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Forget Shorter Showers

20-07-2009 16:00

Forget Shorter Showers
Why personal change does not equal political change
by Derrick Jensen

WOULD ANY SANE PERSON think dumpster diving would have stopped Hitler, or that composting would have ended slavery or brought about the eight-hour workday, or that chopping wood and carrying water would have gotten people out of Tsarist prisons, or that dancing naked around a fire would have helped put in place the Voting Rights Act of 1957 or the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Then why now, with all the world at stake, do so many people retreat into these entirely personal “solutions”?

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Antifa Benefit Gig, Brum Fri 24 July

20-07-2009 15:45

Antifa Founding Statement
Antifa is a national federation comprised of local groups of militant anti-fascists, affiliated to the international Antifa movement. We exist to confront fascist ideas, activities and organisations wherever and however they occur. We utilise a wide range of tactics and believe it is important to confront fascism physically as well as ideologically. We do not advocate the electoral process as the means of defeating fascism nor will we work with groups that do. Our structure is anti-authoritarian and non hierarchical. We oppose discrimination based on race, gender, sexuality, disability or age. We will not work with, accept information from, nor pass information to the magazine Searchlight.

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Brian Haw - day 2,970 of his magnificent protest!

20-07-2009 15:33

Here are 13 photos (copyleft) of Brian Haw's continuing presence outside the Houses of Parliament.

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Legal Immunity For Swine Flu Vaccine Manufacturers

20-07-2009 14:43

WHO - Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 briefing note 2

The thirteen WHO sages have authorized the “production and use of vaccines formulated with oil-in-water adjuvants and live attenuated influenza viruses”. In other words, ]the sages declared it to be safe to use SQUALENE and/or INSECT DNA in the vaccines.

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Estate agents attacked, Brighton

20-07-2009 13:13

Solidarity attack against estate agents

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Bath Bomb #24 Out Now

20-07-2009 12:58

The latest issue of Bath's monthly radical rantfest hits the streets.

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Demonstration to save Vestas Wind Turbine factory

20-07-2009 12:49

Demonstration to save Vestas Wind Turbine factory

Wednesday 22nd July , 6.00 pm

Outside the Department of Energy and Climate Change, No 3 Whitehall Place
(off Whitehall, Charing Cross tube)

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Whistleblowers denied role in Sizewell nuclear leaks investigation

20-07-2009 12:28

Press statement from the Shut Down Sizewell Campaign about the 22 July Special Meeting of Sizewell A & B Stakeholders Group to investigate the Cooling Pond Leak at Sizewell A nuclear reactor on 7 January 2007.

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Pipelineistan and the end of Empire

20-07-2009 11:49

Just as the Nazi defeat at Stalingrad marked the final folly of Hitler's attempt to dominate Eurasia it looks like Afghanistan will mark the end of the Anglo-American empires of evil.

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Out of sight, out of mind ~ Experiences of immigration detention in the UK

20-07-2009 10:51

A new report ‘Out of sight, out of mind’ released today by detainee rights charity Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) reveals the unacceptable human cost of indefinite immigration detention in the UK and calls on the government to halt its plans to increase detention capacity.

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What happened to the summer of rage?

20-07-2009 10:24

Sorry for the repost but thought people might be interested in this article. We would also like to open debate on this so leave a comment on the Last Hours site.

Earlier in the year it seemed to be accepted almost as fact that this summer would see waves of unrest and street riots. But half way through summer none have happened. Peter Hogan takes a brief overview of the reasons why people haven’t come out onto the street in any great numbers.

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Honduras: Zelaya llama a la insurrección

20-07-2009 09:48

Es el futuro de los trabajadores, de los pueblos de Centroamérica y América Latina el que se encuentra en juego en esta batalla decisiva en Honduras.

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Demonstrate against the arms industry, Newport, 22nd July

20-07-2009 09:01

Demo against EDO and other arms companies that profit from the production of military weaponry.
UV Europe Conference, Celtic Manor, Newport, 9am onwards
Wednesday 22nd July, 9am onwards!

Bring friends and banners, and lots of things to make lots of noise.

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Update from Calais

20-07-2009 08:31

via Calais Migrant Solidarity

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Solidarity with Vestas Workers from Climate Camp UK

20-07-2009 08:21

Climate Campers stand shoulder-to-shoulder in solidarity with the Vestas Workers
Dateline: Climate Camp UK National Gathering, London, UK, 18:00 Sun 19 Jul 09 – At the end of an intensive weekend of planning for the forthcoming Climate Camp in Greater London, campers express their solidarity with the 600 wind turbine manufacturing workers threatened with factory closures by Vestas on the Isle of Wight.

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Germany: First New Post-Cold War World Military Power

20-07-2009 06:48

Humanitarian intervention was an ad hoc ruse employed to launch NATO as an active 'out of area' warfighting machine and a political body to circumvent and replace the United Nations. Once the first part of that objective had been achieved it was dropped as quickly as it had been concocted and wars could then be conducted for traditional reasons: Territorial designs, the acquisition of resources, control of vital transport routes including sea lanes, punishing recalcitrant adversaries, revenge. In the process Germany became the first major post-Cold War international military power.

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Around the Campaigns Monday 20th July 2009

20-07-2009 05:57

Iloba Family: Hopeful smiles from behind the barbed wire fence
From behind the 20ft walls of Yarl’s Wood immigration detention centre, there is not much view of the outside world. For the Iloba family who, after five years in the UK, were bundled into the back of a van to be deported, there is also little to view for the future. Betty Iloba and her children, Toby (18), Saskia (17), and Emmanuel (14), spoke of how they were sent to the UK by their policeman father, who feared for their lives, just months before he himself was killed.

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Swine Flu leaked from Lab - More Fears For Proposed Camden Lab

20-07-2009 03:24

There are plans to build a deadly high level virus containment facility and animal testing lab in Kings Cross. The lab could be level 3 facility which means that it could contain deadly pathogens such as anthrax and bird flu. The lab has been criticised by MI5, MPs, councillors, business and local resdients. Now scientists have admitted that the deadly Swine Flu was leaked from a lab 3 decades ago.

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Honduran prosecutors family attacked after he denounces military coup on CNN

20-07-2009 01:08

The family of Honduran public prosecutor Jari Dixon Herrera were attacked by police on Tuesday shortly after he made statements to CNN en Español and other international media in Washington denouncing the recent military coup in Honduras.

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Testimonies from refugees raided in Patras

19-07-2009 22:16

State repression in Greece
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