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UK Newswire Archive

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Third Planet Report 3/1/07

28-02-2007 00:22

Third Planet Report is a radio show broadcast from the Farm in Summertown, TN with host hippielawyer Alan Graf covering news and commentary you won't hear anywhere else.

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28-02-2007 00:19

Monday 12 March at THE GATE Arts Centre
Keppoch Street, off City Road, Roath, Cardiff
Doors open at 8 pm
Tickets: £4 (£3 concessions)

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Press Release: Find out how UNDP supports ecocrimes at Rosia Montana

28-02-2007 00:19

(UNDP got caught redhanded while editing secret "relevant reports" to greenwash Canadian miner.)

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EOCC Social Club License Suspended & How You Can Help

27-02-2007 23:22

The EOCC Social Club has had to suspend its own entertainments license to buy more time to prevent council from shutting them down. You have now been given the time.

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24th feb autonomous bloc pics (resized)

27-02-2007 20:48

resized pis of the automomous bloc from last saturdays march

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Senior lawyers accuse Australian government of war crimes over Guantánamo

27-02-2007 19:47

War Crimes
The demand for the laying of war crimes charges against Howard, Ruddock and Downer should be taken up by ordinary working people throughout the country. The government’s ongoing treatment of David Hicks, and its defence of the illegal US military commissions, constitute a threat to the democratic and legal rights of every Australian citizen. They demonstrate the real face of the so-called “war on terror” and are a warning of the equally repressive measures being prepared at home against government opponents.

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Banned Sonae material back up, the end could be nigh for Sonae

27-02-2007 19:46

Sonae videos, photos and articles back up on-line.

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Maisha Yetu- collectivity and women's writing.

27-02-2007 19:15

Maisha Yetu means - Our Lives in Swahili.
This is a link to a International Women in Media Foundation Project.
Some of us work in IMC/RFS/IWMF :- There are a lot of cross
pollinations in the women's writing movement.
Some collectives have charitable sponsors- which does not
detract from the veracity of a woman's story.*

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Dairy industry in meltdown

27-02-2007 18:11

Speaking at the NFU national conference, the NFU leader has warned that the dairy industry is facing meltdown.

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Opposition grows in Rushmoor to cuts in refuse collection

27-02-2007 17:57

The first month of a six-month trial of fortnightly refuse collection in the Rotten Borough of Rushmoor has led to public outcry, with bin men calling for the 'experiment' to be scrapped.

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Cost of Solar Power Equal to Coal Now

27-02-2007 17:56

The development at a South African University
of a process to manufacture panels made with
a much better material (CIGS) that generates
electricity from sunlight at a lower cost than the
silicone photo voltaic panels is what has been
hoped for for decades. Solar power is no longer
too expensive compared to coal plant generation.

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24th feb autonomous bloc football video

27-02-2007 17:52

footie with a (toy) coppers helmet

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Video from Current Nablus Invasion - Day 2

27-02-2007 17:32

This is the second video clip dealing with the military operation "Hot Winter" in Nablus, occupied Palestine.

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Your Grandchildren Will Despise You Immensely!

27-02-2007 17:27

Expect to hear things like this:

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2nd Annual Dublin Anarchist Bookfair.

27-02-2007 17:06

This weekend sees the Second Annual Dublin Anarchist Bookfair...

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Local Councils & the 25/5 Carbon reduction target (DERBY)

27-02-2007 14:21

Saturday 3rd March from 10.30am to 3.30pm
Friends’ Meeting House
St Helens St, Derby, DE1 3GY (next to Radio Derby)

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“An American Strike on Iran is Essential for Our Existence”

27-02-2007 14:17

So now, the Israeli war advocates aver, the US president needs to be helped to do the right thing and attack Iran by lobbyists who will use their power to force the fools in the Democratic Party, especially presidential candidates. Because Americans don’t understand and have to be shaken out of their current skeptical mode.

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Indian UN Representative and High Commissioner questioned over IAEA coercion all

27-02-2007 14:12

Top Indian officials quizzed over an issue of global significance

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Rally in support of striking mental health workers

27-02-2007 13:51

Mental health workers in Manchester are striking over cuts and the threat of privatisation, a rally to support them has been called as a part of the TUC's national NHS Together Day of Action.

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Upcoming Free Cinema at Inn On The Green

27-02-2007 13:43

Indymedia Cinema @ Inn On The Green

Every second Tuesday of the month, Indymedia Cinema takes to Inn On The Green in West London to cover issues that are often hidden by the mainstream media.

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