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London Horse Show Protest Reveals Arms Trade Links

20-12-2009 22:32

Singing at station exit
Sunday 20 December 2009

Campaigners expose Clarion Events arms trade profiteers at international equestrian event in London

SIX members and supporters of London Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) greeted visitors to the International Horse Show at London's Olympia Exhibition Centre on Sunday as they exposed Clarion Events, co-organisers of the Horse Show, as the owners of eleven international "defence" and security exhibitions, including a major London arms fair, DSEi.

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fashwatch is back .. and better ;)

20-12-2009 20:40

some excellent news. fashwatch has returned and has done some good thinking, thinking a few more need to do. so we now have had AFA, elements of Antifa and activists like Durruti02 all arguing that Anti-fascism has failed. seriously people if we don't get stuck into the community we are beat

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Anticapitalist Revolutionary rock band Rage Against the Machine make Xmas No 1

20-12-2009 20:04

As the UK financial meltdown has deepened, yet another symptom of discontent has broken through into the mainstream. A grassroots Facebook campaign to get the revolutionary song "Killing in the Name Of" to the corporately-coveted Xmas No 1 spot has succeded.

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Coca Cola in India (by Latuff)

20-12-2009 19:48

Coca Cola in India
Led by the communities impacted by Coca-Cola in India, the International Campaign to Hold Coca-Cola Accountable works to apply pressure on the Coca-Cola company as well as the Indian government to meet the demands of the communities impacted by Coca-Cola's operations.


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A recognition for climate refugees?

20-12-2009 19:46

Scientists are convinced that we will have in the next 50 years between 50 and 250 million people will have to flee, as a result of climate change. Unfortunately these people have no status.

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Issue 704 - Not a Hopenhagen

20-12-2009 19:09

As World Leaders dither inside, SchNEWS looks to the thousands of dissenters outside the Copenhagen Climate Conference.... plus, the Camp for Climate Action activists target Canada for wanting to exploit the oil their climate koshing tar sands, as much of Iraqs's oil finally got auctioned off last week was was mission accomplished for the US?, a prominent member of the EDL is charged with soliciting murder and using threatening, abusive or insulting words, Israeli goverment irked as UK warrant for war crimes issued to foreign ministe, and more...

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The Case of Ray Gilbert

20-12-2009 19:07

Ray's case is alarming for many reasons, he has a group on Facebook and I do hope many people will ofer solidarity and support

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Hostage of the State

20-12-2009 19:02

Many activists know what its like to be fitted up. I certainly do and this is a story that will hopefully stir people to soldarity and support for Terry Allen who now has a group on Facebook

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West Yorkshire AR - End of Year Report 2009

20-12-2009 18:46

West Yorkshire AR - End of Year Report 2009

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Magical Abolitionism: Francione Admits Defeat and Irrelevance As He Degenerates

20-12-2009 18:45

“The World is Vegan If You Want It.” This the most delusional campaign in recent history; it is symptomatic of a vegan history which has, in fact, degenerated into a satire of itself and reinforces the worst stereotypes of vegans as elitist, privileged puppy-hugging whites indifferent to the nightmare of oppressed races and classes amidst the collapse of the industrial-capitalist world order. This last campaign shows, more clearly than ever, that Francione is throwing in the towel, admitting defeat, acknowledging his utter impotence and complete irrelevance in a time of planetary crisis. Nothing could be more disabling that this campaign at this time.

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The EDL, the BNP and Stoke by ‘Malatesta’

20-12-2009 10:47

The EDL, the BNP and the possible co-operation of local football firm ‘the Naughty Forty’ has serious public order implications at the January demonstration in Stoke.

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Noise Demo @ Bradford Uni Vivisection Labs - 9th Jan 2010

20-12-2009 04:37


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Chávez: Netherlands and U.S. Planning Military Aggression Against Venezuela from

20-12-2009 03:35

"Socialism, the other spectre Karl Marx spoke about, which walks here too, rather it is like a counter-spectre. Socialism, this is the direction, this is the path to save the planet, I don’t have the least doubt. Capitalism is the road to hell, to the destruction of the world. We say this from Venezuela, which because of socialism faces threats from the U.S. Empire.
From the countries that comprise ALBA, the Bolivarian Alliance, we call, and I want to, with respect, but from my soul, call in the name of many on this planet, we say to governments and peoples of the Earth, to paraphrase Simón Bolívar, the Liberator: If the destructive nature of capitalism opposes us, let’s fight against it and make it obey us, let’s not wait idly by for the death of humanity."

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Uncivilized - Paul Kingsnorth on Copenhagen & Decline

19-12-2009 22:42

We ARE climate change, says deep green author & broadcaster Paul Kingsnorth, in this Radio Ecoshock interview. Copenhagen never had a chance - because the comfortable millions using fossil fuels aren't ready to give it up - until forced by a crumbling climate and economy. Revisioning a civilization on the edge, through The Dark Mountain Project.

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ARM tampering, slaughterhouse trucks sabotaged

19-12-2009 22:24


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Save Titnore Woods!

19-12-2009 21:45

With the threat of development on Titnore Woods, one of the two remaining semi-ancient woodlands left on the West Sussex coastal plain fast approaching, now is the time to rise up and resist the destruction of our natural environment by corporate greed.

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Protest held at AHAVA, sellers of west bank settlement mud

19-12-2009 19:24

Around twenty people turned out on a very cold Saturday in Covent Garden, London, to protest against Israeli cosmetics company AHAVA and its use of an illegal west bank settlement to produce cosmetics. There were also some people there to demonstrate in favour of AHAVA and apparently against any criticism of Israel.

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Vetelca: The story of the first ever Bolivarian maquila factory

19-12-2009 18:44

* This report originally appears in issue #57 of Venezuelan anarchist newspaper El Libertario [website in Spanish, English & other languages]. It is a detailed examination of the events behind the mobile telephone manufacturer Vetelca, in which the notion of a socialist industrial production model in Venezuela is unmasked.

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The Anarchist School: Education For Equality

19-12-2009 18:23

Josefa Martín Luengo (1945-2009)
* The following text, published in # 57 of El Libertario, Venezuela, condenses the vision of the theme of the author, who died in the middle of 2009, who thanks to the work developed in her Free School Paideia, in Mérida, Spain, was a contemporary exponent recognized for the practice and the theory of libertarian education.
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