abbas aide Yasser Abed Rabbo told Associated Press that the president would set the date within a week, and that new elections would be held within three months.

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Bush administration elaborates plans for bloodbath in Iraq

18-12-2006 15:18

Reports on the Bush administration’s discussions on a change of course in Iraq indicate that Washington is preparing a major new bloodbath as part of a desperate attempt to salvage its nearly four-year-old bid to conquer the oil-rich country.

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Chomsky, Zinn et al.: petition for troops out of Iraq now!

18-12-2006 15:06

Why we stand for immediate withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Iraq

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Demand that Tesco Cut their Ties with Greenergy Biofuels!

18-12-2006 14:34

Biofuelwatch today start a new campaign to demand that Tesco cut their ties with Greenergy. Greenergy are an oil company which invests heavily in biofuels. Increasing amounts of their biofuels are from palm oil, soy and sugar cane - all crops linked to massive deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions and human rights abuses. Please support out action alert today!

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A Counterproductive U.S. Advice to Palestinians

18-12-2006 13:57

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ decision to go without national consensus to early presidential and parliamentary elections was divisive, counterproductive and conforms to U.S.-Israeli plans to remove the Islamic Resistance Movement “Hamas” from power or pressure it into accepting what its rival Fatah had accepted: A peace process on their dictated terms and conditions.

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Nostalgia for Chernobyl

18-12-2006 13:06

Greenpeace, Legambiente and WWF

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UK Meeting to discuss G8 Mobilisation for 2007, Jan 27th, Nottingham

18-12-2006 12:15

A UK-based meeting to discuss the mobilisation against the 2007 G8 Summit to be held near Rostock in Germany (June 6-8).

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Piquet Today at the chilean embassy

18-12-2006 11:34

75 days in hunger strike is more than enough.

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T&GWU Negotiates Defeat For Liverpool Cabbies

18-12-2006 11:33

In another setback for workers on Merseyside, the Transport and General Workers Union has negotiated a defeat for its taxi driving members and taxi users at Liverpool John Lennon Airport.

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"Support action for Ungdomshuset" DK

18-12-2006 02:50

Riots broke out in copenhagen as court decide to shut down Ungdomshuset youth', cultural and social center.

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Cambridge March for Consumerism

18-12-2006 00:10

On Saturday December 16 a group of people in Cambridge held a March for Consumerism. They set off outside the Grafton Centre shopping mall carrying placards with slogans such as "Spend", "Buy more stuff", and "Climate change is someone else's problem".

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Letter about basque prisoner Iñaki De Juana Chaos

17-12-2006 21:30

Letter to British Press and European Parlamentary Groups about Iñaki De Juana Chaos in prison because the content of two articles. You can sign and send it too.
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