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UK Newswire Archive

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No platform for racists on indymedia

31-03-2002 18:51

This site is receiving regular daily postings from a known Nazi sympathiser, using a variety of pseudonyms, but most commonly Jack- as in " idon't know Jack Shit", presumably.

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Breaking News From Palestine

31-03-2002 18:21

These are the titles of the indymedia Italy front page timeline. Only few reports have been translated into English.

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usa. arethe real terrorists.

31-03-2002 17:49

usa. arethe real terrorists.
libya/el salvador/nicaragua/panama/iraq/sudan/somalia/afghanistan
all acts of terror...........

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Heed the facts Palestine

31-03-2002 16:27

“There is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians and Lebanese; we are all members of the same nation. Solely for political reasons are we careful to stress our identity as Palestinians. Since a separate State of Palestine would be an extra weapon in Arab hands to fight Zionism with. Yes, we do call for the creation of a Palestinian state for tactical reasons. Such a state would be a new means of continuing the battle against Zionism, and for Arab unity.”

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Palestina: all the power to the people !

31-03-2002 16:16

Palestina: all the power to the people !
fight the imperialism !

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Post-colonial Africa is a shambles

31-03-2002 16:03

A very interesting quote from a Nigerian

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How to close a military base with 4 people

31-03-2002 15:50

On Thursday morning, 4 activists shut the main gate to Northwood joint military forces hq

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news coverage of anti-war demo

31-03-2002 15:25


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How to Deal with the SWP

31-03-2002 14:55

As theyre conceited little snobs at heart, use it against them.

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don't miss-century of the self bbc 2 tonite 8.00

31-03-2002 14:52

fantastic series of how we are persuaded to literally buy into the consumer society, how governments manipulate public opinion , used the 60.s counter-culture to develop new capitalism, orchestrate coups and much more ...

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human right abuses/massive worker unrest in china

31-03-2002 14:44

see below

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Black pupils underperformance

31-03-2002 14:42

Ray Honeyford deplores the simplistic and naïve reasoning of some educational theorists

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Indymedia Italy doing th biz

31-03-2002 14:28

Has Indymedia UK closed for Easter ?
The front page has not been updated since 29 March ,
IMC Italy has an up to the minute account of what is going down in Palestine. The front page is full of links to various
relevant pages, most of them also have up top the minute info.

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Europe Rejects Brazilian Mahogany Imports

31-03-2002 14:18


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victory for local dioxin campain in Wales

31-03-2002 14:13


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31-03-2002 12:51

In HONG KONG thousand of children are to be deported to main land China from mid night.

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Is this the begining of the end for British monarchy?

31-03-2002 12:00

The British Empire, where the sun never sets and the blood never dries.

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are the bbc censoring alterantive views

31-03-2002 12:00

bbc's online 'talking point' facility, only offers one point of view.

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D.A.A.W.N March 30 Debrief

31-03-2002 10:55

If you go down to the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise!
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