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UK Newswire Archive

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Matilda Tresspass Hearing

16-06-2006 22:08

Persons unknown X 30 from the Matilda Social Centre, are due in court for tresspass, Yorkshite Forward are claiming possession of 111 Matilda Street in Sheffield.

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Patients Must Travel Further To See GPs

16-06-2006 21:33

In the ‘Our Health, Our Care, Our Say’ White Paper, the government has published details of how you must travel further to see your doctors and dentists, spending more time and money whilst damaging the environment with increased exhaust emissions that poison us all.

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Leuren Moret Describes Vicious Attacks on Whistleblowers

16-06-2006 19:45

June 15, 2006

by Leuren Moret

To the Berkeley City Council and City Manager:

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Activists Attacked at Circus Demo

16-06-2006 19:23

On wednesday 14th June 2006 activists were attacked and arrested at the opening night of The Spirit of the Horse in Bakewell. Please read on and consider helping the campaign against the circus.

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street writings

16-06-2006 16:04

texts and sound works by homeless people produced in a series of workshops which took place at crisis/skylight in London's East End during Mai and June will be presented on Resonance 104.4fm on 22nd june 7pm. the CD will be available via the website of ARTWORDS bookshop.

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Indymedia Media Collective London Radio Show - 14 June 2006

16-06-2006 16:01

Broadcast live on ResonanceFM and streamed live at 1300 - 1400

Intro: Sex and drugs and rock and roll (Dury/Jankel/Adams/Dougie)
Irish theme: I won't be a nun (march) (Kilnefora Ceili Band)
IMC-Ireland: Shell to the sea
Cycling weather
World Naked Bike Ride interview
Haditha is USMC policy
Aqsa report: Seth Porcello
Telephone interview: Pennie Quinton
Tune: Everybody wants to rule the world

Telephone interview: Mark Barrett
I won't wear the union jack (Tracey Curtis)
Palestine Today (

Rossport Solidarity
Cycling weather
Square resists
CNT struggle
Girl wins science prize
Greenpeace against the bomb
Demonstrators' right to move was curtailed
Wapping demo poses kidnap charge
Peacenews retro

Red pepper nite
Peace news is 70
National refugee week
Stonehenge solstice
Climate campaigners picnic in Grosvenor Square

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2 blairs and england

16-06-2006 15:10

A flag that truly represents England

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This Week In Palestine

16-06-2006 14:05

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for June 9 through June 15, 2006.

Israeli army kills seven family members on Gaza Beach and 21 others in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip as the army staged up its extra-judicial killings policy. Meanwhile, Palestinians along with Israeli and International supporters continue to resist the West Bank annexation wall as Palestinians continue with their National dialogue session in bid to stop the infighting and end the financial crisis.

These stories and more coming up. Stay tuned.

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Sabotage Raid on Yorkshire Quarry

16-06-2006 13:06

To celebrate the Spring there was a sabotage raid on Horton Quarry in Ribblesdale, in the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

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16-06-2006 13:01

Newcastle based group Tyneside Community Action for Refugees (TCAR) is coordinating a National Day of Action against Home Office reporting centres and detention camps in Britain on Thursday, 22nd June. TCAR will be staging a lively noise demonstration outside the reporting centre in North Shields which asylum rights groups in London, Leeds and Manchester will join by demonstrating outside their local reporting centres.

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Police at Matilda

16-06-2006 12:56

Around 13:45 today, police arrived at Matilda, asking to come inside. People are requested to come down in support of the activists inside. More news as it comes in...

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16-06-2006 11:38

Corporations like to gloat that one of the great achievements of capitalism has been its ability to feed 6 billion of us. Back in the heady 60s the world’s agriculture underwent the so-called “Green Revolution”- a massive expansion in the use and abuse of fertilisers, pesticides and mechanised, petrol fuelled intensive agriculture designed to meet the problem of global population growth.

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Concepts of ownership

16-06-2006 11:13

We are excluded from meaningful ownership by the complicity of the masses - now is the time to act.

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G8 2005 - One Year On and We Are Failing the World - Reports

16-06-2006 09:38

Some recent articles and reports one year on from the Gleneagles G8 (from NEF, Oxfam, WDM etc)....

While there was immediate criticism from many NGOs after the final G8 2005 communique, the situation now, just a few weeks before the St Petersburg G8 Summit in Russia, is just as depressing.

Some movement yes, but nothing like what's needed.

As to climate change and energy, well, there's plenty of reasons to be protesting against the G8.

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Vigil: Remember the dead, Justice for the living

16-06-2006 08:59

Birmingham Anti-Racist Campaign is organising a vigil during Refugee Week, a week which traditionally celebrates the positive contribution of refugees to the UK. At the same time, ARC wishes to draw the attention of local people to the more shameful aspects of asylum: the horrors and injustices of Britain's asylum system and the shameful persecution of refugees and asylum seekers by the popular press.

Tuesday 20 June, 5pm to 9pm at the Cathedral Square, Colmore Row.

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Invitation - women-only action camp weekend

16-06-2006 08:29

From evening of 7 to evening of 10 July, Aldermaston Women's Peace Camp is hosting an action-oriented event outside Britain's nuclear weapons factory. There is also a (mixed gender) Block the Builders action on the Monday 11 July at Aldermaston, with possibility of women-only action (if enough women come down over the weekend)

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Indonesian State Sanctioned Terrorists Warn Australia

16-06-2006 07:55

CIA or the American Military's involvement
Here is a full report and one that was not carried out by Australia, Indonesia, or the US authorities over the possible CIA or the American Military's involvement in the second blast that required nuclear hardware way above the knowledge of any peasant class in Indonesia just prior the Iraq war, mind you.

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Oaxaca repression

16-06-2006 07:46

Recent update of events in Oaxaca and request for further info

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Review of 'Alternatives' meeting in Telford

16-06-2006 06:44

Positives and negatives to take from the 'Alternatives' meeting on 10 June

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Tell Me No Lies

16-06-2006 04:03

Continue to root them out
Rather it will be discovered by those who put their own reputations and often lives on the line, in order to uncover the real actions and outcomes of those who tell us they rule over us. The challenges that emerge from reading "Tell me no Lies" are to find the strength to continue to root them out and even more importantly, to stand up and challenge them publicly.
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