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What Does Democracy Really Mean In Preston?

20-09-2007 21:57

A Preston councillor has asked questions about the democracy of decision making about key decisions affecting the future of Preston's Town Centre, and of the ecology of the River Ribble - but what does democracy really mean in Preston, when council officials, directly involved in the decisions affecting our future, are leaving our town like rats leaving a sinking ship?

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Neocons and Israelis Condemn Iran for Vowing Self Defense

20-09-2007 21:51

Call it a rerun, so pathetically reminiscent of the transparent neocon one act plays conducted on the United Nations stage, primarily to lend a gleam of legitimacy to a series of war crimes. In fact, the neocons do not want sanctions against Iran—they want to flatten the country and kill as many Iranians as possible—and this time around they will not take their manufactured lies to the United Nations, as they ordered Colin Powell to present his ludicrous dog and pony show, complete with charts and test tubes.

In the waning hours of the Bush administration, they will simply attack Iran and leave the mess for Hillary to clean up.

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Do plans for "New Town" signal end to Cambridgeshires green belt.

20-09-2007 21:29

Gordon Brown plans to build 3 million new homes in the coming years. It seems Cambridgeshire is going to be one of the first counties to be on the recieving end of these plans, but at what cost?

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Photos from the No Border action in Crawley.

20-09-2007 20:42

Photos from the No Border Camp's action on Thursday 20th - Welcoming action in the center of Crawley handing out the Gatwick X-press newspaper, and inviting local people to the free gig later tonight.

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Petition for the parents of the Roma children murdered in Livorno

20-09-2007 20:41

Thursday, September 20, 2007. Liberty and justice for the parents of the Roma children burnt to death in the fire of Livorno fire on August 10th, 2007. The EveryOne Group and the “Amici degli Angeli” are asking concerned for the immediate release of the parents of the young victims, as well as immediate assistance, starting with a home and state benefit. The groups also request an all-out inquiry against GAPE, a gang of racist murderers, who are responsible for this monstrous crime.

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Craig Murray's web site: deleted by Fasthosts

20-09-2007 19:54

Craig Murray, the outspoken former British Ambassador in Uzbekistan has had his web site taken down by it's host, Fasthosts. This comes after an article by him attracted legal threats, "Alisher Usmanov, potential Arsenal chairman, is a Vicious Thug, Criminal, Racketeer, Heroin Trafficker and Accused Rapist":

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No to 'Development'; yes to self-reliant change in Oaxaca

20-09-2007 19:47

“It's a war” explained the man from Oaxaca, “a real war”. Talking to people taking part in the first UK NoBorders camp near Gatwick today, our man from Oaxaca explained that the people are doing what they can to protect their own physical, economic and future security.

Full article, A game with no privacy

20-09-2007 18:25

Don´t forget: Behind each game there is a company...

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Report from No Borders action in Crawley

20-09-2007 17:30

Report from action received at 5.45pm. People have arrived in Crawley centre from the camp, and are handing out leaflets and the Gatwick X-press, a free paper about the action to local people. Two Banners are being displayed with the slogans "NO BORDERS" and "Freedom of Movement for ALL People." Some locals are expressing an interest, although the fact that there are more police officers than campers may be putting some off.

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Camp Hope

20-09-2007 17:21

There will be a weekend of action at Staverton airport (between Cheltenham and Gloucester) in October to protest against the planned expansion. See

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Local paper demonises Gatwick campers.

20-09-2007 17:20

front page
This is a photographic copy of the front page article in the local newspaper, the Mid Sussex Times. And below is a copy that a camper sent to the editor and the journalist who signs it, Carolyn Robertson.

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No Borders Camp: Thursday sees first action

20-09-2007 16:39

Campers at the No Border camp near Gatwick, spent the morning putting finishing touches to the campsite, and after lunch attended a variety of workshops. Topics included an overview of detention centres in the UK, activist trauma, FIT Watch, and a presentation by the Israeli Anarchists Against The Wall.

Police presence outside the camp has been fairly low key, and the new shift brought with it CO2558, Steve Discombe of the Met's Forward Intelligence Team, whose boredom has been relieved by various Fit Watch activities. Vehicles are being allowed in and out unimpeded, although the police are doing what they can to photograph all those who enter.

Since the workshops ended at 4pm, campers have been making their way to Crawley Town Centre, where they are engaged in meeting local people, handing out flyers and a free paper, the Gatwick X-press in order to publicise the action and the reasons behind it to local people.This may go some way to countering the disinformation printed in a front page article in the local paper, the Mid Sussex Times. Entitled "Safety fears as demonstrators camp in village", the article outlines the concerns of a local councillor, before going on to explain the issues behind the camp.

After meeting with local people, campers will move onto a gig near Crawley station to listen to bands and share food.

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War Resisters' International obtains UK conscientious objection regulations

20-09-2007 16:26

Using the UK Freedom of Information Act, War Resisters' International finally obtained the regulations governing the right to conscientious objection for the three branches of the British Armed Forces [1], in time to examine them for a counter-report to the United Nations Human Rights Committee, which will examine the United Kingdoms human rights record in its sessions in October 2007 and July 2008 [2].

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Globalization/New World Order exposed as agenda of U.S. religious Dominionists

20-09-2007 16:14

Corporate globalization or "New World Order" as it is also called is the economic agenda of U.S. Protestant Dominionists.

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Protest against David Irving meeting in Coventry

20-09-2007 16:11

Tomorrow night (Friday 21 September), with the help of the British National Party, David Irving, the notorious Holocaust denier and liar, is booked to speak at the Royal Warwicks Club in Coventry.

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Another Construction Collapse in Capital of Culture City

20-09-2007 15:47

As the city of Liverpool is frantically prepared for the Capital of Culture celebrations, workplace safety is bound to come a poor second to profit margins. This year has already seen a three fatalities on Merseyside construction sites, and though no-one has been killed in this latest incident, it looks very likely there will be more deaths before 1st January.

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The Student Climate Project Launch Gathering Nov 30/Dec 2

20-09-2007 15:11

An exciting new student activist project is being launched later this year. The “Student Climate Project” is being set up by students to contribute to the building of a mass student anti-climate change movement. What sort of action do you want to take on Climate Change? Is there any issue that is more important? Students have driven social change in the past. Now we must rise to the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced.

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Whose Security? What Intelligence? 7/7 Independent Public Inquiry Needed

20-09-2007 12:10

Whose Security? What Intelligence?
Public launch of new report: "Inside the Crevice: Islamist terror networks and the 7/7 intelligence failure", by Nafeez Ahmed

6.30-9pm Weds 3 October 2007

at Garden Court Chambers, Lincoln's Inn Fields, WC2 (Holborn tube station)

Chair: Frances Webber Garden Court Chambers

Speakers include:

Nafeez Ahmed Institute for Policy Research & Development (IPRD)

Detective Superintendent (ret.) Des Thomas former Deputy Head, CID Constabulary, Hampshire

Les Levidow CAMPACC

Rachel North 7/7 survivor, author, Out of the Tunnel

James Oury Oury Clark Solicitors, representing the 7/7 Inquiry Group

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Guardian Bullshit: "You're either in the Gatwick camp or the Heathrow camp"

20-09-2007 11:37

Brendan O'Neill's dreadful article on the Guardian's "Comment is Free" site, In the other camp, ends with this conclusion:

So, are you a green or are you a supporter of completely free migration? Because it seems to me at least that you cannot be both. You're either in the Gatwick camp or the Heathrow camp. Make your choice.

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Zionists propoganda program for the new year

20-09-2007 11:20

The Zionist Federation in the UK is mobalising for a massive PR offensive next year with a program of events aimed at making the terms zionism and jewish synonymous and strengthening their lobbying power. .
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