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Journey of a (“Self-Hating”) Jew

19-02-2007 11:28

There are few issues more divisive in US society, including on the left, than the issue of Israel and Palestine. Even the word “Palestine” is divisive! The state of Israel claims to represent Jews worldwide. This is a preposterous and plainly incorrect claim, but one often made and often assumed, to the detriment of much of humanity. People who vocally oppose Israeli policies are labeled anti-Semites. Jews who oppose Israeli policies -- or who dare to question the right of this apartheid state to exist as such -- are labeled “self-hating Jews.” Supporters of Israel are using historic anti-Semitism and the memory of the Nazi holocaust as a means to stifle dissent. Reason and compassion is not on their side, so they resort to name-calling. I have some personal experiences with this state of affairs, and I thought I’d recount some of them and share some thoughts on the subject.

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Peaceful Climate Camp Protest Axed By Police

19-02-2007 11:25

Police News Management, Incompetence and Poor Attitude To Peaceful Protest Exposed After They Prevent Peaceful Climate Camp Action With Massive Over Reaction

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The US Propaganda Campaign Against Iran

19-02-2007 11:05

The US government has stepped up its rhetoric against Iran this week with a presentation held in Baghdad designed to support the claim that, as worded by President Bush last month, "Iran is providing material support for attacks on American troops." [1] US officials said that weapons were being smuggled into Iraq by an elite unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard known as the Quds Force on orders "coming from the highest levels of the Iranian government." [2] But, as the Washington Post observed, "The officials offered no evidence to substantiate allegations that the 'highest levels' of the Iranian government had sanctioned support for attacks against U.S. troops." [3] That conclusion was admittedly an "inference", and the defense analyst present acknowledged the inconclusiveness of the evidence, saying, "The smoking gun of an Iranian standing over an American with a gun, it's never going to happen." [4]

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19-02-2007 11:01

video and discussion

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Iran: A Chronology of Disinformation

19-02-2007 11:00

Raw Story's inimitable Larisa Alexandrovna has recently written an excellent article detailing the neoconservatives' six-year long project to use American power to attack and produce regime change in Iran. Appended to the piece is a timeline including key Bush administration statements about Iran, "news" stories and neocon writings abetting efforts to vilify Iran, and the antics of such characters as former Congressman Curt Weldon, Iran-Contra arms dealer Manucher Ghorbanifar, and spy-for-Israel Larry Franklin who have worked to facilitate that attack. I've used it as the basis for this more elaborate (although surely incomplete and imperfect) chronology.

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It is time we woke up to the Prime Minister’s legacy

19-02-2007 10:08

Now that London Fashion Week has closed, so the most unfashionable item around rears its head again. No aspect of the Blair legacy is more controversial, debated and derided than his foreign policy.

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Italian judge indicts CIA agents for illegal kidnapping

19-02-2007 10:06

The US policy of “extraordinary renditions”—the illegal kidnap and transportation of supposed terror suspects to secret detention sites where they are then tortured—was the subject of both an Italian legal investigation and a critical report by the European Parliament last week.

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Irish times Editor to appear in court over destruction of evidence.

19-02-2007 10:05

Ms Geraldine Kennedy
Geraldine kennedy , the editor of the Irish times is to appear
in court with Colm Keena journalist over publication of evidence
that created a political scandal in Ireland some months ago.

Nothing about it in the Irish Newspapers this morning.
The Irish times is leading with the Thatcherite Privatisation party- funny that.

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The Triple Bottom Line

19-02-2007 01:28

A talk with Alyson Slator on the Global Reporting Initiative.. Not only the financial bottom line counts, but also the social and environmental ones.. Obviously it is very embarrassing if a company has been cooking its environmental books.. The goal is a change in business reporting.

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SDO The Bad and the Mediocre

19-02-2007 01:24

SDO The Bad and the Mediocre
Australia's perspective of pending Iran War, local news 30 mins

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No Border Gathering, Glasgow: 10/11 March 07

19-02-2007 00:28

A weekend of discussion, workshops, information-sharing, planning and co-ordination. Bringing together the No Border Network and refugee and migrant rights groups from across the UK.

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Israel seeks an alliance with Turkey against Iran

18-02-2007 23:55

Preparing for an attack on Iran, prime minister Ehud Olmert wants to
see Turkey on Israel's side. As the full extent of the alliance
against Iran becomes concrete, the true nature of military agreements
between the two countries will eventually become clear.

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Brian Haw on TV

18-02-2007 23:48

Brian Haw will be on ITV 25th Feb 23:15

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Rugby lifting Aboriginal kids in the Australian bush

18-02-2007 23:39

Goodooga, northwest New South Wales, 19 February 2007 - - As a new Aboriginal Rugby League competition in the bush gears up with trial matches, the lives of youngsters are already improving.

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From Tehren To Tony Blair

18-02-2007 22:28

Responce to Foreign Affairs article

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18-02-2007 22:21

some thought after the london infonite of andreas the "activist" from Oaxaca.
A punch in the face to the APPO and to all the one are fighting for social change

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SPEAK To Field Candidates at General Election

18-02-2007 20:07

SPEAK, the controversial animal rights campaign group that has been actively resisting the building of Oxford University’s new animal research laboratory, has announced that it will be fielding candidates at the next general election in constituencies whose current MP is “outspokenly anti-animal.”

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Stop Trident/Troops Out demo (Transport from South Wales)

18-02-2007 19:46


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March against Rigs off Welsh coast

18-02-2007 19:07

On Saturday about 100 people marched through Aberystwyth in protest against the proposed issuing of Licenses to explore for oil in special areas of conservation off the welsh coast.

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SHORT NOTICE: Activist from Oaxaca speaks in Oxford, 20/02/07

18-02-2007 18:59

Andreas Aullet, an activist from Mexico's Oaxaca uprising, will be speaking at Ruskin College in Oxford on Tuesday 20 February.
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